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A Grievous Offence


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"They make the wise choice." The Autarch spoke as he lowered the missive reading it in front of the flames. "They wont be bullied into defending these destroyers, desolators."

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Targoth Jreg'Gorkil would remove the miniatures from the map that represented Lurin. "Pacified..." he said as his attention returned to the province in which the Luraki were preparing to siege.

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"hozh," spake Squeeblor'Gorkil, who danced gleefully in circles. He went to remove the Lurin iconography off one of the training dummies he spent his time shooting. "latz are good. yub yub."

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"UBUNTU MUST FALL!" The pale elf shaman, Jiangu'Lak, cheered as he got back to working on his battle technique, having only taken a short break to read the missive.

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The elder Uruk is notified. He is proud that his brother clanmate Gundanant has saved his people. 

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Somewhere in Kastell Lesanov (again), Veren polished rinsed silver for the evening, mumbling her hushed frustrations to her co-worker Francoise.
"A nation of demonic pagans, now forgers. There really isn't a crime Vikela would be shy to commit. The church must have known something wasn't quite right with them." 


Edited by Luto
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An old Veletzian Knight looks at the missive, a low hum leaving him. "It seems this war WAS blessed." Setting down the missive he goes to finish cooking dinner.

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The vagabond could've sworn he'd seen words of praise and promises of assistance from the Lurinites and their leader but days before, in alternate times of alternate events within the forum square of the CCC. He chuckled to himself, knowing them to bear their cowardice haughtily upon their breasts, as though their own cowardice was pride itself. 


".. Funny, really."




All jokes aside - forging someone's signature on your post without IRP or OOC consent is absolutely atrocious behaviour on a roleplay server where we're all meant to play in a good way. Be nice, be cordial - but above it all, don't ******* pull shit like that. I am extremely disappointed in the people behind Vikela.

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Rhak'Lur let out a triumphant laugh before recommencing trade with the State of Lurin.

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Anastatsya groans and tosses the missive into her fire. "Sure, let the orcs keep killing others, that'll go over well. Make sure they know Lurin's too cowardly to stand up to 'em" 

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Foo'Tzie the foot stabber licks his lips maliciously, many Vikelan shoes are to be stolen and many feet would be in need of amputation. The soup cauldrons of Lurak will flow with the blood of the Vikelan defilers. The elders of Lurin were wise not to interfere, this was divine punishment sent upon Vikela by the sky gods.

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Somewhere else entirely, unware of the movements of the current war. Two Inferi fight a Golem in the depths of the dwarven under-dark. 


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"I pray she finds her way out of captivity." Lothair said to himself as he put down the missive with a heavy, yet unsteady sigh. 

Penning a missive to the fellow Brabantines ( @Frank_Dog @ImpracticalMagic ), he made swift copies and sent them to his diplomatic counterparts from the nations of the neighboring CCC... @JTMedea @Bethinwonderland @ECS1999 ((@NotEvilAtAll sorry youre the only halfling whose forum account I know.))

"Given the sudden shift of political stance, and excessive benefit this provides to enemies at war, there is a possibility that the recent missive laid forth by the former Silver Lubba has been released under duress. This could be false, but the weight of the circumstances necessitates consideration of all possibilities. In addition, the substantive reference given to false signatures and forged documents, lead skeptics to believe that more confirmation ought to be rendered, before this peace is taken to heart.


Nevertheless, truth will come out in time, irrelevant of conversation or speculation.
God guide the descendants to peace, whether by truth or by sword. - Lothair"


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