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The Lion's Affirmation

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As the war in the East progresses, many condemn the ‘pagan trade states’ to the fate of fiery decimation at the hands of Luraqi Desert Fighters. The cowardly state of Lurin has withdrawn forces, breaking oaths and pacts long standing since the colonization of Braevos by the descendants after the doom of Almaris. The Church of Canon, despite its non-political status and its crusade against the dark, has left these states that have stood side by side with Canonist Princes against the Long Dark. This comes after the forces of Lurak stood alongside the Arch-Drakaar and their ilk against the Aengul of Order, Janus. After the state of Lurin conspires with the Inferi, even with the ousted son of Queen Medea. Yet these calls have been realized, as the Church does not involve themselves in the politics of non-human nations, standing by a doctrine long established, which can only be respected to the utmost. Despite these actions taken by others,




I, Cerrick of Khamees, will stand against those who aided in the fight against the Heavens until my very last breath. There are brave men and women who volunteer to stand alongside myself, and we shant back down lest we all fall together upon the field of battle. If Vikela is to fold to the onslaught of those who conspire against the light, so be it. We shall continue the fight until either a ceasefire or a lasting peace comes upon the continent. For the Long Dark looms upon us all despite the false sun giving us barren hope.



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"You are talking about the Long Dark. But what about the Short Dark?" A priest inquired. "I don't like short people." Montfort added.

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"Why is he called Xan Janus?" an Azdronach wondered to itself.
"That's just what the Canonists call him. ... - and I don't think this guy likes Canonists. Who's he trying to appeal to?"




He thought a bit longer.


"This picture looks like it was drawn by a robot, like me. ."

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"I wanna slay some goblins" 


Decreed a certain warrior, brandishing his brazen shield to the vast span that stretched beneath the spot where he presently stood.

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A Certain Ame stared at the missive and hummed quietly, during these recent times she had seen a lot of these missives and was starting to grow tired and made no sense of them and this missive fell into her hands during one of her not so steady minded moments "cake..." murmured Karuna "i think i will go get some cake" and wit that the tiny ame set down the parment and wondered of to her kitchen to make some cake

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A ker looked and read it before placing it away. "This war is ne ayla. The previous Rex did ne allow any harm to come to my animals, but since this war started have I not only lost top breeding horses and cows. Now they have slain my sheep, and even my poor bees laid dead upon the ground. And Mr. Wiggles is missing and I've had him for years! If I find my animals slain one more time, I may have to end the trees around the place. Even if I have ne idea how the people can have survived such high falls down just to break in and slaughter my animals. The sheep did ne deserve to be murdered like this." She sign in anger at the slaughter that took place earlier this eleven day. "Might be time to have a talk with the new Rex maybe."

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Targoth Jreg'Gorkil musters the forces of Luraqixis to squash the forces of House Viktradies. 

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"You faltered last time, by the way." sputtered the Inquisitor of the aforementioned Arch-Drakaar, Ardromiath.

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"Those who stand with Vikela ought to clean their own house before looking at others." Mouthed the An-Gho.

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“It’s yap city over here.” Commented the Autarch upon hearing the heretic babble for the trillionth time.

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*The inferi would let out a chaotic laugh while reading the missive , before his eyes widen seeing that he was mentioned 


"it seems you have a rat in your ranks Lumia , well the deal is off now that we are exposed , thank you for the free soul" 


Kudra said to himself with his laugh getting even louder before tearing the missive and throwing it on the ground before stepping on it with his hooves 

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