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It has long been a standing tradition of Humanity to entertain others and laugh. Thus, the Barony of Rosius deems it fit to host a night of stand-up comedy, otherwise known as the Rosius Rumble of 1982. Participants will not be judged and are encouraged to tell us their best jokes. Anyone in good standing with the Heartlandic Government may attend. Unlike other Rosius events, this’ll be hosted at the Plane in Whitespire (next to the Chapel).



Starting fifteen minutes before the event and lasting for ten minutes after the event has started, participants should seek out Isabeau-Karine to sign up for their allocated time slot.



Participants will have an allocated time of five minutes to perform their material, starting as soon as they step foot on stage. After the allocated time is up, Lady Isabeau will call for the presenter to stop.



His Apostolic Majesty, John Alstion, King of Aaun,

And his royal pedigree


Her Royal Majesty, Adalia Temesch of the Petra, Queen-Regnant of the Petra

And her royal pedigree


His Serene Highness, Johannes von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather

And his noble pedigree


The Most Noble, Aurel von Theonus, Duke of Vohenheim,

And his noble pedigree


The Right Honorable, Siegmund von Reuss, Margrave of Velen,

And his noble pedigree


The Honorable, Krzysztof Jazlowiecki, Count of Warsovia,

And his noble pedigree


The Honorable, Wilford and Atticus Reinhold, Counts of Anairgrid,

And their noble pedigree


The Honorable, Friedrich von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten,

And his noble pedigree


The Honorable, Emilio Varoche, Count of Ves

And his noble pedigree


The Lord, Aimo Astor, Baron of Fir’steinn,

And his noble pedigree


The Lady, Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Feldkirch,

And her noble pedigree


Anyone in good standing with the Heartlandic government and the Canonist Church.



The Barony of Rosius




6/24/24 (or MONDAY the 24th) at 5pm est


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A forgotten deceased Queen that had always been fan of some good laughter anticipates the occurrence from the Seven Skies.

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