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Mahou Jojo sits and eats his Grub-Buket 3pc with BBQ sauce as he reads the declaration.


”Total Wagh…” he says with a mouthful.

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Isana au Isard shakes his head upon reading the missive. “Crav’n raties, ta lot o’ ‘em. Imagine get’n mad like tree huggers.”

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Out in the middle of the Southern Jungles of Aevos, the Nightshade Druid caught word of the upcoming conflict upon the wind in their scouring of the decimated forests. Birds were seen fleeing into the sky after a moment at some sort of disturbance, as Nature's song exploded forth with true sadistic glee.


What a wonderful day it was.

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The Musin Bard, known as Bell of Babblebrook, rolls his eyes when he hears the news from some elven passersby.

"Orcs declaring war on Vikela again? Is it that time of the month already?"
He snickers to himself in his usual highly pitched and jovial manner.


"And over trees, no less! I hadn’t realized they were such conservationists! That must be why their lands are so green…"
He says this last sentence with a snide sarcasm as he idly tunes his late father’s key-tar with his bardic magic.

"They’re better off just accusing them of racism or genocide again, or of being followers of Iblees, or some such. Weave a better excuse than that! At least some justification for their ceaseless warmongering. Old Mouse alive…"
And after that, he shakes his head and brushes the thought from his mind. The coming conflict would not affect him ultimately, so there was no reason to dwell further on such negativity. Not when there was work to be done for the coming Sweetberry Festival. He slings his trusty instrument over his shoulder and begins the long journey home with a whistle on his lips.

 -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=-   -=+=- 

Elsewhere in Aevos, a stoic and stern-faced warrior Kha scaled the loose stone steps of an ancient towering structure, unrelenting in his determination. It was like a mountain that touched the clouds but was obviously no such natural thing. It was constructed perhaps centuries ago in a traditionally Kharajyr fashion and Cotonqui needed to know if there was anything his ancestors had left behind for him to discover. Furthermore, war was coming this way. If this ruin did hold any significance to his culture, then there existed the possibility that it needed to be defended from Orcish or Vikelan marauders. Even at the cost of his life…

Edited by KeiLynx
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