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[Announcement] Armament Techlock Update [NO GUNS]


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There is a reason full plate stuck around for hundreds of years even though the the prevalence of bows predated them, and stuck around even after crossbows became more common, and then started disappearing after early muskets became common place in warefare.


Its almost like, for some reason, it just wasnt worth it anymore. Like, something very specific came out that made full plate just not worth it.


But I can tell yall it wasnt no new fangled bow.

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seems ok to me idk


emote count is still shit but on the off chance that they grind their eyeballs to meet the final shooting emote without interruption it's a good tradeoff when most people just shrug off arrows / bolts anyway


good preparation pays off and laziness punishes you in the end and so long as everyone has fun **** it bruh i'm all for the armor pen + armor classifications


here's a cute little germanic warhammer



Edited by madnorth
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On 6/26/2024 at 3:43 PM, Vysii said:


tbf with the current rules, plate or no plate, people will get shredded by longbows and crank crossbows since they consistently pierce all types of armor. the update has effectively turned them into heavy firearms minus the noise and smoke


and guns wouldn't be that big of an issue mechanically imo. plate armor as we know it developed as a response to guns. a thick steel breastplate that's been hardened and tempered (i.e the current minimum armor standard on lotc) can stop a bullet. armorers from europe all the way to japan regularly tested the protectiveness of their stuff by shooting them with pistols and arquebuses. some soldiers then had to start carrying bigger and heavier muskets to compensate for that. and armorers still made wearable stuff that could block them, it just got heavier and less economical to equip entire armies with. and people from the american civil war, to ww2, to the modern day still survived gunshot wounds and kept on fighting even though guns and bullets were a lot more lethal than they used to be in the medieval and early modern periods


in lotc, there's a lot of lore materials that can do a better job than steel. medical treatments are generally a lot more effective than irl. and anyone legit arguing for instakills outside the context of a clean shot through the head or heart would probably be a powergamer who's done the exact same thing before with longbows and arbalests and can be shut up with reasonable redlines

citizen of yapville 

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