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The Brigade of Marna


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Vylandris Vuln'ibar examines the initiative of the new brigade, though he struggles to grasp how such a brigade could be so appreciative of the dragonkin but villainise them as heretics in the same breath. However, he sees the opportunity that this provides for the further enlightening of Humanity. Asioth. Perhaps there would still be a chance for the fallen knight to return to his former status. Redemption, albeit unlikely.

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Bon'Ox blinks "Uh...Ukee.." is all he can let out, having  JUST promisied to his Lord Marshal not to write missives unless he's spoken of what bothers him before hand.

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John Valentinus sighed as another missive arrived at his desk. It had hardly been a month since his escapades caused a ruckus, and he likewise didn't wish to read another piece of hate mail. However, something told him to slice open the seal that kept it bound, he would come to find its contents thrilling. It was inspiring! The parchment was shoved into his desk drawer so that it would be hidden from prying eyes.

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Emilio Varoche hears of the news, reading the missive, "This... this is truly the Golden Path. We all tire of the folly of cowards." the Roach uttered, as his gutted a fish from his tower.

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The youngest of King James’s issue, Augusta Charlotte was afforded the issue by her household’s courier. The elderly dowager quickly hid the pamphlet in her skirts, and sauntered to the Hand of Horen’s hearth. Silence succeeded her, but her mind was ablaze.

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Atticus Reinhold pauses in his transcribing to glance over the missive, pursing his lips slightly as he arrives to the accompanying map. "Who on earth is going to pay for all that? No one ever thinks these proposals through," He dismisses with a wave, returning to his other documents.

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A particularly stout King peered over the missive from his retirement home at Dúin's Shore. An amused smirk crossing his visage: "T'werth be wiyes tae pace kep'th midst thine neighbours. Blōd fædes pay'th many men t' great expense..."

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Analiese Alstion received the pamphlet in her quarters within the Hand of Horen, a set of ladies in wait aided her in a dress fitting. Sleeves tightened around her arms and laces bound a corset around her waist as the third of the handmaidens held the pamphlet before her eyes, "I would fancy a trip to the eastern coast." mused she absentmindedly, though the words of the manifesto weighed on her mind for hours following. 

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"Someone's manifesto accidentally dropped a bit early..." The former Count of The Phoenixspire stated as he looked over the missive. 

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The warrior Alexander Darkwood, a certain heartlander who had already lost any interest in human politics, nodded as he casually read the new missive issued by the hero Tiber of New Paradisus regarding the formation of the Golden Dragoons "I am also of the opinion that the House of Alstion and Temesch must rule supreme over the Heartlands and that their hegemony in the continent must be ensured. Their Majesties should follow the steps of their ancestors and remember the teachings of our Exalted Prophets. The rise of the House of Horen through a new human reunification would be the adequate pathway to achieve peace and prosperity in mankind."

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46 minutes ago, seannie said:


"Latsu will NEVER be VOLK." Takemura shook a fist

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18 minutes ago, Hearth said:

A particularly stout King peered over the missive from his retirement home at Dúin's Shore. An amused smirk crossing his visage: "T'werth be wiyes tae pace kep'th midst thine neighbours. Blōd fædes pay'th many men t' great expense..."

And thus, he is promptly beaten back into T H E     P I T by a wizard.

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