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[Your View] Build Rules


[Your View] Build Rules  

208 members have voted

  1. 1. How many doors is too many doors?

    • 2+
    • 3+
    • 4+
    • 5+
  2. 2. Should redstone doors continue to exist in the same capacity, or should they undergo change?

    • Yes, change.
    • No, keep them the same.
  3. 3. Should there be a difference in difficulty when lockpicking wooden doors vs iron doors?

    • Yes, make them all equal.
    • No, they are fine as is.
    • Other - leave a comment.

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I want pretty doors. I hate iron doors. 


Also Redstone is cool I just think it would be cooler if we had more options in using it.(Give me command blocks)

((Just kidding...))




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4 hours ago, Lomiei said:

Regarding the redstone doors, there is a capacity of creativity and ingenuity that is nothing but impressive, and if a player is able to bring those skills into the tangible world, they should be allowed to gain the benefits from it without being limited, or having its purpose undermined. It would also be less sensible from an rp perspecetive for people who have important valuables (and the technical skills), to only use storages/spaces that have a clear path to any passing bandit who shouldnt have the same knowledge access to certain spaces as a native would.


I don't really think this is true.


Redstone doors don't really display any level of ingenuity other than the fact that the plugin exists. Once the door is installed, the items can be switched around at any time and without any cost. There is no trade-off as you seem to suggest - take a look at my thread below for a better look at the issues, but redstone doors are a cheap and imbalanced way to make a location pretty much impenetrable.


If all efforts to learn what a redstone door's key is by a hypothetical attacker didn't go up in smoke at the smallest indication someone has been snooping around their lair (any time you interact with a locked door, which will almost certainly compound a redstone door, you have to leave an RP sign), I would say your more on the right track.




4 hours ago, Zonty said:


But with redstone doors.......

I don't think that they should be removed or mandated to have an obvious entry. There are plenty of people skulking about the map, city or literally any place, and if someone wanted to make the entrance noticeable so that people could easily interact with whatever is contained within, they could. But it doesn't mean they should have no other option. Even when it comes to storing something like a CA phylactery, why should it be easily accessible and interactable? People could have spent maybe months if not longer, step by step striving to the goal of acquiring that CA in character, and it should be possible to strip what the effort provided with just a flick of fingers? Gah.


I'm not sure where you're getting 'easy' from, that's not really the debate at all. 


You're moreso suggesting that something like a phylactery shouldn't be interactable at all because of the way redstone doors can be (a) spammed, (b) changed at any time, and (c) changed with no cost. Like I said above in my reply to Lom and in my post on the issue, it's virtually impossible to bypass more than two redstone doors and also accompanying iron doors. For some context, the necromancer lair of Murkwater has at least six redstone doors, to give you an indication especially using your example as a phylactery - in circumstances like these, your character might as well have immortality without any cost or consequence because there's no way anyone could ever reach your hypothetical phylactery.  

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As for normal doors, I think that having wooden doors would be interesting. But this also isnt just only for the concept of "Looks". Iron doors and wooden doors (and their trapdoor counterparts) offer a different level of lockpicking, be it with or without a lockpick. An Alternative idea could be to pull a 76 and make locks craftable. a item that is consumed when /locking something that makes it easier or harder to gain. This is of course a thought, but it is a talk of security that comes to mind.

As for redstone, one of the other things that should be noted is a good amount of people will not actively know if a wall or place would relitively own a redstone door behind it. Whilst heisting does sound good to be lockpickable. it begs into question of how they exactly discovered x redstone door. My own thought as well could only see that redstone doors do not follow simple keys. So even if they are lockpickable. they should not be easy.

At the same time, there should not be more then say, 2 redstone doors at most maybe three. Redstone doors should be primarily used as a means of hiding something in plan sight. But not something mass produced to create essentally the lotc version of the great wall. There are other ways to deal with people breaking into your lair/ hidden room/ funny place. One big thing is Traps, set up fake doors to kill off the lockpicks or gods make a maze. If ya trying to hide your stuff at least make some deterrents outside of just. ''door heheheha''. Otherwise, Key and hoopers would be fine if they can be used for heists.

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Seeing a lot of votes going towards keeping iron doors and other doors as they are. There's no reason for one door to be superior to one another, it affects build quality because and certain decisions because now there's an OOC rule that is encouraging players to utilize an iron door over a wooden one, when a spruce door could have meshed far better with the build.


Also why are things set up the way they are at the moment, that we even have to discuss whether or not 2,3,4,5 doors is too many doors. Anything more than 2 doors is too many and is gaming the server, and the only reason it's being done is because of an OOC mechanic. In an ideal world you should only have 1 door for an entrance. Anything more than that and it's obfuscating the rules, because they can be taken advantage of in the first place, and implementing an OOC solution for something their character probably wouldn't do.

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6 hours ago, PrinceJose270 said:

As for redstone, one of the other things that should be noted is a good amount of people will not actively know if a wall or place would relitively own a redstone door behind it. Whilst heisting does sound good to be lockpickable. it begs into question of how they exactly discovered x redstone door. My own thought as well could only see that redstone doors do not follow simple keys. So even if they are lockpickable. they should not be easy.

The idea, if it goes through, is to add in the precedent that players must show IRP screenshots of how they discovered the door in their prep/planning rp. I'm unsure if this is the best way to go about it, but that's what the current solution is

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8 hours ago, teeylin said:

The idea, if it goes through, is to add in the precedent that players must show IRP screenshots of how they discovered the door in their prep/planning rp. I'm unsure if this is the best way to go about it, but that's what the current solution is

so how do ppl even supposed to discover them on 'accident' or by coincidence or even just mistake. At this point its just impossible to know abt them. Its practically impossible at this point UNLESS someone from that group(group who has the redstone door) Comes and snitches and tells you about it. 

Promoting snitches !!!!! 

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9 hours ago, teeylin said:

The idea, if it goes through, is to add in the precedent that players must show IRP screenshots of how they discovered the door in their prep/planning rp. I'm unsure if this is the best way to go about it, but that's what the current solution is


I would advocate for rejecting the notion of hidden redstone doors altogether. It's one thing to have them powered by a button, but if they are powered by a item-key-in-a-block, then it's just an OOC mechanic for hiding behind an impenetrable wall. Anti-RP, isolationist, and altogether doesn't promote the spirit of roleplay advocated for by the Mission Statement. 

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3 hours ago, kindEmperor said:

so how do ppl even supposed to discover them on 'accident' or by coincidence or even just mistake. At this point its just impossible to know abt them. Its practically impossible at this point UNLESS someone from that group(group who has the redstone door) Comes and snitches and tells you about it. 

Promoting snitches !!!!! 

this is exactly what I was thinking. making it so you need an rp "reason" to suspect a place of having a hidden door means the only way you'd be able to know of one is by hoping someone from that place willingly tells you, or tell someone else who would tell you, in RP. your ability to discover is contingent on the people you're trying to pursue. it's why I disagree with people having been given infracs in the past due to correctly suspecting an area had a hidden door by right-clicking until they found one, because that was somehow "metagaming" despite it being possible to discover one by accident or without knowing of it OOCly prior. hidden doors arent secret contraptions in-RP, they aren't knowledge locked, everybody knows they're commonly used, and if people use that common sense factor to discover one despite not being directly told of its existence, what's the issue?

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"there's no reason an iron door is more secure than a wooden one"


have any of these ppl ever interacted with the real world


yes bro go ahead and kick in an iron door n let me know how that goes


as for people demanding RP for /breakdown, typing out shitty repetitive emotes is not RP. And if you weren't close enough to hear the incredibly loud BANG BANG BANG sound, then you weren't close enough to hear the door being hit. life's hard. should people have to emote that they opened an unlocked door too - because you might have your speakers off and it's only RP if you "type things"?


anyway, I don't know how you measure the number of doors objectively. Does 3 doors to a fairly pointless room and then another 3 doors to a more important room count as 3 or 6? What if I only ever have one door between rooms in my palace, but my treasury is deep in the basement? Do you count every door on the way, even if it's y'know totally reasonable to have a door between every room?

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sweet more rules to make roleplay take even longer while people cite the manual and count ur doors


if u have a wood door you should be able to take it down with any axe but it is much louder than picking it (but could be easier) whereas an iron door would be stronger because it’s metal


stop gamifying the server further and if people are spamming doors they’re probably shitty role players to begin with who would be a headache to deal with in conflict because they don’t want to lose 

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5 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

this is exactly what I was thinking. making it so you need an rp "reason" to suspect a place of having a hidden door means the only way you'd be able to know of one is by hoping someone from that place willingly tells you, or tell someone else who would tell you, in RP. your ability to discover is contingent on the people you're trying to pursue. it's why I disagree with people having been given infracs in the past due to correctly suspecting an area had a hidden door by right-clicking until they found one, because that was somehow "metagaming" despite it being possible to discover one by accident or without knowing of it OOCly prior. hidden doors arent secret contraptions in-RP, they aren't knowledge locked, everybody knows they're commonly used, and if people use that common sense factor to discover one despite not being directly told of its existence, what's the issue?

In my opinion, Emoting something akin to searching the walls/floor/etc and then right clicking to find the block should be permissible.

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On 6/29/2024 at 11:33 PM, ibleesian said:

In my opinion, Emoting something akin to searching the walls/floor/etc and then right clicking to find the block should be permissible.


Feels kind of like having to emote if breaking down a door, which I think only works if there's other players there to interact with that emote.


Mandatory emotes when you're on your own isn't roleplay. I'd say something like this should only be required if there's other players nearby/with you.

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