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A Change of Seasons - Requited

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In some distant and sequestered crevice of the cosmos hid Muriel Uradir. He did not weep, he was long past that, but he wallowed- for centuries now.


A pang of bittersweet nostalgia sparked amidst his recollections as a stray memory reminded him of home - not Haelun'or, but the Uradir estate. He thought of Celiasil, Talar'siol, Ithia, Luxiana, Filarion, even Silvyr, and eventually his thoughts and regrets settled on Anethra.


"I only realise now, lari'onn.. the weight of your thankless burdens. You only believed in what was right for us, for Ceru'onn ... yet I took it for granted."


His voice trailed off as his hand stretched forth, clutching a distant star that reminded him most of home. His movements were shaky, strangely enough; he would've thought he'd be numb to tragedy by now, yet it ruined him every time, all the same.


"..Llun, lari'onn. I have no excuses for my actions long past.. but one day I will make amends, I promise."


"... Perhaps I should visit. I will visit. I will find you ..."


"... I only hope I am not too late."

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This ain't Azdromoth who the f*ck is this guy? - A certain adherent spat out aloud 


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In the midst of another round of changes in Haelun'or, Idendril wandered among a host of monuments scattered throughout the city, quietly repeating to herself, "the cycle shall repeat, again and again." Among the statues, one stood veiled in dust and seemingly unattended, bearing the engraved name of Anethra Uradir. As the winds from the mainland whipped the red Haelunorian banners, another symbol of fading significance, above the high elven capital, the elfess mused: "The wheel remains intact, but does it still carry the meaning its creators intended? But who could give it a new purpose? An Uradir, perhaps, - For better or worse?"

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An  ancient traverser of the outer planes remembered, even if others did not. 

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