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Appointment of Lubba Hand


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The Appointment of Lubba Hand

Issued at Year 186 of the Second Age







Over my couple of months in charge, I have been deciding who to appointment as my right hand, my second in command. Investigating and interviewing certain people I have come to the conclusion that Karuna Amal will become my right hand, the Lubba hand. I congratulate her on the role, and her now responsibilities. 

Glory to Lurin






The Silver Lubba of the Most Serene State of Lurin, 

Wargoth of Vukh

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"As if there was any other choice." Narithen grins, looking over the missive. 

"Seems I'll need to make sure she doesn't exhaust herself!"

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While sipping tea Karuna Amal hummed as her companion Aya brought over the missive, reading over it the ame smiled gently "I only hope I can do a good job in supporting the Lubba and the people of Lurin"

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“A well made Choice, I pray her positions will make their citizens feel ever so safer and prosperous.” She spoke reading the missive from her temporary workshop.

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