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BRAECORP CALLING: Get a Job at Brae-Tec Today!

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Get a Job at Brae-Tec Today!








“Life is possible, underground...” 



Chief Financial Officer


Are YOU tired of gazing up at the sky in terror as COMETS pummel the WORLD


Is it growing OLD wondering if the sky will be bright enough to grow YOUR CROPS during times of famine? 


Does that STRANGE NEW SUN give YOU and YOUR FAMILY an ominous sense of impending doom?


We are proud to announce that Brae-Tec, a subsidiary of Braecorp, has recently been organized to help provide the tools for survival to all sentient beings. 


Time and time again we have avoided the looming threat of total annihilation, but one of these days we’re gonna stop having that classic ol’ Brae 38 luck. Nobody wants to see the world end, but if it does, then YOU deserve to ride out the apocalypse in style!*


We are currently recruiting automaton engineers, subterranean architects, alchemists, herb gatherers, and salesmen for employment to implement all ongoing initiatives. Contracting opportunities for outsourcing are also available. If interested, please write to Vandira at Braecorp Regional Headquarters in the village of Sakuragakure. Payment for goods and services is negotiable.**




Send a bird to Vandira IG (Dixie_Serenade) or over the forums (@AndrewTech) if your character has an interest in learning more!


*Quality of products may vary. Brae-Tec facilities are not guaranteed to be open to the public for at least a decade or more. Pre-orders for admission will be opened with the completion of the first Ark (TM).

**Prior instances of employment are no guarantee of similar compensation in the future. All forms of payment must be discussed with either Braecorp CEO Quentin Brae or Vandira, CFO and division leader for Brae-Tec. All deals are final.

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Shugo Kato would have a dream that night, a dream of corpo wars. He woke up in a cold sweat, troubled by the future he has fostered.

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Belrose Spire 5, Vortice

Reached by bird or by mailbox


A highly paranoid amateur redstone engineer and archeologist passionate about identifying threats and brainstorming defensive and proactive solutions.  Looking to further develop engineering skills through designing underground bunkers and new redstone technologies.


Education: N/A


Previous Employment: N/A


Personal Projects:

* Created a catalogue of archeological discovers on Aevos

* Member of NGS, leads tours to archeological sites

* Created a blueprint for a secret redstone door for my house (still haven't gathered the materials to build it)



* Contagious paranoia


Recommendations may be provided upon request


Will work for addictive substances

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Lhoris the Elf goes to open the chest at the foot of her bed. Slowly she lifted out a headband with glued cat ears on them. She nodded. It was time. 

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36 minutes ago, High_On_Math said:



[!] A reply would be drafted to the prospective employee: @High_On_Math

"Dear Miss,


You offer up a promising resume. Do travel to Braecorp Regional Headquarters in the near future to be interviewed further!



CFO and Brae-Tec Division Leader"

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Pinion waltzed up to the Brae-corp door, knocking on it several times and asking if anyone was home. After no response he'd glue a note onto their front door.


I- Pinion, Alderman of the Custodum, am most interested in speaking with someone inside of this organization. As the leader of the engineering guild within Celia'nor, I'd find it most pleasant for us to interface SOON. Please send bird to me when it is due time we meet. 


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7 hours ago, Zacho said:



[!] A private letter was returned to Pinion to discuss the matter further... @Zacho

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