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Moktar the Uruk would shout!



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The new recently declared Targoth of Lurak, due to his tournament win, Jreg of clan Gorkil would ponder his new position. The she-rex he had suspicions of and outright distrusted had changed the grizzled veteran's mind. "Ubuntu..." Jreg would comment as he circled the war map. His new Krughai armor clattered with plate and rattled with chain with his movement. Eyeing the miniaturized flags about the table, Jreg would pick up a miniature that represented Lurak's forces. A red clay wolf. Extending his green digits he'd place it on the province that was adjacent to Ubuntu. A guttural murmur would croak from the uruk's throat, "Ubuntu will fall in time."  

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Ivan VIII tapped his finger against a map of Southern Aevos. "Who vy got?" he asked his Reinmaren brother. @Gandhi

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" Peep who'z back" said an Uruk who had just awoken from a long slumber

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"Nayture must be restored... elfzki ruinz tha' landscapez." a shrogo spoke whispered in the shadows of a dimly lit cave.

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"They embarrass themselves...how dare they claim the spirits displeasure, whilst the shamans there constantly pay tribute to the Jungles, and assure their growth."


Ember sighed

"All they do, is for their own selfish needs...."

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The quinquagenarian knight reclined on the familiar wheat field of his own land, shutting his eyes as the old feelings of war came flooding back to him.

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3 minutes ago, indiana105 said:

Ivan VIII tapped his finger against a map of Southern Aevos. "Who vy got?" he asked his Reinmaren brother. @Gandhi


"The Orcs." Alfred told Ivan. "Wipe."

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4 minutes ago, Wizry said:
  Reveal hidden contents




Nervous gulp


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The self-proclaimed goblin Premier of the province Vikela straights his ushanka as he takes a long drag on his cigarette. Saying to anyone who would listen "Dimitri thinks we must free the people of Vikela da, this war is a righteous one da."

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1 minute ago, TeawithFrisket said:

"They embarrass themselves...how dare they claim the spirits displeasure, whilst the shamans there constantly pay tribute to the Jungles, and assure their growth."


Ember sighed

"All they do, is for their own selfish needs...."




Rhak'Dom pensively stares across from the Ancient Temple at the monolithic fortress that now dwells on the edge of the great mass of water. He watched as they layered it in pollutants, the Orc looking on with disgust at the works of the Pinkies and the Twiggies. "Shamans could not possibly be behind this" he thought to himself, "What true Spiritualist would wreak such havoc on the environs? Accursed Demon Bal'ance was surely behind this."


He glowered and shouldered his spear and grunted. The Orc would return this forest to its natural state. The Colonists would be repelled at all costs.



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A red-headed 'aheral could be found sighing in her home, a hot cup of tea in hand after her unsuccessful venture that day. She already knew it was to happen, but she was tired nonetheless, and disappointed in the stupidity that happened to befall her twitching ears.
"I could have sworn they just converted to Canonism a month and a half ago. Have they already decided they choose to ne follow through on the path to GOD? Surely the church will have some thoughts on this," she mumbled to herself, raising the cup up to her lips with both hands, blowing on the liquid before bringing it to her mouth and sipping slowly. "I just hope they come to their senses. If the spirits were angry about anything, I'm sure my good friends would have already gone to Vikela about so."


In a small port town, hiding out in her empty, dusty, and unpaid home, Fable Sanguine Majin would raise a brow, her interest piqued by the claim she had managed to swipe off of a noticeboard. A loud cackle erupted from her, her hand resting on her chest as she attempts to calm herself down. She takes a few moments to do so, her breathing slowing and heart rate calming back down before she wipes a lone tear from her eye. "The uruk going to war over a couple of plants? Idiots. And Vikela... They better pray to whatever deities they believe in that something goes their way. Uruk can be bloodthirsty monsters," she spoke aloud to nobody in particular, mimicking the actions of her long disappeared father. "Either way, this will be a bloodbath. I wonder if I can get away with joining in on some bands going on their killing routes."

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4 minutes ago, parasolsys said:

A red-headed 'aheral could be found sighing in her home, a hot cup of tea in hand after her unsuccessful venture that day. She already knew it was to happen, but she was tired nonetheless, and disappointed in the stupidity that happened to befall her twitching ears.
"I could have sworn they just converted to Canonism a month and a half ago. Have they already decided they choose to ne follow through on the path to GOD? Surely the church will have some thoughts on this," she mumbled to herself, raising the cup up to her lips with both hands, blowing on the liquid before bringing it to her mouth and sipping slowly. "I just hope they come to their senses. If the spirits were angry about anything, I'm sure my good friends would have already gone to Vikela about so."


In a small port town, hiding out in her empty, dusty, and unpaid home, Fable Sanguine Majin would raise a brow, her interest piqued by the claim she had managed to swipe off of a noticeboard. A loud cackle erupted from her, her hand resting on her chest as she attempts to calm herself down. She takes a few moments to do so, her breathing slowing and heart rate calming back down before she wipes a lone tear from her eye. "The uruk going to war over a couple of plants? Idiots. And Vikela... They better pray to whatever deities they believe in that something goes their way. Uruk can be bloodthirsty monsters," she spoke aloud to nobody in particular, mimicking the actions of her long disappeared father. "Either way, this will be a bloodbath. I wonder if I can get away with joining in on some bands going on their killing routes."


King Sugarfoot III sauntered across the realms, and in his tidings, came across the home of the red-headed 'aheral. As a bandit, and a burglar, he peaked his head through the window, and listened intently to the words of the elf. Instantly, the halfling sugarfoot began to nerd_emoji, raising a pair of spectacles. "Erhm, first and foremost, miss, they are not canonist! Second of all, your house stinks! Haha! The spirits are not angry about this! I would know, I just spoke to Billy Bob, he seemed joyous. Tater stocks are up, and your stocks, are down!"

The halfling walked away in style, after invading the privacy of the woman. 

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23 minutes ago, TeawithFrisket said:

"They embarrass themselves...how dare they claim the spirits displeasure, whilst the shamans there constantly pay tribute to the Jungles, and assure their growth."


Ember sighed

"All they do, is for their own selfish needs...."

"Ye upset Yemekar's balance." Muramir Doomforged said outloud into the marred jungles.

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