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From the Heartlandic Council to the People


Issued and averred by the office of




Long has His Eminence, Frantzisko Cardinal Albarosa, served the Heartlands as its Lord Chancellor. The Cardinal showed in his tenure a great care for the Heartlandic people, diligence in his duties, and a passion for the unity of the provinces. Now, His Eminence seeks to return his attention fully to matters of the Faith, and leave the government of the Heartlands in the capable hands of a new, younger Chancellor. 

Per the tradition begun by Queen Catherine I, the next Chancellor of the Heartlands shall be selected by process of election. Candidates will be chosen by three electoral bodies, those being the Garmont Assembly, a meeting of the realm’s knights, and the Heartlandic Council. Each must nominate their own candidate, either from within or outside their own ranks. The candidates must willingly accept this nomination, and receive approval from the dual crowns.

Upon confirmation of the nominees, a date will then be set for the election debates. The candidates will publicly display their policies and answer to the people, quickly followed by a published transcript. Soon after, both provinces will vote in the new leader of the Heartlandic government.


All three electoral bodies shall carefully consider the duties of Lord Chancellor when selecting their candidate, as the nominee must be capable of fulfilling all of them. These duties are as follows:

I. Leading the Heartlandic Council
   ◈  Calling regular meetings of the Council to discuss national matters, and ensuring the activity and integrity of all offices.
   ◈  Setting goals for the offices of the Council, and assisting in difficult tasks when needed.

   ◈  Providing a singular, cohesive direction for the offices of the Council.

II. Maintaining communication between the government of the Heartlands, and the people it serves
 ◈  Establishing a governmental newsletter, or other form of regular communication on government activities and changes.
 ◈  Hearing out the concerns and needs of the citizens, and passing them on to the relevant offices.

III. Advising the monarchs on matters of State
   ◈  Providing regular communication to both monarchs on the activities of the Heartlandic Council.
   ◈  Issuing decrees or vetoes on behalf of the dual monarchs to the Heartlandic Council.


The electoral bodies must also take into account the requirements set to run for Lord Chancellor, which are detailed in the Codex of Saint Godwin. Any nominee must fulfill all requirements, which are as follows: 


I. A Nominee must have been a Citizen of the Nation for at least 10 years.
II. A Nominee must have been actively working within the Nation for at least 5 years.
III. A Nominee must be in good standing with the Codex of Saint Godwin.
IV. A Nominee must be in good standing with the Canonist Church.
V. A Nominee must be willing to run in the Chancellor’s Election.

The three electoral bodies of the Garmont, the Knights of the Realm, and the Heartlandic council are thus called to meet, and to submit their selected candidates to the Office of the Grand Speaker for approval from the dual thrones.


His Excellency, Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Count of Anairgrid, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids

Edited by Hom
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Isabeau-Karine Sophie Gabrielle Dieuxmont de Rosius, who, at the time of posting, is a mere ten years old, begins staying up in the late hours of the night...

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Gentle depositions, of moonlit light, refracted unto embossed steel, unto a writing-mat, of deepest red-hewn felt, unto a certain pen, to parchment, held, amidst the quiet hush, of the long, eternal night - a gentle gaze bid aloft, unto the firmament, unto the moon, sole, lone, amidst the stars that shone brightest, amidst the darkest, deepest night, fore the pen would begin to move, and be bid, hence, to write.


Edited by Apricette
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