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Declaration of Mobilization




In the next month, we shall experience the horrors of war. Many in the State of Vikela have not experienced war first hand, hearing stories of what occurred in the Coalition War of Braevos and the Southern Occupation of Nevaehlen. Thus, emergency measures must be taken in order to secure the stability of the State.






In the interest of that state and her security, the military will take control of the government and temporarily suspend certain rights in order to maintain stability throughout the realm.  The rights suspended include freedom of speech against the State and her policies, This measure is enforced to maintain stability and prevent the spread of misinformation that may jeopardize national security and public order. 

Also the freedom of gathering without informing the local authority, and protests against the State.


The freedom of gathering in groups larger than 4 without informing the military is limited in order to develop an emergency response. However, family meetings are exempt from this restriction, provided that a guard is called to ensure their safe return if they venture out.During this state of emergency, all public protests against the state are strictly prohibited due to their potential to incite civil unrest and Uncertainty. 

Offenders will face immediate and severe consequences.




As the State of Vikela prepares for its first war in modern history, it has become evident that our regiments suffer from inadequacies due to the reliance on untrained volunteers, akin to a common militia. To rectify this, it is imperative to enlist all able-bodied citizens in defense of our homeland.


All able-bodied citizens are hereby obligated to register for military service in the upcoming Census. This draft is essential for bolstering our defenses and ensuring the safety of our realm. Citizens who wish to opt out of active military service may do so by paying an additional annual tax of 20 minas or participating in weekly monitored gathering trips for select materials, as decided by the militia. This contribution will aid in the provisioning and support of our new army.


Upon enlistment, all recruits and current military personnel will undergo rigorous retraining under the guidance of Field Marshal Cerrick. The Field Marshal will evaluate each individual based on combat and leadership experience to determine new ranks and responsibilities.


This decree shall be enforced immediately following the upcoming Census. Failure to comply with draft registration or tax obligations will result in penalties as determined by law.


By implementing these measures, we aim to strengthen our military capabilities and ensure the defense of our State in these challenging times.






Cerrick Fenifaer,

Paladin of the Fallen Xan,  Formerly of Khamees,

 Field Marshal of Vikela, Head of the Military Junta of Vikela


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Star Wars Chancellor GIF


"Give a paladin an inch, and they will build a highway paved with their injustice. When will they realise that since the death of their patron that it is over for them. Better to keel over and perish, rather than attempt to revive an irrecoverable influence through methods that defy decency." Vylandris Vuln'ibar remarks to a fellow traveller mentioning the news on his journey throughout the eastern lands. While the efforts of powerless paladin were intriguing to the elf, he knew that any meaningful outcome would not be palpable.

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Gregorius Roa stared at the missive for several seconds before finally speaking to someone besides him, showing her the missive "Have you seen this bullshit?" the man said before re-reading the missive again, trying to make sense out of it all "I get the restrictions on gatherings, but God forsake people say their opinion!" the man chuckled from his residence "Well I guess its for Vikela" the man said before humming.

After that, he sent a letter to Lothair of Brabant, penning the missive below for the man to read @Lomiei

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Lothair of Brabant could not help but be surprised at the delivered ordinance. "not a half-measure, nor a hasty decision..." He gave a deep dip of his head toward the desk upon which he laid the scroll, and strutted himself off to the study to consider. 

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I dont know how to remove this spoiler, I didnt mean to put one here

11 minutes ago, Me_llamo... said:

Gregorius Roa stared at the missive for several seconds before finally speaking to someone besides him, showing her the missive "Have you seen this bullshit?" the man said before re-reading the missive again, trying to make sense out of it all "I get the restrictions on gatherings, but God forsake people say their opinion!" the man chuckled from his residence "Well I guess its for Vikela" the man said before humming.

After that, he sent a letter to Lothair of Brabant, penning the missive below for the man to read @Lomiei

[!] A swift birdie's foot lands upon the Pavian letterbox, clutching a minor response. 
"There is virtue in a leader making impactful decisions for the benefit of the civilization; So long as they provide true benefit to the spirits of the people. Harsher times than this will surely pass, as true as GOD in the 7-skies witnesses his creation. We must begin to accompany ourselves with toil... this is our lot as men.""You should show some reverence which is due to his station." himself showing customary respect to the (Former?/Current?) Vikelan Diplomat, Lothair left a carefully drawn signature upon the remaining space at the bottom of the shortened parchment.


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The goblins posted in the sewers and walls of Vikela after the last raid soon brought a copy of the missive to the elder. The redskin stopped his smithing and couldn't help but chuckle at the words written. He passed the missive to another, younger, uruk.


"So much similarity between the Astreas, Vanaris agh other filth we purged on Almaris. They try to control their citizens bruddah. We as honorbound ahm to free them from tyranny."


The shaman then returned to his work, more weapons were needed for the genocide to be successful.


"Izû shatûp Ubuntu." The elder chanted over and over again as the hammer hit steel.

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A peculiar ashen-skinned druid would scan the missive, their eyes widening a tad as they read over it, soon followed by a grimace of  disgust over the words, they swivel around, folding the missive once, then another time to pocket it, likely to have a talk with a particular someone about this.

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Isana's lips twist into a faint smile as he reads the missive. "Per'aps ta folk o' Vikela will see tat there be multiple kinds o' freed'm. Freed'm o' speech, freed'm o' association....but mor 'mportant, freed'm from fear. Oi wish ye well, laddeh-boy."

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24 minutes ago, satinkira said:




this is minecraft motherfucker what are you on

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12 minutes ago, creamynoteblock said:

you are weird bro


2 minutes ago, xMuted said:




this is minecraft motherfucker what are you on


bad joke pls disregard


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Medea walks about within her new home, decorating the place as she was delivered a letter by her owl. Upon opening the missive, her face remained neutral "The state of Vikela no longer lies in my hands...but I'm sure Cerrick understands what he's doing...he did make a promise after all.." She looked to her owl "Has my husband been well in his new home Kiana?" The owl chirped in reply "That is good." She would then take the missive and placed it within a drawer with the other copies of Vikelian missives.  

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29 minutes ago, satinkira said:

bad joke pls disregard



no way I got compared to nazis for a minecraft roleplay post, wildin


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2 minutes ago, Pancho said:
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no way I got compared to nazis for a minecraft roleplay post, wildin




pancho, my Freaky Friend, it was a joke; a poor one at that, which is why I removed it, but a joke nonetheless. I do not think your behaviour is actually equatable to nazi behaviour, nor do I think you irply or oocly a nazi!


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2 minutes ago, Pancho said:
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no way I got compared to nazis for a minecraft roleplay post, wildin


LOTC try not to compare both sides to WW2 factions challenge Impossible


Now yuo know how it feels

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