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"Are there none worthy of a fight?"

Casreus spoke, disappointed - Still had he yet to taste blood nearly a year into this war.

"What challenge is there but mine, then?"



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"It is a miracle they may stand straight, given how much of a spine they lack." Spat the Herald of Strife from the depths of the Synod, nodding in agreement with the elf she'd never met, who was so very far away.  They rolled their eyes, their rage threatening to all but boil over. For so long had they been deprived of the chance of a good, bloody battle.  

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Overlooking the Silver Sea from atop the Whitespire, Tiber looked to the lands of the faltering Coaliton. He turns to Prince John with a gesture to the aforementioned, speaking his mind to the compatriot, "These easterlings are pathetic - their retreats reaffirm the need for subjugation by our Confederation, so that they are no longer led astray by such foolishness. We must be the arbiter of order, hegemon of the east, yet our government remains ridiculously lethargic in the dealings beyond the management of their taverns and courts." With that frustration vented, the Elf brought his arms to his chest as he folded one over the other, concluding finally; 


"We must take action and strike with a sure hand."

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Norido would raise an eyebrow upon reading the missive that he had discovered within the spires of Vortice "Ah, Lurin is has been taking a peaceful stance, and now Vortice is too, I can live in peace for now. Though, wouldn't it be fun if more could assist in the spilling of orc blood? Heh-"

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Gusiam would take a soft sigh, watching those of messengers go out towards the lands to declare the stance of vortice, But as he sat alone upon the karst, he could see far. Yet a frown remained on the devils features, the options long listed, yet boiled down to two. His eyes loomed to the neighboring realm just next to their Karsts. Yet seemed dissapointed in the entire matter. The options were lose-lose either way from anothers hand. Yet as he closed his eyes. He pondered what could and couldnt happen if no one pulled from the war. Would they drag on the chaotic war? No one will know now, Yet his eyes loomed to the lands just south. Skeptical, to say the least.

"Where was the crack within our friendship, the breach of our trust...Where did the chaos slip?"The ker said as his mind raced, his memory only filled with what could of lead to the breakage of their neighbor and actions that led to this chaotic view before him. Before a soft sigh left him.

"It seems we must prepare for the worse." Is all he could idely comment, annoyed... Truely annoyed at the smoking cannon of it all.

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"Nothing ever happens." Galahad muses.

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Cerrick of Khamees prepares his move.

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"...for gods sake." *By now a veteran elf groaned in anoyance, as he had to watch the absolute disaster of a aliance that had Been falling Apart by the day. Or so it seemed at least* "Can the east truely not unite?" *Pondered as he thought over the recent events. Finally with a shake of his head he continued on* "Our pride and wish to preserve only ones own intrest is going to be our doom. Complacency leads to disaster, I only wish more of my kin had know that by now." *Starting to head on out now... His day clearly not going that great. Yet making a finał, rather clear to him note* "Orcs wont simply stop on one county... What a pointless loss of land." 

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"Not like Vortice made vast differences in numbers, but alas." A druid merely states..

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2 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

"Nothing ever happens." Galahad muses.





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