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The Brigade of Marna

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“I have stabbed and rooted out-“ Narithen Uialben mutters, crumpling the notice. “Too many damn darkspawn here just for some canonist loser to come in and claim it was all them.”



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Field Marshal Cerrick stared at the map in disbelief as he conferred with his generals about yet another possible intrusion into the Trade States. He seemed at a lose for words as he blinked and panned around the room. "How am I supposed to respond to such bullshit."

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“Intriguing development this is indeed. It has been a very long time since anything has been called Marna.” Edith would remark to herself while sitting in her personal office looking over various documents for the upcoming Semester at the Academy.  She’d then proceed to the office next to hers and show the document to her Vice-Chancellor Father Ivan. @Wavey 

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seannie everything bad ive ever said about you ignore it, these petrans need to mute themselves. this is so ******* cool, thank you

"We the son's of Horen, the righteous and the just, we must liberate the cravens from their eternal cowardice! Rise from ye holes hobbits, cast your blades to the ground and accept true freedom under the EYE OF HOREN!" Shouts a purple-clad preacher, riding through a Halfling shantytown screeching about the inevitability of Horen's return.

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Norido would scoff upon reading the missive pinned to a wall nearby whilst he was on his mining trip "Ah humans, once again taking land that is not theirs. What's next? They'll be fighting over themselves trying to determine who owns what."

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10 hours ago, tilly said:

Why do the Heartlands need more land - and to take it from our neighbors, at that?


"Neighbours who had given shelter to our enemies and interfered with the matters of Man and Canondom, as aforementioned..." Stated Michael Sergius.

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Mika Anarion lets out a long sigh "let's hope they know that the tear will only be opened if Lurin is under attack, it will be large enough to take the rest of the east with it, it is not much of a deterrent if it isn't dangerous, is it?" he noted then as he continued to work as per usual





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Andria begun counting the land mass and the amount the monks would take, humming to herself “three thousand six hundred a year” shook her head “OH! Plus the war taxes! Let’s see 25 per solider.. oh but who knows if lurin will even fight? We were worried about the orcs BUT! We forgot humans have access to public missives as well! 

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"Unfortunately, GOD will punish the concept of Oren for another thousand years, as penance for its emperor at the end of its stability's impropriety towards the youth... and knowing this, Oren will not come to pass," remarked a half-mad high elf of many years of age

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Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, of the junior line of Marna-Horen would raise a brow from the seven skies


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"Why are they claiming Hohkmat?" *The Lubba looked at the map shown, confused and somewhat sighing at what a diplomatic mess he's in.* "Wanting to Conquer Vortice Halfings... What a mess."

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"Oi Maggieh! Get a load o' t'is guy!" Capt'n Tooke called to her close friend, The Cheese Wizard @salamanderfantasy"Oi sureh do 'ope t'is new Thain es competen', weh best up our defenses nonet'eless. 'n they're wrong aboout the azdrazy, Mango es actualleh a decent feller!" The wee woman babbled. "Di' oi tell yer oi spoke to 'im?"




An order-scarred traversed the lands of Aevos, felling anything foul or corrupt that stood in the way of his pursuit of knowledge. Questions that haunted his waking and dreams, questions he should've asked sooner. Finding a wall covered in these missives, he ensured no one was around to see him, before tearing them all down in an uncharacteristic display of temper.




The High Pumplar, Prophet of Lord Knox stirred. 

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Jon also sends in a donation..

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22 hours ago, Trinn said:

". . .I want my ashes back. Unfortunate." Serana remarked, upon reading the passage regarding The Dragaar; ultimately lamenting about her choice of gifting the Horen ashes. 

A voice echoes in the distance

"Don't care...

Didn't ask..."

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22 hours ago, Kaiser said:

A voice echoes in the distance

"Don't care...

Didn't ask..."


"Plus you're a virgin..."


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