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On the 11th of Kyrr'bjotha, 187,


I traveled to the Kingdom of Celia'nor as part of my routine to sell my exquisite dwedmar  jewelry. While engaging a newcomer in conversation to showcase my wares, I noticed a redheaded human observing me from a distance. Initially, I chose to ignore this individual, focusing instead on my business.


As I made my way towards the square, I realized the same redheaded human was still following me. Determined to address this suspicious behavior, I approached the individual and began questioning their motives. The stalker appeared very awkward and repeatedly attempted to evade my questions. After some persistence, the individual finally identified themselves as Mary of Norland.


At this point, another dwarf, whom I had not met before, joined me. It was reassuring to have an ally in this situation. The unknown dwarf remarked that those who avoid questions often carry curses. With this in mind, I requested that Mary extend her arm so I could perform a darkspawn test. Mary vehemently refused any testing, leading me to conclude that her intentions were far from benign. I suspected she was stalking me, possibly not to rob or gather information, but rather to consider me as a potential target for more sinister purposes.


I borrowed an aurum pickaxe from the fellow dwarf and attempted to subdue Mary, whom I believed to be a spawn of Khorvad. Despite my efforts, Mary's reflexes were sharp, and she managed to escape. However, Mary should be aware that dwarves do not forget, especially when dealing with those aligned with Khorvad.





In response to this incident, I am placing a bounty of 250 minas for anyone who can bring me the head of Mary of Norland.

She has orange hair, green eyes, pale skin, was seen wearing a blue tunic with a metal gauntlet on her right arm.






A Drawing of Mary of Norland will be attached the bounty





ᚱᚺᛟᚱᚷᚹᚨᚱ ᚨᛉᚹᛃᚱᛏᚱᚢᛗᛗ

Son of  Dwengot, Son of Grungot, Son of Kerwyr, Son of Rhewen, Son of  Karl, Son of Drakk, Son of Ulrah, Son of Urguan









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Io of Norland, beneath their orange hair and through their green eyes observe the bounty. "Who's Mary?" They ask, wearing their blue jakke.

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Sera of Norland reads over the bounty. "...Who is Mary!?"

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Petyr of Norland, beneath his brown hair and green eyes observes the bounty. "Who's Mary?" They ask, wearing their casual attire. 

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Farian of Norland observes the poster through his mechanical eye, offering it a bewildered look and a "...who is Mary?"

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Anthony, who is completely unrelated to Norland fully never having met anyone else in this comment thread, speaks, looking over it. "Who is Mary?"

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Zahir Irongrinder would read the missive and yells in the halls of Urguan :


"Mary of Norland e's ah' who're who' shows' er' elbows an' shoulde'rs"

Edited by Charles The Bald
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Orin stands along the group norlanders and raises a pointed finger. Asking the ever important question. "Yes who, but WHY is Mary."

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Váli Freysson of Norland scans his eyes over the bounty poster with a confused glare "...Who is Mary?" He crumples the paper up into a ball, then tosses it into his wastebasket like a professional Bucketball player. "Must just be another random bandit, not one of ours."

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Blanca of Norland looks at the bounty poster as well. She has green eyes, pale skin, and orange hair, she looks to her spouse who has just echoed the very same sentiment, wearing her green and blue outfit. "Who's Mary?"

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Nyx of Norland heads outside in their blue shirt over their pale skin and orange hair let loose down over their shoulders. They glance over their mother shoulder to read over the bounty with their green eyes before looking up to their parents asking the same question "Who's Mary?"

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Aerrund Silverbraid (of Norland) grunted at the poster hung up by his fellow kin. He grumbled to himself. "Who es Marreh?"

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"Who is Mary?! WE MUST DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!" Yelled a wandering Oyashiman who dwelled in Norland.

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Osbert would read the paper carefully, though the only words he could understand were: bounty, Mary and Norland "hmm" he hummed as he looked at the drawing of the woman.

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Tomrim Frostbeard, The Blind Dwarf, stared at the bounty. And opened his mouth to say something. 

". . . Who. .  tha 'ell gave meh this ah can't bloodeh see.."

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