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Eittitica Kharajyr Hierarchy




The Kharajyr are a race of great pride and a deep love of showing off. As such, there is a rigidity within their classes and hierarchy. Those at the top yield greater power within the community, and their say carries more weight. Contrary to their historical manners, however, in the modern era there is a much greater intermingling between the higher and lower classes.

Below are the ranked positions one may uptake, alongside the symbols each are affiliated with that are granted upon Maca Tocaitl.




Aelkos - Yhl’

With the time of those blessed by Metztli to lead having long since passed, the title of Tlatanni is no more. To respect this absence, those in total leadership now adopt the title of Aelkos, those historically below the Tlatanni. To be granted this title is of utmost honour, and can only be given by another Aelkos passing down their title.


Priests - Ja’
Beneath the Aelkos, those who yield the highest authority are those who are anointed the position of Priest. Being those who teach the ways of Metztli and preach of her teachings, they offer one of the most important roles; the glue that sticks Kha together. After centuries passed, it is they who continue to keep Metztli’s name sacred and known amongst the race.

Pride Leaders - Ri’

Those who lead a Pride act as a council amongst the leadership of the Kharajyr. While the Aelkos’ rule is absolute, they are to take the input of their people. This input typically comes to them from these leaders, who act as the voice of the people, and make suggestions based on what may benefit them most greatly.


Doctors - Dra’

Often considered the stewards of life among Kha, medicinal practitioners are highly respected. While lower on the hierarchy, with their say being less than many others, when it comes to their profession even Aelkos do not object to the Doctors orders. Kharajyr view their bodies as gifts from Metztli, and thus the people who ensure the wellbeing of said bodies are viewed to have holy gifts.


Warriors - Do’

The protectors of the community, the Kharajyr who dedicate themselves to the warrior path are granted moderate reverence for their endless loyalty to their people. Dying in the name of Metztli, protecting her children, is one of the most noble and honourable ways to meet one's end. These tlapana often embark on patrols, as well as maintain the peace within their own communities, and act in the name of the Aelkos’ and Metztli.


Magic Users - Jo' 

Given their connection to the Spirits of Khalenwyr, these Kha hold a high position and are typically seen as holy. While they don’t hold anywhere near the same respect as priests who dedicate themselves to Metztli, their power also yields them an important position among their people. This is to note, however, users of deific or voidal magics are dishonoured in their betrayal to Metztli


Merchants - Ka'/Ki'/Ko' 

Silver tongued Kha with an affinity for drawing in wealth and bartering for goods hold an important role within society. They are often considered the backbone of the interpersonal relationships among the Kharajyr and the descendant races, as more than any they are the ones who embark on journeys to sell their wares, spreading the Kha’s name across the lands. 


Artists - Ji’ 

While artists are typically seen as the lowest among the hierarchy, it does not mean they don’t play a vital role. It is the artists who preserve the ancient history of the Kha through their works, storytelling, music, and even their meals. It is often these Kha who spend their time teaching the young about their ancestors, carrying on the countless legacies before them.


Adults - Si’/Sa’/So’

Kharajyr who reach adulthood but have not yet found themselves a place within the greater class system are considered rankless, though some view them as the bottom tier. This group often makes up the majority within their communities, filled with those searching for their callings. Though, some maintain this role for life, as it encompasses those who uptake smaller, albeit important, jobs without a noble title. 


Children- S’

The cubs of the Kharajyr, once given their true name by an Aelkos, are also rankless, in that they are too young to hold any true say. They are cared for by the greater community, as well as their pride. Despite their position, they are treated with great care and respect, as they are the future of the community in which they are a part of.




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