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A Celebration of the Nations and Kingdoms of Aevos








ON THE 4th OF Horen's Calling, 116 B.A.





Following the success of the Kingdom of Balian’s Fifth Symposia Pragma and the coming of age of new members of the next generation, the Royal Duana of the Kingdom of Balian would like to welcome EVERY NATION of Aevos to the southern coasts of the continent and join us in a FESTIVAL OF NATIONS. 




The Kingdom announces a three-month-long event to commemorate the unity of the nations.





The Display of Fashion Across Aevos


A drawing of Balianese women showcasing the latest designs.


LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. The first month of the Festival will be commemorated with a display of clothing from each participating nation. Taking place in the Kingdom of Balian’s Palatio, each nation will have a designated area for the talented tailors to set up mannequins and show off their works of art. The display will continue for each day of the festival, alongside the other events. In order to participate, tailors will be asked to pay a small sum of TWENTY mina, which will cover both setting up shop and allowing tailors to enter clothing into the auction.

Shortly after the opening of the display, we will present models, wearing various pieces of clothing. This is to showcase the works of tailors from across the Aevos continent.




LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. During the Propono Societatis, everyone who attends the event will be allowed to vote on their favorite piece of clothing. Voting boxes will be available for each piece on display where you can deposit your vote. Voting slips can be picked up from any member of the Royal Duana at any time during the festival. Only voting slips that are signed by the Royal Duana will be counted in the voting process. Additionally, each fashion piece will be a BLIND VOTE. The winner of the community vote will receive a prize of FIVE-HUNDRED MINA. Tailors may display up to three pieces for the fashion show and up to two pieces for the auction, which will be discussed more shortly. 


To sign up for the Tailor / Skinner portion, please fill out the google form By July 11

Google Form: https://forms.gle/fha1SpKqj9853pht5

Any Questions, DM lazybacon220 on Discord!



The Festival of Nations is not just for clothing and culture. Rather, it is a time of gambling, betting, and tourneys.





A Tournament of Nations


A knight of the realm preparing for a bout of jousting


LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. In the following month, the Kingdom of Balian invites all the Knights of the Canonist Realm, the Squires of the Canonist Realm, and any aspiring warrior of Aevos to join us in a Grand Tourney.  The tourney will open with a jousting competition, followed by an archery contest and end in a melee consisting of teams of TEN. Any person who wishes to participate may sign up with a team via sending a letter to the Palatiodora or a Royal Duana member. For aspiring armourers, this is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your work in action! Prizes will be as follows:

  • For the Jousting Tournament: TWO-HUNDRED MINA

  • For the Archery Contest: ONE-HUNDRED MINA

  • For the Melee: The team who comes out victorious will each receive a custom weapon forged by the greatest Balian smiths and bestowed upon them by His Majesty, Alexander II.



LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. In order to register for the Grand Tourney, we ask ALL participants to register with their name, nation of allegiance, and what events they will be participating in. They can do this by sending a letter to the Palatiodora or any member of the Royal Duana. [OOC: Fill out the google form]


To sign up for the Tourney Portion of the Festival, please fill out this google form by July 12

Google Form: https://forms.gle/7pJ4wnMHSLfJNzUG9

Any Questions, DM lazybacon220 on Discord!



What is a festival of nations, without the ability to support the artisans of each nation?





An Auction for the Tailors of the Realm


A bustling bazaar from the days of Almaris


LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. The final days of the Festival will be commemorated with an auction. As stated previously, each tailor who pays the twenty mina to participate in the festival will be allowed up to TWO pieces of clothing or sets of armour to be auctioned off. The tailors will keep all profits made from the auction which will be paid directly to them. 




LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. In order to participate, we ask that all tailors of the realm send a letter to the Palatiodora or any member of the Royal Duana expressing interest in participating. Once you arrive in the Kingdom of Balian, a Royal Duana member will collect the entrance fee, and you will be free to set up.






LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. The Festival of Nations, or Festum Nationum, will take place in the months of Godfrey’s Triumph, Peter’s Glory, and Sun’s Smile of the year 118 B.A to give tailors and the kingdom enough time to properly prepare for the festival. We again invite every nation of Aevos to come and join us in celebrating our individual identity and culture. We look forward to the first ever FESTIVAL OF NATIONS.





The Festival of Nations will take place on July 12–14, 2024. Times will be announced as we close in on this date. Expect early EST afternoon (2 pm-ish)

As previously noted, please fill out the google forms if you wish to participate.

Skinner Google Form: https://forms.gle/fha1SpKqj9853pht5
Tourney Google Form: https://forms.gle/7pJ4wnMHSLfJNzUG9

My DMs are open if you have any questions (lazybacon220)


Writing: LazyBacon_
Formatting: Esotericas



His Royal Majesty, Alexander II, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Prince of Providence, Duke of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Count of Pompourelia and Kositz, Viscount of Eflen and Anatis, Baron of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lord of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Keeper of of St Lothars Hold, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera


Her Royal Majesty, Lavanya of Cresonia, Queen-Consort of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess-Consort of Helena, Reutov, Sunholdt and Lorraine, Countess-Consort of Pompourelia and Kositz, Vicountess-Consort of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness-Consort of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos, Montcoure and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Protector of the Heartlands and the South, etcetera


  HIS ROYAL EXCELLENCY, Kristoff var Ruthern, Amiratus of the Kingdom of Balian, Lord Seneschal of the Crown and Chief Minister of the Royal Duana


Her Royal Excellency, Dame Gwenyth ‘The Unyielding’ Callista Vilac Vuiller, Constable of The Royal Balianese Duana, Marshal of the Regiment of Saint Lothar, Lady Sentinel of The Royal Sentinels, Garrison Commander of Fort Demetrio, Cavalier of The Order of Saint Michael


His Excellency, August Benedict Temesch, Count of Martiel, Viscount of San Adriano, Vice-Amiratus of Balian, Royal-Legate of Balian, Militant & Watcher of the Order of Saint Lothar.


His Excellency, Ser Tristan ‘The Valorous’ de Lyons, Palatiodora of the Courta Cometa, Viscount of Enderoca, Patriarch of de Lyons, Knight of The Order of Saint Michael


His Excellency, Andrik Keen, Magister of Balian, Grand Oberst of the Ivory Company


His Excellency, Niklaous Ashford d’Savoie, Procurator of Balian


His Excellency, Solebron Dekach, Domus Ministri


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Kristoff var Ruthern smiles as he reviewed the events, “This is going to be a wonderful time, may it bring us all closer!”

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1 hour ago, LazyBacon220 said:

LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SIT AMET. The first month of the Festival will be commemorated with a display of clothing from each participating nation.

Esfir prepares to get heat stroke while donning Haeseni fashion.

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