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The Brigade of Marna

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Chants of BLOOD FEUD BLOOD FEUD BLOOD FEUD flood an old knight's mind, eclipsing all as he battled the mighty T-Rex of Gashadakuro. Recovering in the clinic waters, he blurts out "BEHEAD ALL PHILIPS!" to a crowd of Oyamen, the meaning perhaps lost on the Easterlings.

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". . .I want my ashes back. Unfortunate." Serana remarked, upon reading the passage regarding The Dragaar; ultimately lamenting about her choice of gifting the Horen ashes. 

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Lothair of Brabant succesfully completes yet another excessively written missive. "I wonder if all of those mercenary groups, dedicated to the suppressing of defunct empires, still exist."
With a half-skip and a jaunt, the arch-delegate penns a few letters to some old diplomatic counterparts... and some new ones.

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Kezmur contemplated how exciting it will be to shove a hammer far up the asses of invaders. 

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A certain Ame stared at the missive and hummed her chin resting in her palm while thinking of the right words before nodding to herself "They going the right way for a slap" And with that Karuna scrunched up the missive and threw it into the fire "no one is touching Lurin Gundy is working too hard"

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1 hour ago, seannie said:

The Establishment of the Canonist Bulwark

That the Holy See of the Universal Faith, the Church of Canondom, be forever safeguarded by an expanded region of Canonist territories around it and no longer be so closely bordered to paganic entities.





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Father Aerin Marsyr would find the grip on his sword's handle tighten subconsciously as he read the missive from within the temple of caius, speaking with an exasperated sigh. "Delusional fools, still dreaming of empire...Hopefully none of this comes to pass." the priest would state, before thinking back on promises made, and oaths given by the Númenedain to come to the aid of the WEE FOLK, should any aim to strike at them.

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33 minutes ago, RLNGO said:

Kezmur contemplated how exciting it will be to shove a hammer far up the asses of invaders. 

Isana silently agrees with Kezmur's sentiment.

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Sigrun 'Undeadslayer' Stonehammer raised a finger, before dropping it and scratching his head in confusion.


He then raised his finger again after trying to approach it from a different angle - but again ended up scratching his head in confusion.

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Theodore Elwood did not truly understand much of what this missive said in regards to dragons or other such folly. But what he could see and understand - a sketch of an insane territory encompassing several other independent realms - got a hearty laugh out of him. "The Baron of Rosius could make a fortune selling wine to these obvious drunken fools." he says to himself as he rips the parchment in half. "May God light them a better, more reasonable path. Perhaps one of any useful service to the realm they hold in such high regard."

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"What rubbish" Matilda of Brabant read the missive with frustration

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"if they are not the Qalasheen Marnans I do not want them!" Arch Lector Commodus Horen Marna says from heaven, ripping open the clouds discreetly whilst keeping a watchful eye out for the Owyncarnate and fascist blue jannies that sought to silence his spirit.

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Father Davide sends a donation to the Brigade of Marna.

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