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Issued as of 7th of The First Seed

Year 185 SA



For many years, I have faithfully served the state under various Sohaeran and Maheralan. Throughout my journey, I have endured persecution, false accusations, and even survived attempted assassinations—all in my relentless pursuit to safeguard the Blessed Bastion from any who seek to harm Her.


Recently, it has come to my attention that once again, we find ourselves entangled in a situation reminiscent of past controversies that were never truly resolved.

The purpose of this message is to propose an opportunity to correct our missteps. We all make mistakes, but it is crucial that we swiftly rectify them and learn from them. There is no room for imperfection among us, for we are Mali'thill.


Therefore, I wish to highlight the contradictions within the flawed constitution presented by the Silver Council. This constitution is one I refuse to abide by, and no citizen of Silver should be compelled to follow it either, as it holds no validity beyond being a mere piece of paper.






ARTICLE 9.   The Blessed Citizens of Haelun'or will not tolerate the utilisation of illicit substances that may hinder one’s thoughts.


Alcohol, by its very nature, is a psychoactive substance known to impair cognitive function, judgment, and motor skills. It is well-documented that even moderate consumption can lead to diminished mental clarity and hindered decision-making abilities. This raises an essential question: if the primary concern is the preservation of clear and unimpeded thought, is alcohol banished as well?


To maintain intellectual consistency and uphold the values of mental acuity and clarity, it is imperative to address this discrepancy. A society dedicated to the purity of thought cannot selectively apply its principles. Thus, if Haelun'or genuinely seeks to eliminate all substances that may impair one's cognitive faculties, it must also reconsider its stance on alcohol.






ARTICLE 5.   The mandatory Oath of Allegiance is as follows:

“I solemnly swear this sacred oath: to render unconditional allegiance to [Sohaer’s Full Name], Sohaer of the Silver State of Haelun'or and Chief Commander of the Sillumir, and in my honourable duty as a citizen of the State, I pledge unwavering obedience unto death.”


The current constitution of Haelun'or, as outlined in Book III, Article 4, Section E, mandates that all citizens, both old and new, must recite the State of Allegiance, pledging their loyalty to the Sohaer. This includes the Maheral, who, by the constitution, is considered a citizen of Haelun'or and thus must also pledge allegiance to the Sohaer.


However, this requirement is inherently flawed and invalidates the constitution itself. The Maheral is recognized as the epitome of purity, the beacon of our culture, and the guardian of Larihei’s teachings. To suggest that the Maheral must pledge loyalty to the Sohaer implies a hierarchical subordination, placing the Maheral below the Sohaer. This is a direct affront to our foundational principles, as it indirectly suggests that Larihei, the first Maheral and the founder of our blessed culture, is subordinate to the Sohaer.


Such an implication is unacceptable and contradicts the very essence of Haelun'or’s values. The Maheral stands as the ultimate embodiment of our ideals and traditions, above all political structures and offices. Therefore, the current constitution, by enforcing this pledge of allegiance, undermines the stature and sanctity of the Maheral and must be reconsidered and revised to truly reflect the unique and supreme position of the Maheral in our society.


In conclusion, the pledge of Allegiance must be amended to remove the mention of the Sohaer and be replaced by the name of the Maheral. The constitution should be amended to exempt the Maheral from this pledge, thereby preserving the rightful and exalted status of the Maheral as the guiding light of our culture, above all other positions within Haelun'or. Sohaer and Okariran alike must pledge an oath before entering office, ensuring they in their work pledge their support to the Maheral and maintain our purity, working for what is best in the guidance of Larihei.






ARTICLE 3.   Members of elHeial’thilln or elMalauriran may only be summoned by the Sohaer.


The assertion that elMalauriran may only be summoned by the Sohaer is deeply flawed and borderline criminal. While the Malauriran may no longer hold the title of the most pure, they possess the significant authority to remove the Maheral. To imply that not even the Maheral may summon them undermines the very foundation of our governance and cultural integrity.


elHeial'Malauriran does not answer to the Sohaer. Their primary responsibility is to safeguard our blessed bastion, particularly in the event that something happens to the Maheral. Their authority and role extend beyond the comprehension and jurisdiction of the Sohaer. They are the custodians of our cultural purity and heritage, ensuring that the teachings of Larihei are upheld without compromise.


Allowing only the Sohaer the power to summon these esteemed members effectively places a political body above the cultural and spiritual guardians of Haelun'or, which is unacceptable. 


iv.   Judges, the Pariran’tir, are chosen based on social hierarchy and authority, namely:

[ A ]:   elOkariran.

[ B ]:   elMalauriran.

[ C ]:   First-class Citizens


The current structure for selecting judges, the Pariran’tir, based on social hierarchy and authority, is inherently flawed. Specifically, placing elHeial'malauriran, the highest cultural council, beneath the political body of elOkariran is an unlawful contradiction that undermines our cultural values.


elHeial'malauriran, composed of the former Maheralan, holds the utmost authority in matters of purity and culture in the absence of the Maheral. Additionally, elHeial'lauriran, a council of esteemed Talonnii heads chosen directly by the Maheral, operates directly under the Maheral’s authority. To place any political institution above these councils in matters of culture and purity is not only a contradiction but also a power grab that breaches our cultural integrity.


Their role and standing should reflect their unparalleled importance in maintaining the purity and cultural integrity of Haelun'or. By placing them below the Okariran, the current structure fails to acknowledge their superior status in these critical areas.


To rectify this, elPariran’tir should be restructured to prioritize cultural and purity concerns appropriately. The revised hierarchy should be as follows:


  • Maheral
  • Malauriran
  • Lauriran
  • First-Class citizens


This revised structure ensures that the most knowledgeable and culturally significant individuals hold the highest authority in matters pertaining to our heritage and purity, thus preserving the sanctity and continuity of Larihei's teachings. By doing so, we respect the authority of the Maheral and the councils directly appointed by them, safeguarding against any undue political overreach.






CHAPTER 1 – Of the Instrument and Authority of Government

ARTICLE 1.   The Sohaer is the highest authority of the Silver State of Haelun'or.


The Maheral stands as the highest authority within the state. While the Maheral does not meddle in political matters, as they are above such concerns, they represent the ultimate embodiment of our cultural and spiritual ideals. The Maheral is the Head of State, symbolizing the purity, heritage, and unity of our people. Their role is to guide and safeguard the essence of Haelun'or, ensuring that the teachings of Larihei remain the cornerstone of our society.

In contrast, the Sohaer, while a significant and respected political figure, serves as the highest political entity within the state. The Sohaer's duties are to manage the day-to-day governance and political affairs, ensuring the smooth operation of our state’s institutions.


However, it is crucial to recognize that the Sohaer's authority is not absolute. They operate within the framework of our cultural principles and under the overarching guidance of the Maheral. The Maheral’s role as the Head of State places them at the pinnacle of our hierarchy, above the political machinations and duties that the Sohaer oversees.


In conclusion, while the Sohaer is indeed the highest political authority, the Maheral represents the true highest authority within Haelun'or, embodying the spirit of Larihei, culture, and unity of our people. This distinction must be clearly reflected in our constitution to preserve the integrity and values of our beloved state.


Sohaer, removal from Office


The current provisions in Book V – Of Authority and Succession, fails to include a mechanism for the removal of the Sohaer from office, are a significant oversight. Historically, elHeial'thilln has always held the power to remove the Sohaer through a majority vote, ensuring that the leadership remains true to the values and teachings of Larihei.


The Maheral, as the highest authority and the embodiment of our cultural purity, possesses the ultimate power to dissolve the government if it strays from Larihei’s vision. This safeguard is crucial for maintaining the integrity of our society. If the council fails to uphold the teachings of Larihei, they are no longer considered Mali'thill and must be removed. Subsequently, an election should be held to form a new council that truly represents our ideals.


This oversight in the constitution undermines the foundational checks and balances that have preserved our cultural and political stability. To rectify this, Book V must be amended to explicitly include the authority of elHeial'thilln to remove the Sohaer and the overarching power of the Maheral to dissolve the government when necessary.



In conclusion, the current Constitution issued by elHeial'thilln is unconstitutional and must be regarded as a direct attack against our core values and the teachings of Larihei herself. It represents yet another egregious power grab by those who do not seek to uphold our teachings but rather seek power for themselves. The Sohaer has transformed our bastion into nothing more than a filthy human dictatorship, undermining our long-standing democratic traditions. In our society, we have always prided ourselves on equality, where every citizen has an equal standing in upholding our governance.


I, Laurir Usamea An'asul, thus demand that the constitution be nullified immediately. A new constitution must be written to reflect our true values. In the interim, the former Silver Constitution shall come into effect, ensuring stability and continuity as the Silver Council forms a new constitution. This new constitution must highlight the importance of our cultural sanctity, purity, and the guiding principles of Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya



Laurir Usamea An'asul






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