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[Announcement] Armament Techlock Update [NO GUNS]


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5 minutes ago, Vysii said:

less immersion-breaking ways to go about it.

i think all the magic should set the tone for combat on here (its fantastical)

and if there were a gun like that it'd have 2 major problems:

-you'll end up instakilling everyone who isn't wearing plate

-you'll still instakill people who are wearing plate


accepting bows & crossbows as plate-piercing is just objectively the best way to go about avoiding 

12 minutes ago, Vysii said:

git gud and put in the effort like people who research hema


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17 minutes ago, Vysii said:

or tell scrubs to git gud and put in the effort like people who research hema


All this research, just to get one tapped by an orc with a warhammer 😎 

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ranged combat having an insane emote count still zzzz


crp will still take hours to complete, hours busy people don’t have which makes playing impossible


crp will forever be “well I have lava proof boots” rp and a war of attrition

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1 hour ago, creamynoteblock said:

and if there were a gun like that it'd have 2 major problems:

-you'll end up instakilling everyone who isn't wearing plate

-you'll still instakill people who are wearing plate


tbf with the current rules, plate or no plate, people will get shredded by longbows and crank crossbows since they consistently pierce all types of armor. the update has effectively turned them into heavy firearms minus the noise and smoke


and guns wouldn't be that big of an issue mechanically imo. plate armor as we know it developed as a response to guns. a thick steel breastplate that's been hardened and tempered (i.e the current minimum armor standard on lotc) can stop a bullet. armorers from europe all the way to japan regularly tested the protectiveness of their stuff by shooting them with pistols and arquebuses. some soldiers then had to start carrying bigger and heavier muskets to compensate for that. and armorers still made wearable stuff that could block them, it just got heavier and less economical to equip entire armies with. and people from the american civil war, to ww2, to the modern day still survived gunshot wounds and kept on fighting even though guns and bullets were a lot more lethal than they used to be in the medieval and early modern periods


in lotc, there's a lot of lore materials that can do a better job than steel. medical treatments are generally a lot more effective than irl. and anyone legit arguing for instakills outside the context of a clean shot through the head or heart would probably be a powergamer who's done the exact same thing before with longbows and arbalests and can be shut up with reasonable redlines

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4 minutes ago, Vysii said:



and guns wouldn't be that big of an issue mechanically imo. plate armor developed as a response to guns. a thick steel breastplate that's been hardened and tempered can stop a bullet. armorers from europe all the way to japan regularly tested the protectiveness of their stuff by shooting them with pistols and arquebuses. some soldiers then had to start carrying bigger and heavier muskets to deal with that. and in lotc, there's a lot of lore materials that are stronger than steel. and people from the american civil war to the modern day still survived gunshot wounds even though guns and bullets were a lot more lethal than they used to be in the medieval and early modern periods


no guns



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My immersion is broken! I’m going to post this video of a guy in plate armor running to prove my point in crp!




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heavy armor stocks are tanking... probably for the better.
A suspected side effect I think might happen is that we might see a lot more throwables/ranged attacks overall from people in plate armor as it'll be a lot harder for them to close the gap between themselves as their target. Any competent archer/mage in light-medium armor may now cheese the shit out of a dude in heavy armor, simply by sprinting a couple emotes consecutively then casting a spell. Might be good, might be bad. We'll see.

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As a sling & javelin enthusiast - this is sad news :( 
Guess i'll devote myself to developing a smogger-cauldron-walker with spikes on it to slam into people.

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1 hour ago, Vysii said:

tell scrubs to git gud and put in the effort like people who research hema

copy pasting from fiore doesn’t make you good it means you should workout in real life 

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i think some people should spend less time playing civ & bannerlord and spend more time going outside

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7 hours ago, Vysii said:

If we want to adhere to realism, fighting further south than Petra should make you exhausted and tired due to the heat, routinely forcing you to take your armor off. Most characters should also not be actively wearing full plate, or even own it, due to the costs associated with it and the fact that it wasn’t commonly worn as travel gear. You also have to consider that some plate was cheaply made, which means…


Arguments of realism don’t hold authoritative weight because you still have to pick and choose what needs to be implemented for realism’s sake and what needs to be looked aside so the server is a little more fun. The rule of fun should apply most of the time.

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2 hours ago, Sewer_Rat said:


All this research, just to get one tapped by an orc with a warhammer 😎 

First boomsteel and horses then plate armor they wish to see our kind destroyed

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4 hours ago, Nectorist said:

If we want to adhere to realism, fighting further south than Petra should make you exhausted and tired due to the heat, routinely forcing you to take your armor off. Most characters should also not be actively wearing full plate, or even own it, due to the costs associated with it and the fact that it wasn’t commonly worn as travel gear. You also have to consider that some plate was cheaply made, which means…


Arguments of realism don’t hold authoritative weight because you still have to pick and choose what needs to be implemented for realism’s sake and what needs to be looked aside so the server is a little more fun. The rule of fun should apply most of the time.


while there is definitely such thing as an acceptable break from reality, i personally just don't think the new changes to the effectiveness of bows, crossbows, and plate armor count. the issue with saying 'arguments of realism don't hold authoritative weight' is that crp is one the few aspects of the lotc experience where a large part is settled by real-life logic and mechanics. this is because it's mostly freeform/honor; there's no hp bars, stats, or rolling to impartially determine who is winning. because of this, all two conflicting players can do without a mod or st acting as dungeon master is to make any kind of argument that they think would persuade the other person towards conceding a loss. appeals to realism (e.g 'my orc-strength persona can outmuscle your normal human-strength persona, so I would realistically have the mechanical advantage in this weapon bind') are among the most common, because most people won't concede taking a serious, potentially fight-ending blow 'for funsies', especially when they've got something at stake


south of petra, i can see a lightly armored dude bringing up heat exhaustion and heatstroke during a fight against a heavily armored bandit who wants to pk him and steal his stuff; prolonging the engagement to that point might be their only shot at winning. but very few people would bring up those same arguments to a heavily armored guy they're just casually chilling with in a town square


while people are free to pick and choose, some choices just seem less sensible than others imo. the issue with plate armor being so common on lotc comes down to strange enforcement choices. for example: unlike on many other rp servers, there's not even a simple progression system in place limiting who can make plate armor like how the alchemy system moderates who can make what potions. and unlike with weapons, there's no requirement for player-approved or st-signed mechanical roleplay items to represent plate armor in order to use them irp. rather than generating a net positive amount of fun, weird decisions like these just led to the frustrating meta of the last patch. meanwhile, real life just naturally balanced this with things like the skills, technologies, and resources required to make plate armor; all the weapons people developed to counter that invention; and then the counters people developed to counter those counters.


imo deliberately going out of the way to avoid taking inspiration from real life when it would be reasonable because 'it's fantasy', just seems to make things more weird than better. with the current system, we've got an issue with ranged being mechanically more powerful than melee by a big deal. with ranged, rolls are optional and armor penetration is p much guaranteed after the emotes are charged up. with melee, two-handed weapons have become a lot less viable, shields are compulsory to avoid getting one-tapped whereas before you could wear a shield over your whole body (it was called armor), and deciding hits is still up to who can make the most compelling argument

Edited by Vysii
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The perfect deterrent to bow shall be and always will be. 



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11 hours ago, Vysii said:


the kinetic energy imparted by a bow and melee weapons depend on the exact same chemical potential energy produced by human muscle tissue. it's just not enough

No.. Yes they both use the exact same 'chemical potential energy' as a source, but in the case of the bow, the energy is transferred into the limbs and bowstring, allowing that energy to be stored before the string is released, propelling the arrow forth. To give a comparison based on that logic, you are saying I can run the same distance and speed as I could on a bike.

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