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Settler Registration Act

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Settler Registration Act



Penned, Year 782 of the Shire Reckoning




To keep track of all incoming people into the Port-Duchy of Dúnkeld, it has been advised that they be registered, to keep track of them and to hold census on the types of people settling in the region of the Duchy.


All Settlers will be required to answer these questions:

  1. Name?
  2. Ethnic Background / Ancestry?
  3. Faith or Creed?
  4. Any Criminal History? (Yes does not disqualify you.)
  5. Would you consider yourself an Adventurer, a Settler, a Pioneer, or a Hedgeknight?






Their Aristocracy, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw,

Port-Sovereign of the Duchy of Dúnkeld, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Steward of Castellar, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, 

Protector of the Weefolk





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Name: Cassien Carina
Ethnic Background/Ancestry: Amathine

Faith or Creed: N/A

Criminal History: N/A

What would you consider yourself?: Settler

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  1. Name: Penelope Rougestocking
  2. Ethnic Background / Ancestry: Clown
  3. Faith or Creed: N/A
  4. Any Criminal History: Yes :3
  5. Would you consider yourself an Adventurer, a Settler, a Pioneer, or a Hedgeknight?: A cutie patootie :3
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