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Mika Anarion stands ready, preparing the logistical front to ensure every able bodied man or woman has a weapon to use against the invaders of the CCC

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Cerrick of Khamees prepares the banners!

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Narithen Uialben grumbles to himself as he goes about gathering his armour.

"Guess it's time to be paying that desert a visit or ten."

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2 minutes ago, mika1278 said:

Mika Anarion stands ready, preparing the logistical front to ensure every able bodied man or woman has a weapon to use against the invaders of the CCC


King Sugarfoot III notices someone that looks like Mika Anarion in the distance, and raises his shortsword. "Fight me!" He screamed, charging his blade into the stomach of the man, as he bleeds to his death. Soon enough, the halfling-king realizes it was not Mika Anarion. "Oops," 



Hey dude.


I'm going to be taking this OOCLY, as I'm not one for roleplay.


You have fallen off.




I am coming for you. 


I remember what you said to me years ago, Mika1278. 


Just give up if you don't want the smoke.


[Victim Intimidation].



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Ida Nightingale waved the missive in the dim interior of her workshop, inhaled the fresh ink, and began to prepare medical salves and ointments for- what was it all for, again?

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The elder Uruk begins to emerge from the orcish Guzzoline pits to prepare his fellow battlebrothers. The gobbos will be spared their beatings until the forest is seized.

Edited by RLNGO
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"Spirits be with them...may Enrohk bless them and that the jungles may not be burned....."


Ember prayed infront of a shrine



Shouts echoed all over belrose tower, seems Vivien is pumped up


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Jreg'Gorkil, Targoth of Lurak, would nod to the missive brought to him. Looking back to the war table, he'd mark the territories of Lurin, Vortice, and Dunwen with their respective miniature banners. The war expanded. 

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Bald-Wyn the Sutican awakens from his sleep as he picks up his sword to defend Sutica.







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Gazhnahk'Akaal tried to read who the Head of Foreign and Internal Affairs to the Unified Domain of Vortice was but couldn't understand their handwriting, "Agh people blah orkz kant write, whub dah zkah"

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A shut-in alchemist glances out from the confines of his lab, missive in hand. 
"May the stars guide us toward victory.."  

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Lenora was busy documenting and organizing materials and weaponry. What they might have been lacking, she looked into vendors for them. She filed all her paper work away within her office and locked up the cabinets "In all my years, I've not once killed a fellow descendant.. That ends soon" she spoke to the walls around her. A bittersweet taste on her tongue. How old was she now..? 256?

She eventually made her way from the city hall into the heart of the Vortician Karsts, fixing her shirt sleeves from her captain coat ones so the sleeve would puff out. The clothing fluttered behind her "We stand United as one" she spoke aloud to anyone that might here

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A vagabond rears his head, raising it from the pages that he did read, before laying out a singular utterance.


"An alliance of four nations .. no .. four people .."


He called out to his fiancé.


".. Have you heard of anyone living in any of these lands?"


She shook her head.


".. Neither have I. Strange."

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