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[CA + Creature Lore] The Infernal Compendium

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1 minute ago, The King Of The Moon said:

I think you misread the lore here

1 hour ago, Pallodium said:

— Malda cannot cast at all when wearing armor;

Looks like I did - Malda's were stronger in the early version. I definitely see the concerns now - I'd think the unevolved version would at least be able to cast in half-plate as a Naz could. 

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14 minutes ago, ToodIes said:

i’m mageposting but there shouldn’t be any armored titans slinging T5 voidal magic who can’t be disconnected by normal means. i think they should have the same limitations on magic that they did in the old lore- ie only malda can do void 

they can be disconnect by normal means though, and can’t cast in armor

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1 hour ago, Pallodium said:

Disconnecting from malflame spells requires severe pain equivalent to a limb being discombobulated or a puncture right through the torso.

You are my hero 

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1 hour ago, Pallodium said:

Despite that- they gain a fragment of their Naztherak’s prowess, capable of enhancing their hungering for souls with a faustian bargain of sorts, capable of utilizing the Naztherak ability Pacting, albeit to a lesser degree and at no cost. They can give up to [2] Boons and Banes, and cannot give these to beings whose soul has been already tainted by Moz Strimosa.


The addition of Boons and Banes seems very lackluster, and from what I can tell, it doesn't have a single redline associated with it in the lore. I don't think this addition is good for a number of reasons. For one, it's taking another function directly from Naztherak lore and copying it with no difference added. Secondly, it won't fulfil the niche of "deal making" that demons have asked for, as upon reaching their second or third boon given out, they cannot give any others. I think this should be reworked into something else entirely, or just completely removed.


Rakir should also be added under each demon's mentality, as they should all go crazy over it. It's possible that I missed it, but I think it's a good idea if demons can be bled for their rakir upon death, so that infernal-alchemists can use it for some recipes, or so demons have incentives to eat other demons.

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This lore fixes current problems with the lore and makes everything clear!

My one suggestion: Maybe instead of not being able to use illusions or disguise that they would be warped in some way? Maybe beast-melding would become warped and demonic, or illusions would shimmer and distort more often and display demonic traits. Things like this would I think be more flavorful then flat out not being able to use the magic.



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