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A State of Neutrality


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The Inferi blinks for a moment. Glancing down and up. 


"Devoid of Darkspawn? Hilarious. Explain why I use your swamps as hunting grounds for XIONIST."

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forum rp is shit and everyone sucks here


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"This.. shall make other nations rethink relying on them if an aggressing nation is not far far weaker and thus not a risk." Yera states quietly after inspection of the recent string of missives.

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"A state of cowardice" Gregorius Roa muttered on his chambers as he spat on the floor "One more reason never to go to Lurin, traitors, cowards and opportunists" the man remarked on his chambers 

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A certain golden-eyed ame stared at the missive and shrank back into her seat her golden gaze drifting across the parchment in her hands "While I understand not wanting to fight, are we setting ourselves up for worse?... who will help us if we are ever attacked, I can't see anyone would, we lose our face within these dark times... but that being said" Karuna looked over to her armour hung up and ready "I promised to fight for Vikela, and I intend to keep that promise..." Karuna spoke to no one in particular, she took some fresh parchment and a quill and wrote a letter.

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"Loyalty is meaningless in this day and age, it seems." Valindra mused, clicking her tongue in clear disappointment. Her memories shifted to Lurin's predecessor in Arcas, who's inhabitants were willing to fight, tooth and nail, in war or beyond for even the smallest of ally. She'd let out a hum, jotting down a single warning to herself in the depths of her notebooks. "It is a pity- I thought them above such cowardice. Lurin has entered a spree of self destruction they will not soon recover from."

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"And my councilors ask of me, 'Why do these Southlanders deserve such disdain?', I only wonder how it is not evident enough." She pondered the details of the missive, tossing such into the hearth of the common's quarter before carrying on with the eve. Ellenore was only further convinced that the Outlander held no capacity for honor.

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On 6/17/2024 at 10:51 AM, Snow1770 said:

Lurin is a most peaceful state. One devoid of treachery and darkness. May the sun forever shine brightly upon us.

A certain elfess squinted at the missive, while simultaneously packing her belongings to move her shop out of Lurin. “….I’m being stalked by an ally of the inferi and having my shop defaced, and they claim to be devoid of darkness?” The ever-elusive Juniper sighed, briefly scanning over the rest of the paper. And once she did, she only sighed again. “Typical.”

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Jiangu'lak, standing over the firepit in Lurak, read over the missive and nodded a few times before speaking. "While Honorable that Lurin stood down in the face of defending a corrupt and vile nation, they are still plagued by voidal magi... One day I hope they can escape such damnation." The Monk then rolled up the missive and stored it amongst the others, record keeping of the war. 

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The Saneyir would think of his dear niece, "Oh Lumia...what are you into now"

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