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[OUTDATED] An Executioners Decree

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An Executioner’s Decree


Issued at Year 185 of the Second Age




In recognition of the necessity to maintain law and order within the realm and to ensure swift and just punishment for heinous crimes against the state and its citizens, a new branch is to be formed:


An Executioner's Branch shall be established under the jurisdiction of the Silver Lubba, charged with the solemn duty of carrying out sentences of capital punishment duly decreed by the judicial authorities and governing bodies of Lurin. 


The Executioner's Branch shall possess the authority to execute individuals convicted of crimes punishable by death according to the laws of the realm. This authority shall be exercised with diligence, impartiality, and in strict adherence to legal procedures.


The duties of the Executioner's Branch shall include, but not be limited to:


a) Carrying out executions and punishments in accordance with court orders and legal protocols.

b) Maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of execution procedures.

c) Providing necessary security measures during executions to ensure the safety of all involved parties.

d) Maintaining records of executed individuals and related proceedings for archival and legal purposes.


Members of the Executioner's Branch shall be recruited based on stringent criteria of character, competence, and loyalty to the Most Serene State of Lurin. They shall undergo rigorous training in execution methods, legal procedures, and psychological resilience to fulfill their duties with professionalism and dignity. All training will be done by the Head Executioner, or by those who are appointed by the Head Executioner.


Cases that are given to the Executioner’s branch will be reviewed by the Head Executioner. Warrants pardoning the Executioners from murder charges will be written and granted accordingly, signed by the Head Executioner. Official punishments will be overseen by multiple assigned witnesses to prove their authenticity to the law. 


The Executioner's Branch shall be subject to strict oversight by the Head Executioner and Silver Lubba to ensure compliance with legal standards and ethical principles. Any misconduct or abuse of authority shall be promptly investigated, and perpetrators shall be held accountable before the law.


This decree shall come into effect immediately upon publication. All relevant authorities, departments, and future personnel shall take necessary actions to enforce its provisions accordingly.


Under my hand as the appointed Head Executioner with the permissions of the Silver Lubba, on this day forth, shall justice be served.


Eternal We Stand, Long Live the Lubba.





Wren Tsecsar

Head Executioner of The Serene State of Lurin, Matriarch

of House Nuremberg, Mistress of Menagerie


Edited by RotiniTortini
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A young ker quite familiar to Wren, jumped excitedly up and down on the ledge of her chair by the fireplace in her room, reading over the governmental post-up. 

“Oouhh! Wren un ea should have a chat again!!”


Yelena grinned, thinking of herself, weilding a giant axe of her own next to Wren, an idea on her excitement level currently only second to seeing her girlfriend…

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