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The Western Wind 風 Temple


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The Wind Temple, nestled in the western region of Braevos, serves as a dedicated school for Martial Arts and the study of the Material. Within the sacred grounds of the temple, under the guidance of instructors, pupils strive to achieve Cigam Udrom. This state, often considered the pinnacle of mind-body duality, is marked by the separation of consciousness from the body. In this state, martial instincts take over, allowing the practitioner to move and react without thought or emotion.




Wu-De 武 德 - The Martial Way


Light, dark and balance. The domains of the deific, the necrotic and the arcane. The members of the Wind Temple operate in the material crossroads of the trio - the centre - confined to the signs: Water, earth, fire, air and aether - the rational energies - free from the volatility of order, life, creation, chaos, destruction and death. 


I. “One must not flaunt, misuse, or otherwise ‘show off’ their arts by any means. Talent is not a source of personal glory but rather a sacred responsibility. Members are encouraged to use their powers only when necessary and with the utmost respect for the natural order. They are admonished against using their arts to seek personal aggrandisement.”


II. "In this realm, we stand not above the common man, but beside them, bound by the shared threads of our humanity." “This fundamental tenet lies at the very core of our order's teachings. It embodies the principle of humility that we hold in the highest regard. As members of the order, we understand that our abilities do not elevate us above our fellow descendants. Instead, they grant us a unique responsibility.”


III. "You shall take no action which would reflect poorly upon the order. Conducting yourself with utmost respect and stature, you are the embodiment of our order's principles and values. Your actions are a mirror that reflects the honour and dignity of our order. In all your dealings, let integrity be your guiding light, and let your behaviour be an inspiration to all who witness it.”


IV. "You will not take part in any political matters, for the purity of our ideals must not be tainted by the agendas of worldly powers. Our purpose is to research, create and better ourselves. We shall remain neutral observers lest forced otherwise.”


V. "You will wear the appropriate uniform at all times befitting your standing in the order. Your attire is not merely a reflection of personal style, but a symbol of your commitment and place within our sacred fraternity. By donning the designated uniform with pride, you honour the traditions of our order and demonstrate your dedication to the ideals we hold dear. Your attire is a badge of honour, and it should be treated as such.”


VI. "You will treat your superiors with respect, addressing them by their proper rank in the order. This practice reflects the hierarchy and discipline that underpins our organisation, fostering an environment of order and mutual understanding. In the spirit of camaraderie and unity, your respect for those who lead by example reinforces the cohesion of our order. Let your interactions with superiors be marked by courtesy, humility, and a readiness to learn, for in doing so, you uphold the traditions that have guided us through the ages."


VII.  "In our hallowed order, mastery is the fruit of tireless effort and unwavering commitment. Seek not to be given knowledge but to attain it through the crucible of your own endeavours. Each skill, each secret, each facet of our ancient arts must be diligently pursued and earned. It is a journey of self-discovery, a path illuminated by your own determination. As you strive to ascend the ranks of The Flaming Fist, remember that the truest power lies not in what is given freely but in what is earned through sweat, sacrifice, and unwavering resolve. This is the code by which we rise, and it is by this code that we shall prevail."






The four stances of the Western Wind temple represent the primary forms of combat one undertakes across their journey to Cigam Udrom. They are represented by four beasts: the Dragon, The Turtle, The Tiger, and lastly Qilin. Each form possesses unique aspects that are ingrained in their form of combat. Pupils of the temple are often assigned the path they will undertake through means of random selection - fate being the driving factor for what they will practice, rather than opportunity.










"In the grand dance of strategy, the most impenetrable shield is fashioned not from passive resistance, but from the relentless surge of an unyielding offense." - Chapter taken from a wayward monk’s dictate.


The stance of the Dragon is primarily composed of an unyielding, offensive mentality, wherein the monk seeks to put consistent pressure onto their opponent by steadily advancing forwards. This stance is defined by keeping a high guard position of their hands, often utilizing their forearms to parry or deflect various attacks coming to them. The user’s back is usually kept upright, as opposed to slightly bent - this particular trait allows for the user to conserve more energy in the course of combat, whilst also allowing to maintain a consistent high guard.







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"In the art of conflict, the most profound offence arises from an impenetrable defense, where resilience and fortitude render any attack futile and thus become the greatest form of aggression." - Chapter taken from a Turtle sage’s dictate.


The stance of the Turtle is primarily defined by its aptitude in defensive measures. Those that undertake the path of the Turtle are taught extreme patience, coolness of the mind nonetheless under pressure. This particular style of combat emphasises waiting for the opportunity to strike, whilst taking minimum damage unto themselves. The style is characterized by keeping one’s arms close to themselves, utilizing shoulders as bases for protecting themselves from various blows, this is known as the “Turtle Shell”.







“Heed these words, my pupil. The essence of mastery lies not in the initial strike, but in the poised and artful riposte that transforms defense into a symphony of triumph." - Chapter taken from a master of the Tiger stance's journal.


The core aspect of the path of the Tiger’s teachings is decisiveness. Those of this path are apt in interception, deflection and finally counter-attacking. This path serves as the middle-ground of the path of the Turtle and Dragon, a delicate balance between offence and defence. This is characterised by the user always keeping distance from their opponent, intercepting incoming blows with their own by deflection, and committing counter-attacks to penetrate the opponent’s guard via precise attacks.








Unlike the three paths that are available, the Path of the Qilin is reserved to only the most prestigious martial-artists of the Wind Temple. This is a set of techniques that one may undertake after having achieved mastery over Cigam Udrom. Whilst it does not offer a unique method of combat similar to its counterparts, it serves to enhance the path that a pupil has undertaken via the way of Resonant frequencies, and their attunement to the natural energies that such path unlocks.






The Eightfold Path is a series of practices, and in their own right trials, that a pupil of the temple undertakes in their path to martial mastery. The eightfold path is represented by a wheel, each limb marking a set of trials that one undertakes in their path to Cigam Udrom. Whilst a portion of the Temple’s practices emphasises the advancement in one’s raw martial arts, the eightfold path serves as a guiding factor for the exploration of one’s inner sanctum, betterment of their spiritual clarity and understanding of the material crossroads.




The Gate Of Observance 遵守 - The very first gate of the eightfold path. Arguably one of the most meaningful trials that a pupil undertakes in their journey. The pupil is to set out and acquire an object of any kind. Then, with ink and quill, they must write ten appliances of the object that it could be used for. This teaching emphasises one to think outside the box, necessitating creativity of the mind without relying on reason and logic.


The Gate of Sacrifice 牺牲 - The second gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises acceptance, and detachment from earthly tether. The pupil will have to choose at their own volition an object which they hold dear to them, and discard it forever in the presence of others.


The Gate of Descent 血统 - The third gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises one’s courage and virtue, a test of their will and determination. Under a precise ritual that targets one’s psyche, the pupil will undergo hallucinations within the domain of their own mind, necessitating acceptance of that which cannot be controlled.


The Gate of Endurance 耐力 - The fourth gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises on the collective fortitude of one’s psyche. Without food and minimal water, the pupil will undergo a week of starvation. Each day, they will be required to write with ink and quill onto paper their experiences and thoughts, then present it to the presiding grand-master of the temple for inspection.


The Gate of Humility 谦逊 - The fifth gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises the importance of cultivating genuine humility and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings. By embracing humility, one learns to shed the ego, understand their place in the world. The pupil will be set on a path to ask for alms, to beg others for food and charitable donations without prejudice.


The Gate of Vice 副 - The sixth gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises the understanding of earthly vices and the strength to resist them. The pupil must identify their own personal vices—such as greed, anger, lust, pride, gluttony, envy, or sloth—and confront them directly. This process involves three stages: Identification and acknowledgement, temptation and resistance, and lastly reflection and transformation.


The Gate of Illumination 照明 - The seventh gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises the pursuit of knowledge and the enlightenment of the mind. The pupil must embark on a journey to learn about a subject entirely new to them, something outside their usual interests or expertise. They will immerse themselves in this subject for a month, reading books, engaging with experts, and participating in relevant activities. At the end of the month, they must present a comprehensive and creative project that showcases their new understanding and how it connects to their personal growth.


The Gate of Cigam Udrom 刃文 - The eighth and final gate of the eightfold path. This gate emphasises the complete mastery of the path and its virtues. The pupil will embark on an arduous journey across the cosmos. They must utilize the accumulated wisdom and skills from their previous trials to overcome the myriad dangers they encounter. This journey is not only a test of their physical and mental prowess but also a demonstration of their ability to integrate and apply the teachings of the eightfold path in real-world scenarios.












A matrimony to one’s accomplishments, the ceremony of Yǎnbì signifies not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey in worldly endeavours. This rite marks the ascension from pupil to master within the temple hierarchy. The pupil stands in the centre of an alchemical diagram drawn in the sand within the temple's inner sanctum. Here, they are granted the mask of Jīngtōng—a testament to their sacred status. From this moment, they are recognized by the Temple not as a pupil, but as a master. Such status casts a mark of responsibility unto the individual, making them the caretakers of the sacred Haganeki, and entrusted to forever keep to the Temple’s Wu-De, ushering a new generation of martial mastery.




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Botsugo of clan Honma had heard of the de Wees style Kung Fu, though he long thought it was forgotten . . .

Thus, the Oni sought to muse upon its resurfacing, nibbling on a bar of Snika in the halls of Nichi-Jin.

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This missive so too befell The Warlord's scrutiny in the midst of his idle, wrought by a corpsewalker  - Perhaps such a temple could bring about the end of his pursuit for worthy combatants. "Prepare.."

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