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The air became heavy around the fiefdom of Garenbrig, an ominous dark storm began to hover over the fiefdom, lightning began to echo throughout the sky as those within would feel a sense of dread fall upon them. The future of Garenbrig is bleak.


A war horn could be heard from within the dark forest.











As the skirmish commence, the undead would unleash bottles of necrotic potions onto the farmlands, infesting it with whatever malevolent concoction was in those bottles. The skirmish ended with minor injuries, but one could still smell the unmistakable scent of necromancy still about in Garenbrig. The threat was gone for now, but what is to come? Rumors would spread among the peasantry, that these lands are cursed.


The fiefdom of Garenbrig has been cursed.


The farmlands are tainted, and it seems to be spreading to the rest. The terrain became distorted, corrupt. 








Thank you to the players of Garenbrig. I hope you guys are having fun, see you at the next one!



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The Princess of Númenost stood before the tainted farmlands, in great annoyance. She had enough, the plague was taking over her lands, her people - the cycle had continued. Something that had happened once before.

This time, the plague will end at her hand. In life or in death.

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20 minutes ago, Petsch2k said:

The future of Garenbrig is bleak.


Ser Alteon Gwynadar simply said;





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Alara Camian, self-proclaimed White Witch of the Midlands and local sane and trustworthy individual, quietly read over a short letter she had received – or possibly had stolen – regarding the matter of cursed farmland. She hummed a thoughtful hum and tapped her chin as if to make herself seem more wise than she perhaps actually was. "Well, it has been a few decades since I did something involving villages and cursed fields... I could... Uther's grandson did make a deal with me... am I obligated?" The witch continued this one-sided conversation with an utterly silent, animated voodoo poppet for several minutes more, over the course of several cups of tea. At long last, she concluded that she would, in fact, help the people of Garenbrig... but only once she figured out what Garenbrig was.

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