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The Amaranth Wellness Center


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[!] A flier is posted around Aevos, wherever fliers may be posted in any given town or settlement.





Solomon Alexander Hart RA, An Early Reading of Shakespeare

A group therapy session.




Just as physical afflictions may cause one to suffer and not perform their best at their duties, whatever they may be, so too can mental anguish detract from the sound mind and abilities of an otherwise healthy individual.


Do you or someone you know struggle with any (or many) of the following?*


  • Stress from carrying the legacy of [Insert your noble house here] on your shoulders?

  • Pressure getting to you from the weight of leading your glorious realm towards a prosperous future, or due to the actions of other nefarious realms that threaten the wellbeing and interest of your own?

  • Disappointment in your heir(s) failing to live up to your expectations of them, for the good of your House / Realm / Etc.?

  • Frustration with your parents trying to force their inheritance on you when you feel the call of other paths in life?

  • Concern that your arranged marriage for political reasons is lacking love, and may result in problems down the line such as spousally-arranged assassinations or bastard children?

  • Paranoia due to the scheming or underhanded actions of others you know, or the very presence of untrustworthy Voidal magic practitioners?

  • Sadness due to the loss of connections and trust of friends due to your perfectly innocent study of your magic(s) of choice?

  • Annoyance at bureaucratic disagreements and gridlock that either threaten or further ingrain the status quo? (choose whichever fits your beliefs)

  • Traumatized by experiences with bandits, spooks, or other bad actors?

  • Plagued with guilt over the wrongs you have committed unto others, like banditry or dark magic(s)?

  • Depressed or angry due to the unnecessary deaths of loved ones?

  • Guilt-stricken because you’ve caused the unnecessary deaths of others in things like duels or such?

*Any resemblance of these scenarios to real-life situations is purely coincidental.


If so, help may be available.


The recently opened Amaranth Wellness Center, located in the city of Kretzen in the realm of Reinmar, can offer counseling and assistance. Our highly qualified worker Jay Amaranth will be happy to help work through your troubles and strive towards bringing you both peace of mind and ideas on solutions to the problems you face.


If you think you would like to receive assistance, please feel free to write to set up a date and time for an appointment (ninjayyz in-game and on Discord). We are located at Nördliches Handelsviertel III, in the aforementioned city of Kretzen in Reinmar - first street on the right upon entering the city.


Couples and group therapy is available.


Payment can be discussed after appointments unless you’d prefer to discuss it beforehand.


Actual physical medical procedures for the treatment of mental afflictions, though not our area of expertise or particularly recommended, are also available.



8 Bizarre Medical Practices of the Middle AgesAD_4nXfap3k2hZxcWtEZgnow-hHuLDyJBwNdbXFrAXKtKcq3taJyXxIIv0l_uaq-bLhf9L4eIPrSG1lrGWvv4wgkFI0gc-WZdmxq2vtFym0R83O3nDTAxF_-lq4XFQ_W5NIvar5M3LRCGPG99fS6MTqAxdcZbgQ?key=U2WoDcfTihcEwThG5ljGKQ



Amaranth Wellness Center and Jay Amaranth are not responsible for any fines, injuries, maiming, insulting, or other poor experiences you may be subject to either on the way to Reinmar or within the realm (quite possibly at the hands or under the jurisdiction of the Reinmaren government). Please ensure you adhere to all local laws, requirements, and customs, or avoid getting caught in violation.

Edited by Ninjay
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Juniper stared at the courier with enough audacity to bring her a flier. No,” She promptly stated.


Esfir, however, considers requesting an appointment…..

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Arthur considers.



The other two in his head disagree.

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Baldric studies the flier, considering for a moment before turning to his brother-in-law, Wernher.

"We need to fetch Griffin immediately."

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