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The Reorganization of the Duchy

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The Reorganization of the Duchy



Penned, Year 782 of the Shire Reckoning




Following the expansion of our territory to an unpredicted size, one that we could not have imagined when we first settled these grounds, and our rise to the status of a Port-Duchy, it is seen fit that new changes must be done to ensure our growth.


On this date, of the Third Seed of the 782th year of the Shire Reckoning, the Parliament of Dúnkeld is hereby dissolved, to be replaced with a more practical and new system. With a 'Council of Adventurers, Settlers, Pioneers, and Hedgeknights' forming in it's place. An advisory body made up of people both old to the lands and new. With it's existence fit to help organize the settling of new lands.


All previous legislation currently in force made under the Parliament shall remain in effect.






Their Aristocracy, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw,

Port-Sovereign of the Duchy of Dúnkeld, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Steward of Castellar, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, 

Protector of the Weefolk


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