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Formation of the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey

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Formation of the Academy of the 

Exalted Godfrey

In the First Age of 1981



Portrait of the Exalted Godfrey


The Academy of the Exalted Godfrey exists to enlighten the minds of Mankind to our shared ancestral history, the good and bad, in order to showcase the Heritage of Man, and to engage the Realms of Man in thought provoking Historical Engagements. The Academy shall function as a place for scholars, citizens and priests to congregate together in an effort to teach all of Humanity of our Great Tapestry of Man. As our mission is to teach those who desire to be taught rather than to force outdated concepts and ideals upon an unwilling generation. Furthermore it is our belief that the Holy Orenian Empire fell for good reason, and as such shall not return unless the Monarchs of Humanity see fit to return to those days, we exist to teach and only to teach about the History of Mankind.



Formation of the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. 

I. - Upon the creation of the Academy it shall become a beacon of Unity for all Realms of Men to put forward new ideas, the cultural heritage of Man, and showcase the history of humanity. This Academy shall not under any circumstance advocate for the return of a Holy Orenian Empire.


II. - As for our mission, the Academy shall be to lecture, debate and showcase history from all Eras of Man. Furthermore the Academy will hold bi-annual summits within the Academy Headquarters, in order to promote engagement of the public in our affairs.



On the Office of the Chancellor

I. - The Office of the Chancellor shall be an office elected by the Assembly of Godfrey, those who wish to become Chancellor shall be at least twenty-five years of age, in good health, and in good standing within the Academy. The office shall hold control over all aspects of the Academy, from appointing new members of the Assembly, to deciding the course of actions and furthermore shall present themselves in a manner befitting that of the Academy.

II. - In the Office of the Chancellor of the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey, and they shall be tasked with teaching Prospective Scholars the History of Man, ranging from the olden days to the modern era in which we dwell.



On the Academic Senate

I. - Upon the creation of the Academic Senate it shall be composed of three Scholars of the Canonist Realms of Man, each of which shall be no less than eighteen years of age, along with being upstanding members of the Academy. Furthermore they shall swear to abide by all rules and bylaws of the Academy, and swear no allegiance to the defunct Empires of Old.


II. -The Academic Senate shall be tasked with the following duties within the Academy, teaching people within the Academy to become Scholars of Godfrey, curating the Artifacts of the Academy, and ensuring that all Scholars remain taught in the ways of man. It is of great need that all Scholars of the Academy of Exalted Godfrey be properly taught to honor the history of man and to abide by the current laws and edicts of the Kings and Queens of Aevos.


Published by the following 

Scholars of the Academy, 


Ms. Edith Hope II,
Chancellor of the

Academy of the Exalted Godfrey.


Father Ivan var Ruthern,

Vice-Chancellor of the

Academy of the Exalted Godfrey.


Mr. Viktor Gotwa

Senator of the

Academy of the Exalted Godfrey.


Mr. Solebron

Senator of the

Academy of the Exalted Godfrey.


Mr. Alexander Galbraith

Senator of the

Academy of the Exalted Godfrey.



Consider joining our discord too! https://discord.gg/F9BW5duAEA 


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