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First Enrollment Classes Academy of the Exalted Godfrey

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First Enrollment Classes Academy 

of the Exalted Godfrey

1984 to 1988



Portrait of the Exalted Godfrey


The Academy of the Exalted Godfrey exists to enlighten the minds of Mankind to our shared ancestral history, the good and bad, in order to showcase the Heritage of Man, and to engage the Realms of Man in thought provoking Historical Engagements. The Academy shall function as a place for scholars, citizens and priests to congregate together in an effort to teach all of Humanity of our Great Tapestry of Man.


Instructors for the 1st Enrollment

Chancellor - Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor - Father Ivan

Instructor of Military History - Mr. Viktor Gotwa

Instructor of Culture - Mr. Solebron

Instructor of General Studies - Mr. Alexander Galbraith


Classes of the 1st Enrollment

Survey of Human History Early Ages - Edith Hope II

History of the Canonist Church - Father Ivan

History of War in Humanity - Viktor Gotwa

Human Culture View of an Immortal - Solebron

Survey of Human History Modern Era - Alexander Galbraith


Enrollment Information

In order to enroll as a Prospective Scholar one must be at least five years of age, and must have permission from their guardian until the age of sixteen. All nations are welcome to enroll in our Academy. In order to graduate from the Academy and become a fully Fledged Scholar you must attend at least two classes in the term which shall begin and end once every Saints Month.


Name of Prospective Scholar:

Year of Birth:

Country of Origin: 

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy?



Published by,

Ms. Edith Hope II,
Chancellor of the

Academy of the Ex. Godfrey.


Father Ivan var Ruthern,

Vice-Chancellor of the

Academy of the Ex. Godfrey.



Ensure you join our discord here https://discord.gg/F9BW5duAEA and check out our formation post about who we are! 



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"At least five years old?" The Viscount of San Adriano retorted as he read through the missive, humming in some thought as his eyes narrowed upon the parchment then to his children, murmuring under his breath. "In due time, more of the Temesch's will attend and they will be the smartest ones around! But for now.. I will have to do."


Name of Prospective Scholar: August Benedict Temesch

Year of Birth: SA 159

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy?

Edited by __Stal27
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Name of Prospective Scholar: Stefaniya Mariya vas Ruthern

Year of Birth: 178 Second Age

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Da

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3 minutes ago, __Stal27 said:

"At least eight years old?"

"Before you returned to us, the rest of us were attending classes in Petra. Enjoy reliving education in your almost-thirties, Augy. Remember, listen to your teacher. No smoking or drinking alcohol on class, and no swearing."


Cosima spoke to her brother as she peered over his shoulder, "we've enough books in the library to cover practically any topic you need, you strange man."

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2 hours ago, __Stal27 said:

"At least five years old?" The Viscount of San Adriano retorted as he read through the missive, humming in some thought as his eyes narrowed upon the parchment then to his children, murmuring under his breath. "In due time, more of the Temesch's will attend and they will be the smartest ones around! But for now.. I will have to do."


Name of Prospective Scholar: August Benedict Temesch

Year of Birth: SA 159

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy?

Letter of Acceptance to the 

Academy of the Exalted Godrey


 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. Students will be required to show up to the Academy upon arrival in the Kingdom of Balian to ensure that the Chancellor knows they have arrived. Term begins on the first day of the year 1984.

Signed by

Chancellor, Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor, Father Ivan

2 hours ago, Satyrdays said:

Name of Prospective Scholar: Stefaniya Mariya vas Ruthern

Year of Birth: 178 Second Age

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Da

Letter of Acceptance to the 

Academy of the Exalted Godrey


 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. Students will be required to show up to the Academy upon arrival in the Kingdom of Balian to ensure that the Chancellor knows they have arrived. Term begins on the first day of the year 1984.

Signed by

Chancellor, Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor, Father Ivan

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Heinrik waved a charcoal stick and the academy's permission missive in his hands with eager enthusiasm! He slowly wrote his answers out, especially since his mamej @retrowas watching over his shoulder to make sure he didn't misspell anything. . again. .


Name of Prospective Scholar: Heinrik Matyas var Ruthern

Year of Birth: 176 Second Age

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy?: Da!

Edited by andydreww
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24 minutes ago, andydreww said:

Heinrik waved a charcoal stick and the academy's permission missive in his hands with eager enthusiasm! He slowly wrote his answers out, especially since his mamej @retrowas watching over his shoulder to make sure he didn't misspell anything. . again. .


Name of Prospective Scholar: Heinrik Matyas var Ruthern

Year of Birth: 176 Second Age

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy?: Da!


Letter of Acceptance to the 

Academy of the Exalted Godrey


 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. Students will be required to show up to the Academy upon arrival in the Kingdom of Balian to ensure that the Chancellor knows they have arrived. Term begins on the first day of the year 1984.

Signed by

Chancellor, Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor, Father Ivan

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Name of Prospective Scholar: Naida Sofia Vilac

Year of Birth: SA 178

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Yes


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20 minutes ago, ElvenHuntress said:


Name of Prospective Scholar: Naida Sofia Vilac

Year of Birth: SA 178

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Yes



Letter of Acceptance to the 

Academy of the Exalted Godrey


 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. Students will be required to show up to the Academy upon arrival in the Kingdom of Balian to ensure that the Chancellor knows they have arrived. Term begins on the first day of the year 1984.

Signed by

Chancellor, Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor, Father Ivan

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A young Lady Galbraith hummed as she scribbled out her application in pink crayon:


Name of Prospective Scholar: Paloma Augustine Galbraith

Year of Birth: SA 182

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? YES

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2 minutes ago, Gutz said:

A young Lady Galbraith hummed as she scribbled out her application in pink crayon:


Name of Prospective Scholar: Paloma Augustine Galbraith

Year of Birth: SA 182

Country of Origin: Balian

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? YES


Letter of Acceptance to the 

Academy of the Exalted Godrey


 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. Students will be required to show up to the Academy upon arrival in the Kingdom of Balian to ensure that the Chancellor knows they have arrived. Term begins on the first day of the year 1984.

Signed by

Chancellor, Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor, Father Ivan

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Name of Prospective Scholar: Tahorran Divadri


Year of Birth: First Age, around 250 years ago. True date lost to the ages.


Country of Origin: Haulen'or, no longer associated. 


Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Yes

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1 minute ago, Clayphish said:

Name of Prospective Scholar: Tahorran Divadri


Year of Birth: First Age, around 250 years ago. True date lost to the ages.


Country of Origin: Haulen'or, no longer associated. 


Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Yes


Letter of Acceptance to the 

Academy of the Exalted Godrey


 We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Academy of the Exalted Godfrey. Students will be required to show up to the Academy upon arrival in the Kingdom of Balian to ensure that the Chancellor knowsthey have arrived. Term begins on the first day of the year 1984.

Signed by

Chancellor, Edith Hope II

Vice-Chancellor, Father Ivan

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Name of Prospective


Evaristus Mortagne Stassion 

Year of Birth: 


Country of Origin:

The Marchland of Rhosmark

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? 

I do.

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Viviana of Valio dipped her pen into ink, and began to fill out an application. . . 


Name of Prospective Scholar: Mirt of Valio

Year of Birth: 173 SA 

Country of Origin: The Rexdom-Lurak

Do you agree to abide by all rules of the Academy? Yub. 

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