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A New Silver Lubba Rises

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A New Age of Leadership


Issued at Year 186 of the Second Age



Life is not a brief candle, it is a bright torch, which I hoped to make burn as brightly as possibly

before passing it on to the next generation.


It is long overdue for me to retire from this role among Lurinite governance. I have grown weary and lost myself to this job. It has been a long many years since I first became the Silver Lubba. Bestowed upon me by mine father the great Mika Anarion. And like him, I feel my energy has been spent. My mind warped and worn under the strain of bearing this crown. It has been a hard decision to choose who will replace me. Between two I have had to choose. But only one seems to hold the people's favor. It would be foolish of me to choose someone that would potentially bring about rebellion and unrest within our serene state. 

I am not deaf nor blind to these things, I am hopeful that I have made the right choice. The right decision. There is only one whom I have truly promised this crown unto. And that someone is Ser Gundanat'Uialben, Wargoth of Clan Vukh. I know many are under the assumption that he has manipulated me into this, I assure you he has not. He has been humble of his station and duty to me. I have never met anymore more loyal than he. 

It is with great hope, love and pride that I place this mantle upon his broad shoulders. For I have grown too weak to bear it any longer. Gundanat has shown his capability in leadership in many capacities and facets. He will be a better Silver Lubba than I. I am sure of this to my very core. May he bring prosperity and longevity to our realm. 


Long may he reign!









Lumia Uialben

The Silver Lubba of the Most Serene State, Matron of House Uialben, Heiress of House Anarion, Protector of the Whispering Isles 


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"Well, damn finally! She was quite unfit to throne. What you think Aher?" Mayilu'maln asks from his clan member after reading missive and showing that to her @Muckelpu 

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"She believes he'd make a better Silver Lubba, huh?" He looked at an ugly toad. "I think even you'd have made a better Silver Lubba than her." Raziel declared to the toad.

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Sitting in her home drinking tea as she so often did while idly reading mizzives that wondered into her hands Karuna picked up the missive her mother in law wote, the small ame panned over the writing and a small hummed excaped her silent for a few moment letting the new kick in before a bright smile spread and she jumped up "way to go you green mean fighting machine!" the small ame exclaimed to herself, overjoy for her dear friend "i look forward to annoying him when i see him" Karuna hummed sitting back down grinning to herself.

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The Robert Bloodsblade sat in the Vikelan fortifications with a sword laid gently across his leg as he stood watch. A Wood Elf, A Vikelan soldier goes to sit next to him and would pass the new missive to the Human. "The CCC is So back"

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"...again. Wonder who the other candidate was, and if he exists." *Spoke a... Still quite anoyed lunarite as he let out a quiet sigh at the misive being redone and reposted*

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