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[Amendment] Malflame Lethality.

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Idk how I feel about codifying the damage based on where it hits. In a sense it's good to have measures for how lethal it'd be but to me it just feels as if this would lead to naz players consistently throwing malflame at the neck.


It's not to say that the idea is objectively bad I'm just concerned on how it might change CRP focus for a magic that is already quite diverse. Personally I'm more of a fan of slightly more "vague" guidelines that allow players more flexibility in how they RP rather than enforcing clear regulations (I do feel this with how some azdrazi spells were changed - as it makes them very powerful in some circumstances because it effectively enforces wounds and death after a certain emote count).


Malflame being lethal definitely changes the dynamics behind naztherak's use in combat, and it ought to be carefully thought out before being implemented. 

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3 hours ago, creamynoteblock said:

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