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[✓] [Creatures Lore] Air Fatha - More Fae Beasts

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Magnific Chaos Personal Use Regular




Air Fatha translates to "On Beasts". It's my intention to write five separate volumes that will simply add onto the various things you might find in the Fae to provide more robust opportunities for those who enter the Fae, and for those who want to interact with the things that come out of the Fae.


I'm broadly categorizing the types of things in each book based on some characteristics of them. On Beasts is supposed to represent creatures that are less abstract; their characteristics are grounded in the characteristics of other creatures you might find in the mortal realm. To that end, Air Fatha somewhat represents the least fantastical of creatures I intend to write, that could be find coming to or fro in the Fae. It's not my intention for any of these to be PC characters or CAs; these are creatures for players to use in their events and story lines. The Fae is a wonderful and mystic place I consider underused in the day-to-day so I hope some people might interact with it more and have more creatures to tell stories with.


If this is hopefully well recieved (happy to take feedback as well) my intention is to continue onto the next section to introduce, and so on so forth.










Biting lanterns can often be found within the Fae Realms, and occasionally, in the night sky. Star watchers and those with spy glasses may be able to discern a biting lantern from the night sky, and use this to warn of a mushroom circle’s appearance.

Biting lanterns emit a soft ‘hum’ and are different from ‘will-o-wisps’ in their level of definition. 


A biting lantern, unlike a will-o-wisp, keenly resembles jellyfish often found in the oceans and shores across Aevos. They have tentacles that span from a few inches, to several feet depending on age, with a bulbous, mushroomy knob of a head it leads with. Unlike (most) jellyfish, all biting lanterns have a photo fluorescent quality and drift along the air as naturally as if they were in the water. Their colorations do vary to the colors of the rainbow, and their coloration is often indicative of their mood and temperament. There hasn’t been an observed limitation on the size of a biting lantern, making them hypothetically gargantuan with age and time, presumably affecting their hive capacity as well.



Biting lanterns are very simple creatures. On their own, they are often at the mercy of the wind, and drift with the breeze absently; in the Fae Realm, they can be found anywhere in the realm due to this. In larger numbers, the biting lanterns hum with some variation, seemingly communicating in a very simple, localized gestalt consciousness. Their colors will synchronize, and they will put in some little effort to protect one another, floating in a cloud around their aggressor (or prey) and attempting to surround and entrap their foe.

Otherwise, biting lanterns are typically harmless. They do not actively seek to hunt or harm, and rely on smaller, curious prey to fall into their tendrils, and slowly be brought into their mass for digestion. They will only chase a threat until it’s sufficiently fled.



Biting lanterns cannot be tamed, but they can be trapped. A biting lantern that has been placed into a glass sheath, or hood, is called a ‘singing lantern’, for the sound their hum makes when placed in such an environment. With more lanterns, the song is both more varied; having a greater range of hums and luls, but also, more variation; discordant and ordered at once. Biting lanterns typically are indifferent to becoming singing lanterns, as long as they have a friend.



Venomous Stinger: Much like jellyfish, the biting jelly has long tentacles that are covered in sharp, venomous barbs. The venom’s potency varies with the size of the jellyfish; your common biting lantern is going to inflict a sharp, stinging barb that may caused localized numbing. Smaller biting jellys, the size of your fist, may just feel like a pinch. Hypothetically, the absolute largest biting jellys could incapacitate you or even kill you if caught in their several feet long forest of tendrils.


Effortless Airswim: Biting jellies are capable of navigating through the air with no effort, and no problem. Typically, they will simply go with the flow and follow the wind, but, through supernatural means, a jelly will work against even tempestuous winds to stay with its hive, or pursue foes. They cannot fly in reverse however, hence why they are able to be placed into jars, head first, and become stuck.


Gestalt Consciousness: Biting jellies that are nearby cluster together, and synaptically share thoughts and feelings. These are very basic thoughts and feelings, such as ‘go’, or ‘protect’, or ‘leave’, but they can communicate these thoughts through barriers.




Biting lanterns may be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events.

Their material components are relative to their mundane counterparts. All components are otherwise aesthetic, and player-signed.

Biting lanterns can only appear in a region that has an active mushroom circle, often, when one is opened.

Singing lanterns have no mechanical function outside of flavor, and may be represented via lanterns (typically soul lanterns).

Gargantuan biting jellies and hosts can only be used by STs; that is to say, Biting Jelly clouds that will be more than just a nuisance, and could pose a threat.











Your standard bucking toad is going to be a creature resembling a classic toad: warty, and knobbish skin, with the occasional rough sprout and growth across its body that may resemble branches. Sturdy and wide limbs bend and snap, allowing it an impressive ability to leap and bound. It has dark, orangey-brown eyes with wide pupils that give it an acute sense of sight. Additionally, nostrils along the top of its face allow it to submerge itself in muck or water. The creature has a long, prehensile tongue that is particularly sticky. The top of its head has elk-like antlers with deadly points, allowing it to gore foes that approach it too quickly. Its body, while leathery, is not particularly hard; it is vulnerable to slashes.



The bucking toad is an omnivorous, and opportunistic creature. It will typically take the path of least resistance, though it is stubborn to a fault, and guards its particular resting spot heartily. It would eye travelers cautiously, and while adventurers may get close if they seem slow, and unaggressive, the toad will bound into action, fleeing from a group of foes, or attacking smaller and more isolated intruders. Observations of a bucking toad have shown it is amphibious (obviously) but prefers dirty, mucky, muddy water to clear, crystalline pools, so they are often seen dwelling in swamps. Their sticky tongue is used to grasp at larger bugs, and the unfortunate fairy or pixie that might be lost near their dwellings.



A bucking toad cannot be tamed, both due to its isolationist attitude and a lack of ability to tempt the beast given its stubborn disposition.



Long-breath: As per most amphibians, the creature can exist on land largely fine, as long as it hasn’t been left out to dry for too long. Additionally, the toad can stay submerged for long durations: their antlers resemble wicked branches, the toad is functionally invisible to unaware adventurers with its camouflage. Occasional bubbles from the muck or water may betray the beast.


Prehensile Tongue: The toad has a long (roughly 30ft, coiled) sticky tongue. The toad itself may attempt to grab shiny items with the tongue and swallow them whole; but it primarily uses this tongue to ensnare and drag prey away quickly from groups, or the air. If grabbed, the toad will attempt to crunch on its prey, or swallow it whole, size permitting. The tongue is particularly sticky to metal as mentioned, so while an armored person could be ensnared, the lack of hard crushing teeth and bones makes this situation more of an obnoxious nuisance than a true threat– at least unless the toad attempts to dive, and drown its prey.


Exceptional Leap: The toad has strong leg muscles, cocked and ready to send it flying with great leaps and bounds. Where it lands, the toad would bring down its fleshy, soft mass.



The bucking toad can largely be approached slowly, and an engagement avoided, as long as patience and careful measure is taken to pass it one by one, or, at most, in pairs. If smaller, and alone, it is advised you give a great measure of space to the toad, less it considers you small enough to devour whole. Meanwhile, if alone and larger, you may be able to scare the toad away via loud noises, and tall stature, if you cannot pass it simply enough. Additionally, the toad has an aversion to fire and will attempt to submerge itself at risk of drying out.




Bucking toads may be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events.

Their material components are relative to their mundane counterparts, if much more water-resistant. All components are otherwise aesthetic, and player-signed.

The creature’s tongue will dry-out, and wither, if harvested, functioning as a standard-rope of its own length.

Bucking Toads can only appear in a region that has an active mushroom circle.










The Crocoboar is a formidable hybrid creature with the body of a boar and the armored scales of a crocodile. It has a muscular build covered in tough, overlapping scales that shimmer with a greenish hue. Its head is a blend of boar and crocodile features, with a snout and tusks like a boar, but with the powerful jaws and sharp teeth of a crocodile. Its legs are strong and sturdy, ending in clawed feet that can dig through earth and marsh with ease. The Crocoboar's tail is long and thick, similar to a crocodile's, providing balance and a powerful weapon. Despite its formidable appearance, its underbelly remains a vulnerable spot, less armored than the rest of its body.



Crocoboars are highly territorial and aggressive. In the Fae Realm, they typically will lurk in the Twilight Bound, where they can meander without much worry in the ‘transitioning lands’. When they cross over into the mortal realm, they are often found in swamps and dense forests where they can make use of both land and water. They are omnivorous, feeding on plants, smaller animals, and even magical flora. Known for their unpredictable temper, they will fiercely defend their territory from any intruders. Their primary communication is through deep grunts and growls, which can be heard echoing through their habitat. While they generally prefer to avoid large groups, they will attack if provoked or if they feel their territory is threatened.



A Crocoboar cannot be tamed due to its aggressive nature and territorial instincts. Attempts to domesticate or train these creatures have been met with violent resistance, making them unsuitable for companionship or use as beasts of burden.



Armored Hide: The Crocoboar's tough scales provide excellent protection against physical attacks, making it difficult to injure with conventional weapons.


Burrowing Charge: It can burrow quickly through soft ground, surprising prey or attackers with a sudden charge from below. This ability makes it a formidable ambush predator.


Swamp Camouflage: Its greenish scales allow it to blend seamlessly with swampy environments, making it nearly invisible when still. This natural camouflage helps it evade larger predators and ambush unsuspecting prey.


Savage Bite: The Crocoboar's powerful jaws can crush bones, and its bite is often fatal. It also has the ability to regrow lost teeth, ensuring it remains a constant threat.



To confront a Crocoboar, it is recommended to use ranged weapons and aim for its less protected areas, such as the eyes and underbelly. Setting traps with silver spikes or using fire-based attacks can be effective. Engaging a Crocoboar in close combat is extremely dangerous due to its strength and ferocity, so maintaining distance is crucial. Loud noises and bright lights can sometimes startle it, providing an opportunity to escape or reposition.


Typically, if able to be mounted, a soft point lies in the back of their head, near the base of their neck, behind their eyes.




Their material components are relative to their mundane counterparts, with enhanced durability due to their magical nature. All components are otherwise aesthetic and player-signed.

The creature's scales will lose their protective properties if harvested, functioning as standard leather of their own size.

Crocoboars can only be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events, or in specific narrative contexts, not for casual roleplay or combat.

Crocoboars an only appear in a region that has an active mushroom circle.



Magnific Chaos Personal Use Regular








The Glimmerwing is a creature with vibrant, shimmering butterfly wings that display an array of iridescent colors. Its body is covered in fine, delicate scales that can change color to blend with its surroundings, similar to a chameleon. The Glimmerwing has beady black eyes that are expressive and alert, and a long, coiled tail that aids in balance and agility. Its wings, though delicate in appearance, are strong enough to allow for swift and agile flight. The creature's small claws are sharp enough to grasp onto surfaces and defend itself if necessary.



Glimmerwing are playful and curious by nature, often seen flitting about in the Dayward Lands and Twilight Domains. They are highly intelligent and possess a mischievous streak, enjoying tricks and games with other Fae creatures and unsuspecting travelers. Glimmerwing are solitary but will gather in small groups during festive occasions or to share information. They communicate with each other through a series of melodic chirps and whistles, and with other creatures through empathic projections of emotions.

Glimmerwing are omnivorous, feeding on nectar, fruits, small insects, and occasionally, magical flora. They are particularly drawn to areas rich in magical energy, which they absorb and store within their bodies.



Taming a Glimmerwing is a challenging endeavor due to their independent and mischievous nature. However, they can form bonds with individuals who show them respect and provide offerings of sweet fruits or magical trinkets. Once a bond is formed, a Glimmerwing can become a loyal and entertaining companion, using its abilities to assist and amuse its friend.



Color Change: The Glimmerwing can change the color of its scales to blend with its surroundings, making it nearly invisible when still. This ability provides excellent camouflage and protection from predators.


Empathic Projection: Glimmerwing can project their emotions onto nearby creatures, creating feelings of joy, calm, or confusion. This ability can be used to soothe potential threats or play pranks.


Magical Dust: The creature's wings produce a fine, sparkling dust that has mild magical properties. This dust can induce light, temporary effects such as drowsiness, mild hallucinations, or a sense of euphoria.


Agile Flight: Despite their small size, Glimmerwing are capable of swift and agile flight, able to dart and weave through the air with ease. Their flight patterns are often mesmerizing, adding to their enchanting presence.



To approach a Glimmerwing, one should move slowly and offer sweet fruits or shiny trinkets to gain its interest. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises, as these can startle the creature and cause it to flee. If threatened, a Glimmerwing will use its color change to blend with its surroundings or its magical dust to create a distraction and escape. It lacks the means to pose a serious threat.




All components of a Glimmerwing are player-signed, wholly aesthetic, and non-harmful. Their magical dust’s magic will fade with their passing. They will not provide or leave extra dust if they survive a situation.

A tamed faerie-dragon is purely for flavor. It would not use its magical dust at-will or for anyone, and is mechanically harmless.

Glimmerwing can only be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events, or in specific narrative contexts, not for casual roleplay or combat.

Glimmerwing an only appear in a region that has an active mushroom circle.










The Gerbie is a handsome creature that stands about 2 feet tall and weighs around 20 pounds. It has the body of a small, upright lizard with the soft, warty skin and features of a mouse. Its large, expressive eyes radiate an air of goodwill, and its appearance is generally considered adorable and disarming. The Gerbie's skin is covered in a combination of fine scales and soft, fur-like patches, with occasional sprout-like growths resembling tiny branches or leaves. Its limbs are sturdy and end in small, dexterous claws that allow it to manipulate objects and navigate its environment with ease.



Gerbies are devoted to fostering harmony and friendship among all creatures. They are highly empathetic and abhor violence. These fey creatures are known for their playful and sociable nature, enjoying gatherings, celebrations, and the company of others. They make strangely intelligent efforts to push parties into peaceful resolutions and bonds of camaraderie, such as seeking berries to deliver and occasionally bringing shiny stones to offer as peace tokens between groups.

Gerbies tend to build their homes in the Lands of Seasonal Shift. Much like prairie dogs, they build settlements consisting of hollowed out mushrooms, or simple dirt mounds. Solitary Gerbies are also known to wander in a large area around their dwellings, typically, unbothered by even greater Fae and beasts. Gerbies make a jabbering sound, and often will jabber at creatures under their influence; while this is unintelligible, those under its aura of friendship may try to talk back with the Gerbie.



While Gerbies cannot be tamed in the traditional sense due to their independent nature and strong sense of duty, they are quick friends, and happy to accompany any well-to-do creature, at least briefly. They are not fighters, and will leave if a struggle were to break out that they could not try to bring resolution to, but at least temporarily they will act as a friendly pet.



Charming: Gerbies are handsome, sweet little creatures. They are surprisingly intelligent, and while they cannot understand a descendant’s language, they are seemingly able to read body language, pick up on tone, and recognize faces, particularly memorably good or bad ones. These all combined, make gerbies particularly charming friends!


Aura of Friendship: Whether this is a magical ability, or the product of an evolutionary adaptation (such as pheromones) is speculated. That said, creatures in the presence of a Gerbie feel more relaxed and calmer, and may even experience a simple or light form of ecstasy, opening up about their emotions more, and being more communicative and honest.



Gerbies are trusting, implicitly. They also are harmless. The entirety of their being relies on their ability to influence others to keep itself safe; as well as it's cuteness and diminutive size to avoid being eaten. If a person truly chooses to kill a gerbie, no strategy is necessary; it will likely die from a swift kick. But you would be a true monster for doing so.




All components of a Gerbie are player-signed, wholly aesthetic, and non-harmful. You sick monster.

Any gifts from a Gerbie are mundane, simple, player-signed items. Unless done by an ST, anything a Gerbie gives will be some form of food, or nigh-worthless (but pretty) token.

Gerbies can only be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events.

Gerbies prefer to stay in the Fae realms, but, if they cross into our realm, they are natural travelers and will stray from their mushroom circle.









The Hidebehind is a dark-skinned, simian brute with thick, black fur and a predatory look in its beady eyes. Standing at about 6 feet tall and weighing around 250 pounds, with females slightly larger than males, these creatures are built for stealth and speed. They possess long arms ending in sweeping curved claws, perfect for grasping and slashing. Hidebehinds have razor-sharp mandibles instead of a lower jaw, making them unable to speak but perfectly adapted for their carnivorous diet. Their powerful limbs and agile movements enable them to ambush prey with terrifying efficiency.



Hidebehinds are solitary creatures, fiercely territorial outside of their annual mating season. They live in lairs adorned with small, often valueless trinkets collected from their victims. These lairs are typically well-hidden within dense forests, making it challenging for anyone to locate or approach them unnoticed. Hidebehinds are known for their practice of ambushing prey from behind trees or bushes, using their incredible speed to strike swiftly and retreat before being seen.

Despite their inability to speak, hidebehinds understand languages, indicating a high level of intelligence. Their attacks are not only driven by hunger but also seem to be aimed at causing maximum disruption and terror. Villages near old-growth forests are particularly vulnerable to Hidebehind attacks, with solitary merchants and traveling farmers often targeted, leading to severe economic disruptions.

In the Nightfall domain, where the Hidebehinds lurk, they will often play dead or ill to lure Zhuanth into their dens, where they will attempt to kill and consume the smaller of the spiders.



Hidebehinds cannot be tamed due to their hyper-territorial nature and insatiable hunger. Their solitary lifestyle and aggressive behavior towards any intruders, including their own kind, make any attempts at domestication impossible.



Stealth Ambush: Hidebehinds are unbelievably fast and can blend seamlessly into their forest surroundings. They strike from behind trees or bushes, making them nearly impossible to detect until it’s too late.


Sightless Step: Hidebehinds got their name because they hide behind everything. Hidebehinds can appear in nearby places that aren’t being actively observed. That said, it cannot simply appear behind the living; it can only step into the shadows or cover of an object. They cannot do this often, choosing to do so at the most dramatic, or tactically sound moment.


Razor Mandibles: Their mouths, equipped with razor-sharp mandibles, allow them to inflict grievous wounds on their prey, ensuring quick and lethal attacks.



To avoid a hidebehind, travelers should move in groups and stay vigilant, especially in areas near dense forests. Avoid traveling alone, as solitary targets are more likely to be attacked. Using loud noises or fire can sometimes deter a hidebehind, though this is not guaranteed. If a hidebehind is encountered, it is best to retreat quickly and avoid confrontation. When facing a Hidebehind, overlapping fields of vision and multiple persons can be used to corner a Hidebehind, and ideally, lay it to rest. Additionally, well-placed traps may immobilize the Hidebehind long enough to deal a fatal blow; as far as observations go, they cannot shadow walk if paralyzed, or trapped.




All components of a Hidebehind are player-signed, wholly aesthetic, and non-harmful. 

Hidebehinds can only be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events, or in specific narrative contexts, not for casual roleplay or combat.

Hidebehinds can only appear in a region that has an active mushroom circle.









The Nightmare Howler is a terrifying amalgamation of a wolf, a serpent, and a bat. It has the muscular, lupine body and powerful legs of a wolf, covered in coarse, midnight-black fur that seems to absorb light. Its elongated, serpentine neck and tail are covered in dark, scaly armor, providing both flexibility and protection. The creature's head is a nightmarish fusion of wolf and serpent, with sharp, predatory eyes that glow a menacing red and a maw filled with both lupine fangs and venomous serpent teeth.

The Nightmare Howler's wings are leathery and bat-like, allowing it to glide silently through the night. Its claws are long and hooked, perfect for grasping and tearing flesh. The creature’s ears are large and pointed, giving it exceptional hearing, while its forked tongue flickers in and out, tasting the air for the scent of prey.



Nightmare Howlers are cruel and predatory, exclusively residing in the Nightfall Domain, where they hunt under the cover of darkness. They are solitary hunters, driven by an insatiable hunger and a sadistic desire to torment their prey. These creatures are highly intelligent and cunning, using their serpentine agility and wolf-like strength to outmaneuver and overpower their victims.

They prefer to inhabit dark, twisted forests and shadowy glades within the Fae, where they can blend into the shadows and launch surprise attacks. Nightmare Howlers are known to toy with their prey, using their eerie howls to instill fear and confusion before striking. They are territorial and will fiercely defend their hunting grounds from intruders, including other Nightmare Howlers.



Taming a Nightmare Howler is virtually impossible due to its vicious nature and inherent cruelty. These creatures do not form bonds with others and see any attempts at domestication as a challenge to their dominance, responding with aggression.



Eerie Howl: The Nightmare Howler’s howl can instill terror and disorientation in any creature that hears it; the spineless would freeze, the brave may flee, and those actively casting may be disoriented from their incantations and focus.


Venomous Bite: Its bite delivers a potent venom that has a gradual onset. Immediately, a hot, viscous flowing would be felt coursing towards the victim’s chest over a few moments. After onset, the victim would experience anxiety, shortness of breath, paranoia, and panic attacks. Smaller victims may even experience hallucinations. A general anti-venom/antitoxin will reduce/end symptoms. shortly after introduction.


Shadow Glide: Using its bat-like wings, the Nightmare Howler can glide short distances, often from rocks or small hills into back-lines to pick its prey from a group.


Serpentine Agility: The creature’s flexible, serpentine neck and tail allow it to strike from unexpected angles to protect itself or wriggle past shields and wrap around its prey, constricting and crushing them.



To survive an encounter with a Nightmare Howler, one should avoid traveling alone and stay in well-lit areas. Carrying anti-venom and magical wards can provide some protection against its venomous bite and eerie howls. If faced with a Nightmare Howler, use bright light or fire to ward it off, as these creatures are sensitive to sudden illumination and will retreat from it. Past that, surrounding the creature works best. In a one-on-one, you are surely lost, but with numbers, you may be able to distract and flank the creature enough to put enough wounds on it, and finish it.





All components of a Nightmare Howler are player-signed, wholly aesthetic, and function similar to their mundane counterparts.

Nightmare Howlers can only be roleplayed during DIY, player-hosted events, or in specific narrative contexts, not for casual roleplay or combat.

Nightmare Howlers can only appear in a region that has an active mushroom circle.









Unicorns are majestic, horse-like creatures known for their otherworldly beauty and grace. They stand about 5 feet tall at the shoulder and are approximately 8 feet long, weighing around 1,200 pounds. Their coats are a brilliant, shimmering white that seems to glow with an inner light, symbolizing purity and virtue. The most distinctive feature of a unicorn is its spiraled horn, which extends gracefully from its forehead. Common folk often believe a unicorn’s horn is good luck to have, hold, or even touch. This horn is not only a physical weapon but also a focus for the unicorn's magical abilities. Their eyes are large, expressive, and often a deep blue or violet, reflecting their intelligence and wisdom. Unicorns possess a powerful yet elegant build, with strong, muscular legs that allow them to move swiftly and effortlessly through their forest homes.



Unicorns are the vigilant protectors of their forest realms, embodying the essence of nobility and purity. Oftentimes, they graze and protect their own plots in the Dayward Lands, though they become fiercely protective of the glades near their mushroom circles, should they cross realms. They are fiercely intelligent and maintain a stoic demeanor, preferring solitude or the company of those who share their values. Unicorns are known to shun most creatures, making exceptions only for good-aligned fey, virtuous humanoid women, and the native animals of the woodlands. They are reclusive and rarely seen, emerging only when their territory is threatened or to aid those in dire need.

Unicorns are monogamous, forming lifelong bonds with their mates and raising their young in secluded glades or dells. These sanctuaries are hidden deep within vast forests, often spanning dozens to hundreds of square miles. They allow good and neutral beings to traverse their territory peacefully but are quick to expel or eliminate those who bring harm to the environment or its inhabitants. Unicorns are known to adopt young women of exceptional purity as surrogates, offering protection and companionship, and allowing them to ride on their backs. This bond, based on mutual respect and virtue, typically dissolves amicably if the woman finds another commitment, such as a partner or child, thus giving rise to the myth that unicorns only befriend virgins.



Unicorns cannot be tamed, however, they may form a bond with young women of exceptional virtue, becoming their guardians and protector. Earning a unicorn’s trust involves demonstrating pure intentions and a commitment to the protection of the forest and its inhabitants. Once bonded, a unicorn will fiercely defend its chosen companion, using its magical abilities to aid and protect them.



Healing Touch: The unicorn’s horn is the focus of its powers, capable of healing wounds and purifying poisons when it touches a creature. This cannot be used to regrow limbs, or organs, but it will resuscitate the recently departed (up to a minute) to a stable state.


Forest Guardian: Unicorns can sense the presence of evil within their designated forests and will swiftly act to drive out or eliminate any threats.


Magical Horn: The unicorn’s horn can channel various spell-like abilities, including healing and protection spells, and while casting, would cause Darkspawn to cower, flee, or become unnerved, depending on the power of said Darkspawn. Additionally, its horn would be considered an aurum, magically empowered weapon should it come to blows.


Swift and Graceful: Unicorns are incredibly fast and agile, able to move through dense forests with ease and avoid danger; they are effectively unburdened by dense foliage, branches, as though nature moves at their behest.



Unicorns are quick to react to the presence of evil. Typically this evil can be reflected in someone's intentions. Do they enter the woods to pass? Or are they seeking to destroy the woods? Do they seek to prey on travelers? A unicorn will react to these sorts of people. While this is a good reaction, it can be used against them. If a creature has a way to conceal their presence effectively, or to attack from outside of the edge of the wood, the Unicorn can be caught off guard.


Their horn is their focus as well; anything that can nullify magic will drastically reduce a Unicorn's fighting effectiveness. Typically, much like dealing with cavalry or horse-backed soldiers, pole arms find effectiveness as well in both deterring and stopping their charges. Consider fighting a Unicorn much like fighting a mounted-knight-wizard, given their intelligence.




Unicorns should be considered exceptionally rare and only playable and usable by an ST due to their magic nature and intelligence.

A Unicorn’s Horn is an exceptionally potent alchemical reagent and magical focus.

Unicorns cannot talk, but they understand descendant language perfectly.

Unicorns can appear in the region where a mushroom circle is present, but unlike other Fae, will wander to neighboring regions (up to their neighboring region).




Sources: Pictures generated with AI via ChatGPT. Creature lore is a mixture of original writing as well as references and inspiration from d20pfsrd.com (Pathfinder TTRPG Bestiary)

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Unicorns already exist.



Everything else is cool

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4 minutes ago, Wizry said:

Unicorns already exist.



Everything else is cool


Man I went looking for it and thought I only saw denied stuff. If you got a link for me to check out I'd appreciate it.

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a lovely lorepost - I would recommend changing the name of the dragon creature since within actual lore the term 'dragon' carries with it certain lore implications, but beyond that it's genuinelly really lovely and excellently formatted. big +1

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I like the frog with the antlers, seems like a nice guy

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55 minutes ago, satinkira said:

a lovely lorepost - I would recommend changing the name of the dragon creature since within actual lore the term 'dragon' carries with it certain lore implications, but beyond that it's genuinelly really lovely and excellently formatted. big +1


I've heard that suggestion and respect it. I like it like how "komodo dragon" is; obviously a komodo dragon isn't a dragon, but it's a fun misnomer. Though I'll clarify on this post it isn't a dragon, so much as the name, and intend to do so in-game as well. Thanks for the praise!

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2 hours ago, KidKrinkles said:


I've heard that suggestion and respect it. I like it like how "komodo dragon" is; obviously a komodo dragon isn't a dragon, but it's a fun misnomer. Though I'll clarify on this post it isn't a dragon, so much as the name, and intend to do so in-game as well. Thanks for the praise!

you can keep it as “dragon”, that won’t be any cause for denial 

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12 hours ago, KidKrinkles said:

Man I went looking for it and thought I only saw denied stuff. If you got a link for me to check out I'd appreciate it.

@KidKrinklescontrol-find 'unicorns'

it's not much but yeah

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Black...font...  My eyes

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1 hour ago, NightcastorKitty said:

Black...font...  My eyes


Unfortunately the font generator I used did spit it out black for the titles. But I can change that for readability. I'll shop around for a font I like.


Edit: Changed the font of the creature's names to something more stylized and whitened. The regular text should be white/bone but I know the forum can be weird sometimes.

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2 hours ago, Wizry said:

@KidKrinklescontrol-find 'unicorns'

it's not much but yeah


I do remember reading that when I went through that post actually; but it is basically a blurb. Hopefully my post and it can be updated/blended, but that's of course not my decision. If it has to be omited, so be it.

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I want to take a delightful jaunt through a whimsical forest, and have my soul get taken. +1

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