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Monkey Business

Alternatively, Silly Times in Celia’nor




Being the hard-working group we are, it is only natural that at times we must take a break from our gallivanting and adventuring to engage in some stress-relieving recreational activities.


First, we stopped by the Academy of Hohkmat. While there, we ended the life of one unlucky Balianite, before a kind mage was willing to provide us with a respectable sum of mina, likely as thanks for ridding their lands of such an individual. We immediately took the money to their casino. Are casinos conducive to a good educational environment? Who knows! Not us, that’s for sure. In any case, we ran in and immediately headed to the roulette table, where we put all of the money on red, as one does. But due to a peculiar malfunctioning of the machine, the ball landed on black. The kind mage was able to correct this mistake and our band of merry men reigned victorious once more.


After doing our gambling, we made our merry way up to Celia’nor, seeking to continue the good times. While there, we happened across a short, furry creature, somehow capable of speech, that resembled a monkey. With it being somewhere between a base animal and a clear abomination before God and man, and us still being in the mood for some fun, we thought it to be a good idea to engage in a bit of hunting.


However! For whatever reason, many onlookers took issue with our perfectly innocent activities. It’s almost as if many have never been on a good hunt! We were engaged by a large multitude of individuals outside of the Celia’nor gates, seeking to stop us. Thankfully, most quickly realized the absurdity of trying to stop a hunt and withdrew, fled in fear, or were swiftly handled. 


The monkey, of course, tried to flee. It tried slipping by us and fleeing through a vineyard, before pivoting back towards the city. In a desperate attempt to dodge the attacks being hurled at it, it dove off the bridge into the city and into the surrounding moat. While troublesome, this proved to be its undoing, as we methodically surrounded the beast and, eventually, put it down. Unfortunately, due to its violent thrashing, its fur and skin were left quite dirty with blood and dirt.


But fret not! After cleaning, drying, cleaning more, etc., we have skinned it and turned it into a very nice onesie for one of our friends.



[!] Our member, decked out in their wonderful new fashion piece


Struck with some creative inspiration, we also used scraps of our quarry, combined with some scraps from our hunts of other animals, to make a lovely pair of slippers for our diving specialist.



[!] An artist's rendition of our diver wearing his new slippers


That is all for now. Until next time, best of luck on your own hunts!



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Malna/Annika looked down to the paper, crying. She had been one of the few people who tried to stop it, nearly dying in the process.


".... I tried."

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