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3 hours ago, The Blind Dwarf said:

Tomrim Frostbeard, The Blind Dwarf, stared at the bounty. And opened his mouth to say something. 

". . . Who. .  tha 'ell gave meh this ah can't bloodeh see.."

 A second bounty was made, completely in braille.

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Neithri of Norland, sporting neither orange hair nor green eyes (much the opposite, in fact), squints and holds the missive out, tilting it meticulously, turning it upside-down, examining it every which-way, finding herself somewhat dumbfounded. ". . . . . .Who's Mary?" She asks, directed to the square full of equally confused Norlanders.

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Bon'Ox, a blue goblin in Moleton shows the missive to the moles beside him in braille. "Wub iz Mary?" he asks before deciding he should not to dye his hair red - in case he's mistaken for this mystery woman.

Edited by MrMojoMordor
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Finding a missive of the wanted bounty amidst her logging travels, a certain lumberjack woman would raise a brow in confusion. "...Mary? Sounds like a failed investigation on the poster's end.... " Zemzy Oakheart would remark to herself, chuckling a bit at the thought of glancing down at her own, scarred hand. "..No surprise to me from the name though.... I wonder if she's got as bad of luck as I do being over there...."


With the brief break concluded from her work, Zemzy would resume chopping logs to bring back to the market stall back home.

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