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Echoes of an Old War II [Player Event]

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-Echoes of an Old War-


||  Imperial 1981 || 



In the woods, where no castles stand nor a lord’s power reaches. In the woods, where only overgrown fields & ruins of a fallen duchy stand . In the woods, between the two province’s capitals - one could see smoke rise into the purple-hued, clear sky. Sent there with quiet murmurs

“Que? Toi mean they found us?” an Auvergnians man with golden hair asked, putting down the lute he had been playing beside the ever-smiling helmet. “As-tu AT LEAST killed any of them? As-tu fulfil the mission with the local brasseur?”

The fancily dressed man in red shook his head: “Nie - ve Fisherman ratted us out and ve Brewer got cold feet at the court.” The large jolly man beside him let’s out a little laugh: “Well my bad, dear friend that an Azdrazi feller’ showed up - gave me little chance to do my ‘part’.” he explains himself, “Besides, i think they were onto me - i caught quite a few stares & even was told to get out o’ the line, ya sure the ‘note’ you were writing didn’t end up in THEIR hands?”

The fancy man in red scoffs as he reaches into a pocket on his cape lined with rabbit fur. “Of course ea still have it!” he spits back… yet his search for the letter becomes more and more desperate - soon the man realises the letter is missing. “We-well, it was THESE fools fault!” the Raev begins to blame one of the remaining men with whom he had escaped with.

A long sigh comes from the old Waldenian - Aaunic crest on his uniform deforming as he slumped a bit by the fire. “We gave du ain CANNON! Du know how hard they’re to come by?” he motions with his hand dismissively. “Bah - du only good for money, why did ich even ask..”

The camp falls silent for a moment - Man in red holding his breath as the bearded Waldenian mulls over his fate. A quiet cackle comes from the grim BSK soldier holding the accordion on his knees as he gazes at his fearful fellow Raev. Finally the old Aaunic guard slaps his knees and stands up “Okay - Ich will go and ask the Wolf. Ivan, Yellow Bird - tie Red-Rabbit up & figure out something new with our Brewer friend.”

“Call moi Sparrow... - stop with the ‘Yellow Bird’...” the Petran man murmured annoyed as he does as he’s told.Iv Joveo Maan vy shall be known as ‘P*sshair’.” the BSK soldier cackles to his comrade, doing a cross over his chest.

The Aaunic guard makes past the ruins of Stran and in between the trees where a man in dulled dark red garb sits by a blue orchid, a banner in his hand. “Wolf - Die Red-Rabbit failed in his mission. They were found out und… we lost a cannon.” he explains to the lone man. “They’ve also captured Moustache und whose to know what die demented old man told them so..” he grasps his hands “.. regretfully, it’s only ain matter of time before they make it here.”

Wolf would sit for a little while, his gaze cast somewhere distant: “Da, ea see.. Nie worries - ea knew we couldn’t stay at mea barony for long. Ea wished va just visit mea mamej grave.” he notes before turning to look at the Waldenian - his face obscured by a brown-colored helmet, shaped like a wolf. A large Veletzian golden cross on his chest. “Dak - let us prepare to journey out, as for ve Red-Rabbit.. Let him stall their advances.”



As the old guard bows and leaves to shout orders to the men who had began to drink & play music again -
The Wolf stands up. In his hands a coat of arms in red & black with 4 wolves.

As he pick-up his large Pollax - a soft hum of a verse comes to his lips.


Dravi Borsa, Asere vormarev byk niet dzien auwn indere dlum otzan.
(Farewell my brother, we won’t see each other for now.)
Tea zwemavre va fitsk dlum ve birodal, ag ea omar vy ildani.
(You have to fight for the realm, while I'm going home.)
Vallagne ea omar zaus va, ag dlum Veletz tea ziedenmavre oe vy.
(I'm off to Vallagne, and you'll be heading for Veletz.)
Ea nadziesk tea lanzskmavre dzeb zwy, Iv Joveo Maan.
(In the name of God, I hope you will live.)
Bracae ozinae otzan, voe nie vy senartz dlum slavroz.
(Take care now, don't go looking for glory.)
Ea haurulaemar tea omavre nie gyav - ea omar vasr loe.
(I know you're no coward - I'm just saying.)
Dak zvas aseretem loe dravi, ag caezk anz.
(So let’s shake hands, and say goodbye.)
Ag lisoemsk por, zinsk auwn soeng tiz auwn indere.
(And sing a song together, like before.)

.  .  .  .




(no player cap)


Edited by MrMojoMordor
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