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3 Year AMA

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as of today, it's been three full years since I joined Lotc! 
with that im popping out an AMA cause ive never done one and it feels like a valid time

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If you had to pick a character to re-do the story of, who would it be and why

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Do you have a song that brings you back to the start of your LoTC journey?

Share one of your favorite rp moments with us? I love hearing other people's stories

Out of the characters you have had. What are their favorite colors?

Who is your favorite Staff member?

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what has been your favorite rp experience

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Why don’t you play your imp more?

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[generic AMA question]

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Who is/was your favorite child character to play?

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21 hours ago, DizzyGrey said:

If you had to pick a character to re-do the story of, who would it be and why

If i had to pick any of the ones i have, I think i'd choose Kabuki. I love him dearly, however hes been a character very overshadowed by my work with the Kharajyr. I've played him for a very long time and yet he's never really gotten to become his own character, he's more of a force i use to drive action in the community itself. If i had my own way, I think i'd have liked him to have gotten to have more friends in his youth that may have helped me decide some set character traits for him 

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21 hours ago, Bethinwonderland said:

Do you have a song that brings you back to the start of your LoTC journey?

Share one of your favorite rp moments with us? I love hearing other people's stories

Out of the characters you have had. What are their favorite colors?

Who is your favorite Staff member?

1. I do! this song i associated heavily with my first persona when i'd made him and listening to it still makes me feel like im a noob learning the ropes alongside him 

2. I think, off the top of my head, my favourite moment is the time when my druid persona got in a huge battle among friends because he was STINKY and refusing to bathe. I rolled really high to dodge soap balls thrown at him and tackles into the water, only to get waterboarded by a rather large hou zi, whom he now fears. it was really silly.
Beyond that, but tied to it, my favourite moments have all been the ones where i feel apart of a community through my character. when its around friends they have, theres this coziness it get from those moments i love deeply
3. OKAY, thats a long list but here we go
Fal'leon: Ultramarine
Yhl'Kabuki: Bright red
Ketuki: Crimson
Vrim: Black
Kap'Uchan: Violet
Anastatsya: Cactus green
Elaranael: Teal
Ayal: None, maybe green if they HAD to pick
Percivale: Viridian
Xruul: White
Luara: Vermillion

4. As of right now, I think @Tigergiriis my fav! we've been friends for almost as long as i've been on the server and she's been so kind to me since we met, i enjoy our vcs and silly memes v v much. Sorry to my other staff friends i love you all so much too we just dont talk as oftenDSFSGFSH i have a lot of buddies in staff


21 hours ago, Pancho said:

what has been your favorite rp experience

mannnn hard question. It's less a single experience but more a few collective, i mentioned in another reply, but the times ive felt really apart of a community. I love the coziness, the rp scenes where my characters are surrounded by friends and goofing off

21 hours ago, Turbo_Dog said:

Why don’t you play your imp more?

honestly, its only because the naz hes under doesnt play that naz very often. i dont have a lot of ideas for Vrim on his own and mostly just enjoy being a little spook goon while given direction
planning and scheming hurts my brain
but! if pallo dms saying its imp time i 100% will be there for imping

19 hours ago, Wyrvun said:

[generic AMA question]

no  i will not marry you

10 hours ago, KeiLynx said:

Who is/was your favorite child character to play?

my favourite character to play is and probs always will be Fal'leon. Hes a self insert for one so hes fun on that front, but i also just love playing him since i have for so long. i go through dips in activity on him when things get slow BUT the most fun i have is on that feller, hes silly and his friends are silly, 10/10 gooby guy

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1 hour ago, Periphonics said:

1. I do! this song i associated heavily with my first persona when i'd made him and listening to it still makes me feel like im a noob learning the ropes alongside him 

2. I think, off the top of my head, my favourite moment is the time when my druid persona got in a huge battle among friends because he was STINKY and refusing to bathe. I rolled really high to dodge soap balls thrown at him and tackles into the water, only to get waterboarded by a rather large hou zi, whom he now fears. it was really silly.
Beyond that, but tied to it, my favourite moments have all been the ones where i feel apart of a community through my character. when its around friends they have, theres this coziness it get from those moments i love deeply
3. OKAY, thats a long list but here we go
Fal'leon: Ultramarine
Yhl'Kabuki: Bright red
Ketuki: Crimson
Vrim: Black
Kap'Uchan: Violet
Anastatsya: Cactus green
Elaranael: Teal
Ayal: None, maybe green if they HAD to pick
Percivale: Viridian
Xruul: White
Luara: Vermillion

4. As of right now, I think @Tigergiriis my fav! we've been friends for almost as long as i've been on the server and she's been so kind to me since we met, i enjoy our vcs and silly memes v v much. Sorry to my other staff friends i love you all so much too we just dont talk as oftenDSFSGFSH i have a lot of buddies in staff


mannnn hard question. It's less a single experience but more a few collective, i mentioned in another reply, but the times ive felt really apart of a community. I love the coziness, the rp scenes where my characters are surrounded by friends and goofing off

honestly, its only because the naz hes under doesnt play that naz very often. i dont have a lot of ideas for Vrim on his own and mostly just enjoy being a little spook goon while given direction
planning and scheming hurts my brain
but! if pallo dms saying its imp time i 100% will be there for imping

no  i will not marry you

my favourite character to play is and probs always will be Fal'leon. Hes a self insert for one so hes fun on that front, but i also just love playing him since i have for so long. i go through dips in activity on him when things get slow BUT the most fun i have is on that feller, hes silly and his friends are silly, 10/10 gooby guy



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19 hours ago, Tigergiri said:



GUH THATS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!! honestly i dont think i could choose? theyre both good for very diff reasons
with dnd you have a LOT more freedom and opportunity to feel like a main character, as well as just do cool shit so long as your dm is cool enough, the possibilities are next to endless. that being said, i find lotc offers a lot more for character progression, even just things like scarring! the downside being its very limiting in what u can do since its gotta be fair for everyone (laaame)

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