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A Grievous Offence


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A lone mali'ker strolled in circles within his office filled with handfuls of wonderous pictures and painting its beauty quite perplexing though, the wretched 'ker ignored such beauty instead he fixed his gilded eyes upon every word written onto the missive he held within his veiled digits. And with a confused but pondering mind, he inquired to himself a lofted brow clear upon his plagued ivory visage "Did Vikela truthfully forge their name?" disbelief sunk within the 'ker's being and from such soon came an expression of disgust "To think some royals are willing to stoop so low" with a flickering annoyance potent in his eyes the mali threw the missive into the sizzling campfire at his side causing the missive to be consumed by wrathful flames "Lurin is a nice place to reside, i'm glad they are not partaking in this war. The orcs are wrathful beasts, it's always best to keep away from their blood filled wars"

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*In the hexicanum a inferni would read upon the massive , a grin could be seen forming upon his face , before a busting out a psycopathic laugh 


"Vikela is now weak... and so i can claim what is rightfully mine.... THE THRONE"


he said to himself before crushing the massive and forming it as a ball before tossing it into the flames 


Edited by Chrisoulis777
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Andria looked to the missive anger in her heart “forged? When her own councilors brought It forth to her, when in fact she was informed and kept her name on it full knowledge!” Fumed in her apartment a scream of disappointment and disapproval. As finally she was done , “what of loyalty to pacts? Why sign such to be cowardly when in sign of danger? What of a leader who goes  back on their word? “ 



turned to her husband @nepir“ - this is who you trust?” 

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Prince Narithen Uialben pinches his brow, sighing through his nose.


He throws the missive down, and goes to get some tea. Maybe a little nightsap.

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"To vanquish those who transgress upon others."


A dogma had been formed to defend Descendants. That is, after all, what Cathan believed. And in this, the Vikelans had not only transgressed upon one individual - but many.


Thus the State was required to be vanquished - as they were in service, even if they didn't mean to be, of ruinous powers by the creation of Injustice.


The Templar sharpened his longsword for the coming conflict.

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3 hours ago, Tigergiri said:

Andria looked to the missive anger in her heart “forged? When her own councilors brought It forth to her, when in fact she was informed and kept her name on it full knowledge!” Fumed in her apartment a scream of disappointment and disapproval. As finally she was done , “what of loyalty to pacts? Why sign such to be cowardly when in sign of danger? What of a leader who goes  back on their word? “ 



turned to her husband @nepir“ - this is who you trust?” 


Looking over the papers a soft but knowning smile apeared on his face. His finger running over the paper. "Trust is a fickle thing, she did not apply her magic. Yet i can see the lack of teath both there and here now. Fight or flight." places the paper on his desk "the child was not ready to face this. And try's to flee. Yet with this making packts or other documents will no longer be a easy feat. How can you trust her after seeing this."

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From quiet walls the halfling peered over the missive he had gotten his hands on, a raise of a brow coming to his face. He understood the anger that came from having ones signature forged but not the lack of integrity from the silver lubba "mm....do as you wish...but do not expect us to rally to your causes from now on..." he'd mutter, taking a sip of his tea as he placed the missive down on the table for the others to see


( @6Dark and two others im unsure of there forum names )


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Norido would raise his eyebrow upon reading the missive that he had discovered before commenting "This entire situation is a mess, time will tell what will happen next."

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Aserath picked up the missive from the table it was placed on, glancing around in the room. He eventually brought it close enough, releasing a huff of smoke, as he watched in 'amusement' at what was unfolding, leaning back a bit, a twisted smile with a mixture of disgust was plastered on his face "As it turns out, the citizen of that place are ne the only cowards... but so are the current leaders." he said lowering the missive, as he passed it to one of his students, sat next to him @Tael "When I rode to allert our so called... 'Allies' their people were less eager to help and ever so vocal to cower and resist coming to aid our people, with the only exception of the one who rang the bell..." he said, the mali'aheral shaking his head one last time as the missive was going around the table "Ever since Mika stepped down, leadership has been nothing but a fragile and hollow shell... or one full of cowardice"

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Gavilar sighed, thinking about Mika Anarion, he always would know what to do in times like these.

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2 hours ago, PhilosopherBear said:

Aserath picked up the missive from the table it was placed on, glancing around in the room. He eventually brought it close enough, releasing a huff of smoke, as he watched in 'amusement' at what was unfolding, leaning back a bit, a twisted smile with a mixture of disgust was plastered on his face "As it turns out, the citizen of that place are ne the only cowards... but so are the current leaders." he said lowering the missive, as he passed it to one of his students, sat next to him @Tael "When I rode to allert our so called... 'Allies' their people were less eager to help and ever so vocal to cower and resist coming to aid our people, with the only exception of the one who rang the bell..." he said, the mali'aheral shaking his head one last time as the missive was going around the table "Ever since Mika stepped down, leadership has been nothing but a fragile and hollow shell... or one full of cowardice"

Tomes heard clearly the words of his teacher, looking too onto a copy of the missive that he had come across. He stood across a pit of flames, his tired eyes reflecting the enduring fire-pit of Faelheim. His face reflected little emotion, only a gentle yet hearth-felt sigh leaving his mouth in clear disappointment "Well, this might as well be a public declaration from Lurin's rooftops to let all of Aevos know that they will not honour their pacts or treaties. Should they see the grip of a situation getting tighter and tighter, they will be the first to make up lies and excuse themselves out of conflict." The man, who still held the missive on his hand close to his eyes so he could scan it, proceeded to adjust his glasses, throwing the missive onto the flames, watching it burn and feed the flames "First bigotry, then cowardice and now... at lastdishonesty, dishonorableness. I only hope the nations of Aevos, from the farthest east to the west know that Lurin's word is about as valuable as a drunken old beggar's"


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1 hour ago, Tael said:

Tomes heard clearly the words of his teacher, looking too onto a copy of the missive that he had come across. He stood across a pit of flames, his tired eyes reflecting the enduring fire-pit of Faelheim. His face reflected little emotion, only a gentle yet hearth-felt sigh leaving his mouth in clear disappointment "Well, this might as well be a public declaration from Lurin's rooftops to let all of Aevos know that they will not honour their pacts or treaties. Should they see the grip of a situation getting tighter and tighter, they will be the first to make up lies and excuse themselves out of conflict." The man, who still held the missive on his hand close to his eyes so he could scan it, proceeded to adjust his glasses, throwing the missive onto the flames, watching it burn and feed the flames "First bigotry, then cowardice and now... at lastdishonesty, dishonorableness. I only hope the nations of Aevos, from the farthest east to the west know that Lurin's word is about as valuable as a drunken old beggar's"


Timothy propped a foot up on his knee as he leaned back, drink in hand, watching Tomes toss the missive into the flames before turning his head to look through his brows to Aserath "I hope the words and actions of my people do not change your opinions of me, they may have fled, tails between their legs but I, I stand with you" 



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"Incredible how long it took them to release such a missive, perhaps they just want an excuse not to honour their obligations. Well, they've smashed a hammer through their credibility as allies anyhow!" Brother Ninnias observes observedly

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