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A Message from Heffrum to the Orcs of Lurak - DEATH TO YOUR RACE

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[!] This fake note would be posted all around Lurak, it would display an impending warning of what’s to come to the orcs of Lurak. To an Orc’s eye, it would look totally legit. To an experienced dwarven eye, certain flaws would be highlighted within the document such as the perfectly copied signature of Tuzic the Ember. [!]


| A Message from Heffrum to the Orcs of Lurak |


        To you, Orcish beasts that frequently roam our realm. This is a message from the Dwarves of Heffrum. Sincerely, we ask you to **** off our lands and never come back. Your race is not worthy of any further thoughts by my fellow forest dwarves, Paragon Bjorn Cottonwon would approve of this message.

        The greatness of the trees know no bounds and Anbella guides us through this. Once again, the forest dwarves will rally under our banner and march onto your lands and destroy every city and industrial complex that we see in front of us.

        For many years your folks have been spread widely across the realm. The depths of the forest provide us safety and comfort, though just as well they may hide us from you idiotic beasts that we never wish to see ever again.

        Our patience has run thin, and our axes are sharp. We have tolerated your encroachments and tolerated your foul stench for far too long. The forest whispers tales of your impending doom, and it will be our beards that bring it. 

        We shall not rest until every last one of you has been driven from our lands. The roots of our trees are deep, and so is our determination. Each step you take upon our soil will be met with fierce resistance. We will fight in the shade of our beloved trees, and you will fall beneath their mighty boughs. 

Anbella Guide

ᚨᚾᛒᛖᛚᛚᚨ ᚷᚢᛁᛞᛖ 


Tuzic the Ember,

High Chief of Hefrumm. 



Edited by Charles The Bald
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Narvi's eyes comically bulged as he read the missive. 

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"Teh Hefrummites are damned fools!" Exclaimed Borkorhaz. As he read the missive. "Et beh well knoon dere hatred o da Uruk. Only toim will tell ef dah Uruk response es vicious or nae..."

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A Nullivari son studies the Dwarven missive with bewilderment.

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"Wait . . . Wait now, this dwed must know that the uruks love trees now?  Perhaps he is parodying us. . . "


The elfess shrugged as she shut the gates to a polis that had been long vacant, though she smiled as she looked upon the signs of fresh life stirring within.


"Does ne matter."

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The Rosalis wondered if somehow this dwarf intercepted her letter to the High Marshal.. 

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A certain elfess would be in the vale, pausing for a moment as she got a hold of the missive "this isn't Tuzic..which moron wrote this.." She grumbled as she would go to make a trek to hefrum

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