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It has been almost a decade since the creation of our perfected Union, which fills Our heart with pride every God-given day. The men and women of the Heartlands, common and noble, work by the sweat of their brow to maintain peace and stability in our region. They hold government positions, assist institutions and indulge in the pleasures of social life. In the midst of all this prosperity, it is hard not to notice the absence of one of the Houses, once an important presence in the society of Aaun, but now almost entirely forgotten, relegated to the depths of history of a violent Heartlander past.


The House de Ardennes was created to separate its new, young members by a thick line from the past tied to the House of Haverlock, a House of heroes. Aaun remembers the heroic deeds of Louis Haverlock, who faithfully served King Edmund II as a member of his Regency Council, and with great reverence commemorates the martyrdom of Ser Leopold, Knight-Immortal, who fell courageously in 1952 in defence of Our Royal Cousin. 


With a rich and accomplished past, being the descendants of people considered important, the current generation of House de Ardennes has seemingly opted to consider their bonds to the Apostolic Crown worthless, neglecting their duties as Peers of the Realm believing that there would be no consequences. Not once did We personally meet any member of House de Ardennes; they never requested an audition or attended Our Court to swear loyalty to Us or the Royal House of Alstion. Not a single coin has flowed into the treasury to pay the taxes imposed on them, and the walls of their keep are crumbling and become overgrown with moss. Our Royal Father, being a good man at heart, had given them a second chance - instead of forcing them from the Floodplains, he relegated their titles to the rank of a barony. Even this display of good will did not elicit any reaction.


Thus, with all the aforementioned factors in mind, with great regret that it has come to this, We revoke the status of nobility from House de Ardennes within Our Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun and the Confederation as a whole. Their title shall be returned to the Crown, and members of House de Ardennes shall have the right to earn back their status of nobility in the Heartlands through renewed hard work and by rebuilding their public image and the trust of Our Realm.


In the Hand of Horen, Province of Aaun
On the 24th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1981.


His Royal and Apostolic Majesty, CHARLES II,
King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Margrave of High Peak, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet and Virdain, Protector of the Realm

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"My Kinsmen seem to have failed to materialize their support for the Crown of Aaun. A shame for the senior bloodline of my Father, Ser Leopold, to fall into such a state. I wish Charles luck with finding a new retainer for my old home." said Henry, the Duke of Blackworth as the news was given to him by one of his Knights. Still, life carried on, and Henry returned to his administrative and fatherly duties soon after.

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"HAHAHA, filthy peasants.Valindra of Evarir Nullivari and Laurir Atmorice did cackle, spraying herself with exorbitantly expensive cologne and glancing to her fine estate on the outskirts of the elven nation. 

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Thérèse von Theonus sits in the comfort of her dimly lit room, gaze reading through the missive. "All this work Louis did, Leopold did, for naught? Shameful, his Aaunic descendants are." The woman commented to herself, a finger lifting to gently tap her chin. "Perhaps it is time to pay Henry another visit."

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Konstantin von Augusten spat out a gob of phlegm from his rocking chair. "Damn those Haverlocks! To Iblees with them and their whole line!" he wheezed, before launching into a fit of hacking coughs.

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