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[CA + Creature Lore] The Infernal Compendium

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Long overdue.
thank god

(prayer emoji)


Some important notes of feedback I have are:

52 minutes ago, Pallodium said:

— Kozun may cast spells from [T1] to [T3] as per the Naztherak lore.


I. Wording on spells from different tiers of naztherak lore should probably clearer if this is meant to encompass all naz spells within those tiers or just malflame spells in those tiers. I'm assuming the latter but that's not how it reads.


52 minutes ago, Pallodium said:

Malda bear [3] slots, whilst Kozun have [2] and Rakaal [1].

II. Lowering the magic slots on zar'ei from the current seems a little needless. It was amended so recently I'm unsure why the current slot numbers would need changing already. I can maybe see the reason for lowering them for the evolved versions but it feels like an unwarranted limitation for the base CA(s).

52 minutes ago, Pallodium said:

their souls, far too altered by Moz Strimosa, are incapable of properly learning any Voidal Feat, Mysticism, or Kani.

III. In a similar vein to the above removing voidal feats from malda seems like a needless limitation (with the exception to scion which should stay inaccessible). Currently malda suffer all of the detriments that void mages suffer plus the additional limitations involved with being an inferis, so balance-wise they'd always be worse off than any descendant void mage with or without the feats. In addition much of the chaotic voidal aesthetic that works so well with malda (i.e. making tears) relies on accessing these feats. The Void also does not discriminate in the way a deity would; being altered by Moz Strimoza shouldn't really disable access to it and worldlore implies otherwise. 

IV. Sorry if I glanced over it but I can't seem to see any mention of PK clauses in this rewrite. Is that to say the old version (where 2 weeks after not being bound makes you die for, uh, reasons) is no longer applicable? Honestly that's an improvement if so, though I still think some sort of PK method should be applicable.
Maybe multiple naz/ inferi coming together could banish a demon, in a similar vein to the disconnection ritual? Just a thought.

V. Can we please get clarification on:
-if inferi feel pain normally
-if inferi feel fatigue normally
-if inferi need to breathe
-if inferi need to sleep
-if inferi feel temperature and if so do extreme temperatures effect them normally
-if inferi have internal organs and circulatory systems
-if inferi can be killed by bloodloss or organ failure (assuming they have them) and if not what can kill inferi

VI. ADD A NO FTB REDLINE PLEASE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise thank you for rewriting a very dated and messy piece. Above all else inferi need clarity due to the vagueness borne of a naz rewrite passing with the accompanying inferi rewrite failing, leading to inconsistencies between the two, and I appreciate you trying to address these!

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Omg Turbo dog my dog who is turbulent and a dog


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dragon drones

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Sorely needed rewrite. Very thankful someone took on the task of it. Love the fact they get custom spells, and can buff naz. Also imp lords!!! IMP LORDS!!!

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pretty cool

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inferi are definitely a piece of lore that's needed some love, glad to see this out. hopefully this will make them more interesting to both engage with and play as a CA, as I think they have a lot of potential for storytelling that just unfortunately got neglected and nobody really had the energy to tackle

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i’m mageposting but there shouldn’t be any armored titans slinging T5 voidal magic who can’t be disconnected by normal means. i think they should have the same limitations on magic that they did in the old lore- ie only malda can do void 


edit: it's been suggested to me by people who aren't the lore-writer that they'd still have to follow voidal connection guidelines (eg a rakaal with water evo has voidal mage strength) but that should definitely be specified in the lore.

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1 hour ago, The King Of The Moon said:

-Similar to the above, I can't see any mention of a death/ revival timer or a revival mechanic. Is this also meant to be removed and just standard 'you respawn after 30 mins as per rules' now applies in its place? 

1 hour ago, Pallodium said:

— A slain Zezimar will take 1 IRL week of feasting upon its own maleus to reconstitute its body, unless the Naztherak it is bound to willingly casts “Invocation - Zar’ei [T3]” to revive them manually.

I think the PK redlines are already contained within the Naz lore page, but respawn timer is here.


1 hour ago, The King Of The Moon said:

-In a similar vein to the above removing voidal feats from malda seems like a needless limitation (with the exception to scion which should stay inaccessible). Currently malda suffer all of the detriments that void mages suffer plus the additional limitations involved with being an inferis, so balance-wise they'd always be worse off than any descendant void mage with or without the feats. In addition much of the chaotic voidal aesthetic that works so well with malda (i.e. making tears) relies on accessing these feats.


I don't entirely agree with this - you don't need any Voidal Feats to partake in any voidal creation or further Voidal Chaos such as Tearmaking. Also, Malda are capable of wearing any armor of their choosing without suffering a penalty to their ability to cast, which a Voidal mage cannot do. If a Inferi really wanted to be involved in the whole chaos-void mage vibe, theres nothing in this write preventing that since Voidal Posioning would overwrite any physical strengths the malda has left per Voidal Connection redlines.

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keep malda at its current adjusted level

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13 minutes ago, PrimnyaQuorum said:

I think the PK redlines are already contained within the Naz lore page, but respawn timer is here.


Even if that's the case, if a CA is on its own page (separate to the magic) its PK clauses should be included on its respective page, not a separate magic that at this time users of said CA cannot access and therefore have no reason to read. Though also after talking with Pallodium I think the PK is being rethought anyway as a lot of people have gripes with the current/ previous system.


13 minutes ago, PrimnyaQuorum said:

you don't need any Voidal Feats to partake in any voidal creation or further Voidal Chaos such as Tearmaking.

My mistake if that's the case, though the rest of the points on this limitation feeling a bit needless, due to the disadvantages malda already have compared to ordinary descendants with magic, still stand.

13 minutes ago, PrimnyaQuorum said:

Malda are capable of wearing any armor of their choosing without suffering a penalty to their ability to cast

I think you misread the lore here. Yes they can wear armour but it also renders them incapable of casting which, due to their permanent voidal weakness, renders them all around worse off; A 'knight' with the stamina of a void mage but none of the magic.

1 hour ago, Pallodium said:

— Malda cannot cast at all when wearing armor;

13 minutes ago, PrimnyaQuorum said:

theres nothing in this write preventing that since Voidal Posioning would overwrite any physical strengths the malda has left per Voidal Connection redlines.

I don't fully understand what you mean by this. Malda are written to be as weak as voidal mages with or without the magic though - which is fine and should stay. 

1 hour ago, Pallodium said:

A Maldaka type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with a modern Voidal Mage

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Hand it over. That thing, your dark soul. 


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