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The Knight who Dreamed [PK]

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The Knight who Dreamed



As the sound of metal hitting metal was heard I spat out some blood, trying to keep my eyes open I found myself failing to do so. After a moment it felt like my eyes had opened by themself as I appeared in an unfamiliar black void, looking around for a moment I saw something in the distance. Squinting I saw a small ball of light which seemed to have appeared from the void and as it came closer I heard the faint sound of civilization. As time passed the light became more clear as it continued to approach  me. I saw the shape of wings on its side and the head of a falcon on the majestic beast. The whole creature seemed to be alight with flames, slowly I came to the realization of what I was seeing. 


Looking upon the mighty Phoenix I saw the waves of colors coming off of its wings as the sounds of civilization got louder. My leg’s seem to be working by themself as I found myself rushing toward the Phoenix, getting closer I glimpse through the flames and spot a grand city. On the walls of the city are banners of Black and Purple, a single tear leaves my eye as my legs keep on running towards it. I can now hear something mixed with the sounds of civilization. It's a song, a song of beauty and sadness; it’s the song of what is lost in the world and of the past greatness of humanity. The single tear has now turned into many as the tears are now flowing freely from my eyes; as I now know truly what we have lost. My head went up to look at the Phoenix as the music seemed to slow.


The Phoenix slows as it lands in front of me, its large head lowered before me. Its beak was right next to me as I held my breath and paused for a heartbeat before then looking past the head and at the city behind it. Then with determination I realized what I must do. I grabbed onto the beak and pulled myself onto its head, then making sure I was on steady footing I started to run forward to the city. Then as I ran off of the beak and as I did so I saw flames coming from the very flesh of the Phoenix, I paused for a moment slowly exhaling as I ran into the fire. 

The fire seemed to be all around me as I kept up my pace but it didn't appear to affect me. It seemed like hours as I ran towards the city; before the fire seemed to lessen as I reached the outskirts and I found myself slowing down as I walked up to the mighty gates.


I looked for anyone to let me in and my eyes widened as the gates seemingly opened by themselves, slowly I entered through and saw a crowd of people in front of me. A Few of them I recognized, some were people I served with, a few were people I fought against and then I paused as I saw a few more that were a bit more personal to me. As I was about to go to them I heard someone say “Magnus” from above and as I looked up I saw an orb of light. 


For an instant I stared at the orb of light watching it descend, slowly I realized that it was a man. Trying to make out features of the man I squinted at him, then as it seems he is about to start to speak, I feel a sharp pain rushing through my body. My eyes then opened. I saw rushing water and heard the end of a prayer for the briefest of moments. I take my final breath as the sword cuts through my skin and bones, my head falling off of my body. 




Letter to Ethan and Gaspard Winburgh @Hacket@DeadraSlayer

If you two are reading this then I am most likely dead or you're going through my things again. If it’s the former then keep on reading this letter, if it’s the ladder I will find out about it and make you run around the castle fifty times.  Alright now that's out of the way. I first must say I am sorry I won’t be there for you two anymore. I hope I was a good father to you two but I must ask you two to do something for me, I want you to live on and keep my dream alive. I also suggest you both look for an old fellow of mine, his name is Jurkha and he lives in Númendil. I want him to show you how any man with honor should act, I am sure he will show you the way.


From your Father Magnus Winburgh


Letter to Henry Arthur Haverlock @Javert


I hope you never have to read this letter Henry, I pray for strength for I do not have the ability to tell you what I have seen and I will be a coward if you find out from a note after I have died. But I shouldn’t drag out this letter for too long, I watched your grandfather Louis Haverlock die in a duel. Now it was a duel to the death  but he won, they should have let him free. I didn’t say anything at the time and I still carry that guilt till this day. I hope that you can forgive me for this sin and I'm sorry you have to learn about this from a letter. 


From Sir Magnus Winburgh


Letter to Hacket Hemoss @Hacket


I’m writing this incase of my death at some point in the future and I am writing it to send a message to you Hacket. Even though you don’t claim to be, you are in fact a knight. I have heard your arguments about it but being a knight is not just service to a nation, it is more and you show all the qualities of a true knight. Even if this point does not convince you to start calling yourself a sir once more, I hope you know in your heart that you are in fact a true knight. 


From Sir Magnus Winburgh



Letter to Tiberias @Tide1


If you are reading this then I have not lived long enough to see our dream come true, but this does not mean that it has ended. It has simply moved on to the next generation. I believe you'll be the torchbearer of this dream and generation. I think I can die knowing that, I have faith in you and I have faith in your line. 


From Sir Magnus Winburgh

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"****! GOD DAMN IT!" raged the Duke of Blackworth from within the walls of his keep as he heard the news of his Knight and Vassal Lord's death. First Sir Illatius, now Sir Magnus. The Duke found it harder to bear the news with each new death that reached him. Henry then locked himself into his chambers for hours - alone to mourn for two friends who he had lost to unnecessary violence.



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The not so little Gaspard reaches into the aviary, speaking to himself as he grasped the paper "I wonder what this is about. . ."
he'd then just let out a long groan as he slowly opening the letter, with his eyes studying his surroundings.
"It's probably just M'lord wondering" he'd then speaking in an almost mocking way "OHhhh- Gaspard, have you done the task yet. .Blah blah bla-" his eyes widened as they looked over the page, speaking in a shaky voice "N- no. . .It's- its a lie. . .It has to be" he'd remain there - Frozen -  for what felt like hours reading over the words hoping this was nothing but a cruel joke.

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"Magnusth. . ." Nicoleta uttered as she sat in her room, playing with her dolls, one dressed to look like a certain Knight.

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Godefroy d'Amaury would remark upon seeing the missive "May you find the sacred six pack in the seven skies my brother"

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The stoic expression of Corinna faltered the slightest amount as she heard the news. Calmly, she tied the long tresses of her golden tresses in a bun as she did every morning, before going out in search of someone.

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Castien does not know that the man who took the one he loves' eyes is gone.

He still lives his days in slight fear of coming upon the man with the lisp, who blinded his llir for no good reason.

Who nearly ruined his life.


Would he feel bad at all? Probably not.

But he'd feel safe once more.

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