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As night descended upon the motte of Sólgaard, an ominous lightning stormed echoed in the distance as it slowly approached. Those within the camp would feel an overwhelming sense of dread, and panic. Lightning began to strike with fury as the winds began to swirl. 


Tancred & Cathan were suddenly frozen as black misty tendrils began to cling onto their bodies, black smoldering smog began to gather around their bodies, dark ominous whispers began to flood their minds.


[dark whispers - sound]





As they were frozen in place in the physical realm, their minds were transported somewhere else, into nothingness, there they would hear a voice within the darkness, a dark an ancient voice. “I have learned much from you. Thank you, my teachers. And now for your... education.” Suddenly they felt as if the ground disappeared as they began to fall in the void. “Before there was time” the old voice croaked “before there was anything, there was nothing, and before there was nothing…”

[i love adventure time]

 “There were monsters”






As the eldritch roar flooded their minds they could feel it, something was below them, something of pure madness. They instinctively gazed upon it and the madness began to corrupt their minds, they were falling to their deaths.


Back in the physical realm, their brother-in-arms Snake and Calias attempted to help Tancred snap out of it, as they did so they would hear an ear piercing war horn.






Tancred and Cathan snapped out of the spell as the war horn continued to play, they could feel the ground shaking as the sound of footmen could be heard approaching. After a few moments they would see flaming arrows soaring across the night sky onto the camp, the peasants began to take cover as some screamed as arrows pierced them. The raid of Sólgaard has begun.


Without a moment's to waste the warriors of Sólgaard sprung into action, some took positions within the guard tower while the rest went to fend any intruders off the walls. The undead warband screams grew louder as the charged down the hill landing ladders upon the ridge and walls.






Explosions set off as the undead horde blew an entrance into the camp, they quickly flooded into the camp killing peasantry, and setting the camp ablaze. Fire began to spread quickly, chaos unfolded upon the peasantry that night. All made their stand, all fought for their lives. Some kept them, Calais & Snake were seen chained and captured by the undead warriors, they were last seen being dragged off into the woods.


The camps defenses have been breached.



Some time later Tancred @ImmortalShadowZ receives another vision, letters in strange orders. What could they mean?











Thank you to the Solgaard Community for participating,  Hopefully you'll have some fun with this eventline! See you at the next one.

Thank you to @Orlanth & @olpx for locking their characters to my event becoming hostages to continue the narrative. (real ones)

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Snake would shake his head captive among the undead he would mutter under his breath "I would turn to my left, a comrade would disappear a quick glance right, and another would go a massacre indeed"

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"Doom, doom, doom," sings the canary.




Konan-Thegn, a skaldic chronicler of the Sagas is said to have written:

" Entombed in the barrows low where GRENDEL of writhe and stir,
His wicked flames burn while the edges of his wroth's darkness blur.

He who is most foul gifts smoldering fate in timber and steel for DRAUGR to yearn,
When the night falls into GRENDEL's maw, he must drink daylight—no light left to spurn.



The cadavers of the underdark had crawled beyond the periphery and into the face of the Nornic tribe, and the cautionary tales of the old wives and brittle husbands had finally been felt and understood in-full. The Sólvikingr are to be mustered and meet the draugr as so many of their ancestors had before them.


The greatest fear, to be a warrior-eternal that has been damned and constricted into the clutches of Hel has been made manifest.



"Endure," commands the ancestor.

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"Vi have faced bigger adversity crossing de Gods-forsaken waters to this isle, yet draugr activity hvar the least of mine expectations."
Beówulf, son of Yngwe, mused upon seeing the swathe of destruction to the motte. They would rebuild.

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