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A Challenge of Debate

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11th of Deep Cold, 2E 186Y


ᚨ ᚲᚺᚨᛚᛚᛖᛜᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛞᛖᛒᚨᛏᛖ

A Challenge of Debate

ᚨ ᚲᚺᚨᛚᛚᛖᛜᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛞᛖᛒᚨᛏᛖ



Citizens of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan,


It has come to my attention that my opponent, Ulfar Starbreaker and his allies, have been spreading unfounded claims regarding my statements. Ulfar has alleged that I referred to him as ‘the Ironborn reborn by Khorvad himself.’ This is a grave misrepresentation of what was actually said.


To set the record straight, I have never made such an accusation. What I did say was that Ulfar's history of prejudice against Mountain Dwarves and Forest Dwarves, combined with his past mentions of killing Epiphytes, borders dangerously close to the extreme politics of the Ironborn. This statement can be confirmed by the Dwarf I was speaking to.


In the interest of transparency and truth, I, Alaric Grimgold, formally challenge Ulfar Starbreaker to a public debate to address these claims and discuss our visions for the future of Urguan. Let us provide the citizens of Urguan with a clear and honest understanding of our positions and policies.


I propose that this debate take place in two stone days [on Thursday 3PM EST] in the Grand Throne Room. Let us settle these matters openly and honorably, before the eyes of the people we seek to serve.


Ulfar, I await your response.


Alaric Grimgold

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24 minutes ago, AlaricGrimgold said:

Ulfar has alleged that I referred to him as ‘the Ironborn reborn by Khorvad himself.’ This is a grave misrepresentation of what was actually said.


A certain sentence caught the attention of Norli Starbreaker. Meticulous as he was with his words, the former Grand King and Rhun Prophet looked at the public missive published by Clans Frostbeard and Grandaxe which Alaric was referring to. He finds the statement in question; "Comparing him to the second coming of the Ironborns". He then compares it to the quoted words of Alaric, and Alaric's own words printed just thereafter.

"Where is he gettin' these words from?" he spoke within a dwarven monastery deep underground, to whatever acolytes had been nearby. "Nobody claimed Alaric spoke the wicked name of Khorvad- I wonder if this is an instance of self reporting as they say... He even admits that he compared Ulfar to the Ironborn. So what is there to debate? Why not just own up to your words, if you really think he is so wicked." Norli shakes his head, and rises to his feet. "Very well, if Alaric is back to his old tricks, I'll make an appearence myself at the debate. Send word to Alaric," he bid a golem, which went walking out ahead through the deeproads.




It is despicable of you to connive slander against the Elder Clan Starbreaker, when you yourself have done far worse deeds than even you dare allege of my kinsman Ulfar Starbreaker. For half a dozen elections you have tried to grab at the Obsidian Throne, and for half a dozen elections have the people sternly denied you. Now, you seek to twist the eccentricities of my kinsman into scandal, that you might have a chance again. 


Fool as you are, I doubt you to be foolish enough to not know the meaning of words. Nobody has publicly claimed that you invoked Khorvad has personally reborn Velkan or any other Ironborn as Ulfar Starbreaker, stirring me to question that either you did do so, and simply forgot Ulfar didn't know of such, or perhaps you seek to mislead dwarves into thinking that any critiques of you were exaggerated, and therefore to be dismised. In your own letter, you outline the very thing you are accused of; wrongfully and scandalously comparing a dwarf to the genocidal Clan Ironborn, merely due to their own complicated relationship with some clans.

Perhaps someday conniving schemers such as yourself shall learn a method to attain power beyond crying Ironborn at any competent and firm cave dwarf who is willing to challenge the decisions made by his peers. It reminds me of when certain Forest Dwarves who were politically opposed to me would tell their populace I was their bane and enemy, yet did not teach my first act in Urguan was to praise the Paragon Bjor Cottonwood at his funeral, that I penned the Ballad of Bjor by which many remember a dwarf they had no chance to meet. As well, when certain dwarves would cry that Jorvin Starbreaker was an Ironborn, when Jorvin Starbreaker has probably slain more Ironborn than any dwarf since the rebirth of the Grand Kingdom.


It is righteous that Clans Frostbeard and Grandaxe are not willing to play the same victim politik as you, Alaric Grimgold.


VERY WELL. If it is by mischievous deceit you shall seek the venerable seat forged by Paragon Thorin Grandaxe, then it is by righteous truth that I shall challenge you; O' ye who has failed every political or industrial office ever granted, O' ye who has laid with elves and insulted Anbella by calling them wife, O' ye who stands on the grave of Dorimnur Goldhand posturing how alike you must be to a far greater dwed than you, O' ye who has dissappointed every single Grand King to have known you. Devil-tongued and wicked, you are, to turn the hearts of the trustful youth for your own purpose. I pray that Ogradhad might grace them in their dwedsleep with wisdom of your foul ways.


I challenge you, Alaric, to explain yourself before the dwarves of the Grand Kingdom in a public forum, not hiding behind pen where you may continue to misquote your adversaries, fooling those with too little time or care to check your claims. I look forward to your response, though I shall guess a coward such as you would rather kvetch on bulletins about how evil I am for opposing your brazen hypocrisy and debauchery.



Norli Starbreaker

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Deep in the slums of Urguan, where the poor and hungry go, Ulfar Starbreaker sits among the natives. There, he gifts the poor with wealth and the hungry with food, servus golems carrying crates of fresh slaughter and barrels of quality ale.


Soon enough, a Servus golem brings Alaric's letter to him. The golemantic gaze looks upon the contents of such, a grim expression growing over the dwarf's face.


One of the natives required assistance, needing help cleaning off some of the blood from the crates. Easily, Ulfar hands them the letter as it soaks up the mess.

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Due to lack of a clan hold, Thumbrindal spend time in the tavern writing up documents, he then sees his wife bring him a paper with a Grimgold seal.


He opens it and reads it before nodding to his wife. He burns the letter and carries on knowing that Ulfar is the better choice.

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