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Issued on this 9th day of Jula and Piov of 536 E.S.






It pleases the Office of the Royal Physician to unveil its newly published curriculum and code of conduct, authored by Viscountess Emma Kortrevich. These foundational documents shall serve as a guide for both current and future medical practitioners within the hospital's esteemed ranks.


Prospective candidates aspiring to join the esteemed ranks of the Hospital of St. Amyas are encouraged to communicate directly with Viscountess Emma Kortrevich, the leading Royal Physician, through correspondence via bird. 


⋅ ═══════════════ ⋅ ❀ AD_4nXfsVHpWwVITrnQTUZfioNRRd1oKmRjxK48hCVz8pU0ojZIGK1Q_YnHOP5s6qh9F4-u0jLvt70mkGW2uX3OUMhNCHQWDNcnhAal4TorBE4CnyGuhaT73Hg2IAJLQu5eqhb4oMkFhoplaUgzf0FG8r0ezAUp1?key=ciDWbcemNQatWiNs6DbxjQ ・│ I │・ ❀ AD_4nXdR5UxbtoXtyoWeZWLnITnTnacOWEXiZpikMVc-ikW7HA__wSOn0h5AYJkg7UuzbY79y5kJgb4MsmerohSS_IQsCnpLLiEHg0A-GiUzIlKxWk_VZkD5YAL9H-pU-J19GO_sjSCnZHBVC8Q43TuLhM_Nn_E1?key=ciDWbcemNQatWiNs6DbxjQ ⋅ ═══════════════ ⋅





The curriculum for the Hospital of St. Amyas begins with foundational basics, emphasizing the importance of cleanliness in preventing infections. Techniques for sterilizing tools using boiling water, alcohol, and fire are taught, along with proper storage methods for sterile equipment. Patient care covers basic hygiene practices, hydration and nutrition, as well as bedrest. Good bedside manner is essential, with a focus on compassion, empathy, effective communication, and maintaining patient dignity and comfort.



In the treatment of wounds, students learn various suturing techniques, including simple interrupted, continuous, and mattress sutures, and the appropriate materials to use. Hands-on practice with suturing on practice skins is included. Wound care also involves initial assessment and triage, cleaning and disinfecting techniques, and the use of antiseptics and dressings.



The hospital’s curriculum additionally covers the treatment of various fractures and broken bones. Treatment includes proper techniques for setting bones, splinting and immobilization methods, and monitoring and follow-up care.



Alchemical medicine focuses on the basic principles of alchemy and its application in medicine, preparation of common alchemical remedies by residing alchemists in the clinic, and the dosage and administration of potions for various ailments.



Herbology covers the identification and collection of medicinal herbs, preparation of herbal teas, salves, and tinctures, and the uses of specific herbs for different conditions commonly seen within the clinic. 



In emergencies, students will receive training on handling stab and arrow wounds, including immediate response and triage, techniques for stopping bleeding and preventing infection, removal of foreign objects, and wound closure. Also covered are  amputations, discussing indications for amputation, preparation and pain management, surgical techniques, and post-operative care.



Humoral theory is thoroughly examined in the curriculum. Students learn about the four humors - blood, phlegm, yellow bile, and black bile - and their association with the elements of air, water, fire, and earth. The balance of these humors is considered essential for health, and imbalances are believed to cause illness. Instruction covers diagnosing humoral imbalances through patient symptoms, appearance, and behavior. 


Treatments to restore balance include dietary changes, phlebotomy (bloodletting), and the use of specific herbs, stones, and alchemical remedies tailored to each humor. The curriculum also addresses the influence of the stars, the seasons, stones, temperament, and other such factors affecting humoral balance.


⋅ ═══════════════ ⋅ ❀ AD_4nXfsVHpWwVITrnQTUZfioNRRd1oKmRjxK48hCVz8pU0ojZIGK1Q_YnHOP5s6qh9F4-u0jLvt70mkGW2uX3OUMhNCHQWDNcnhAal4TorBE4CnyGuhaT73Hg2IAJLQu5eqhb4oMkFhoplaUgzf0FG8r0ezAUp1?key=ciDWbcemNQatWiNs6DbxjQ ・│ II │・ ❀ AD_4nXdR5UxbtoXtyoWeZWLnITnTnacOWEXiZpikMVc-ikW7HA__wSOn0h5AYJkg7UuzbY79y5kJgb4MsmerohSS_IQsCnpLLiEHg0A-GiUzIlKxWk_VZkD5YAL9H-pU-J19GO_sjSCnZHBVC8Q43TuLhM_Nn_E1?key=ciDWbcemNQatWiNs6DbxjQ ⋅ ═══════════════ ⋅



To ensure the highest standard of medical care, the Hospital of St. Amyas requires apprentices and aspiring physicians to undergo a licensure process. All trainees must take a comprehensive exam covering the content they have learned during their training. This exam assesses their knowledge and practical skills, ensuring they are well-prepared to provide quality care.


In addition to passing the exam, apprentices must attend at least five lessons to be officially licensed as medics within the hospital. This mandatory training ensures that all practitioners have a solid foundation in key medical areas. The required lessons therein include foundational basics, wound care, and emergency medicine, which are essential for competent and effective practice.



All newly licensed physicians must take the Physician’s Oath, which reads as follows:


In the presence of Godani and the saints above, before the venerable assembly of this sacred house, I, [Physician's Name], do solemnly vow to uphold the honor and duties bestowed upon me as a healer in the service of the Hospital of St. Amyas.


I swear to minister to the sick and the suffering with compassion and humility, to offer solace and care to all who seek aid within these hallowed walls, regardless of their station or creed. I shall endeavor to ease their pain, to cure their ailments, and to provide comfort in their final hours, as the Lord sees fit.


I pledge to uphold the ancient knowledge and wisdom of my craft, to study diligently the arts of healing, and to teach and share this knowledge with my fellow healers, that we may together advance in our sacred duty. I shall use my skills for the benefit of the ill and the injured, and never for personal gain or malevolence.


I vow to keep sacred the confidences of my patients, never to reveal their ailments or sufferings save to those who are entrusted with their care, and always to respect their dignity and privacy.


May the blessings of St. Amyas guide my hand, and may I ever seek to embody the virtues of charity, patience, and mercy in all my endeavors. Should I stray from this path, may I face the judgment of the Skies and the censure of this institution.


This I swear, by my faith and by the sacred name of St. Amyas. Amin.


⋅ ═══════════════ ⋅ ❀ AD_4nXfsVHpWwVITrnQTUZfioNRRd1oKmRjxK48hCVz8pU0ojZIGK1Q_YnHOP5s6qh9F4-u0jLvt70mkGW2uX3OUMhNCHQWDNcnhAal4TorBE4CnyGuhaT73Hg2IAJLQu5eqhb4oMkFhoplaUgzf0FG8r0ezAUp1?key=ciDWbcemNQatWiNs6DbxjQ ・│ III │・ ❀ AD_4nXdR5UxbtoXtyoWeZWLnITnTnacOWEXiZpikMVc-ikW7HA__wSOn0h5AYJkg7UuzbY79y5kJgb4MsmerohSS_IQsCnpLLiEHg0A-GiUzIlKxWk_VZkD5YAL9H-pU-J19GO_sjSCnZHBVC8Q43TuLhM_Nn_E1?key=ciDWbcemNQatWiNs6DbxjQ ⋅ ═══════════════ ⋅



The Hospital of St. Amyas prides itself on its three main specializations: combat medics, alchemists, and herbalists. Physicians, once licensed, are free to choose a specialization of their liking.



Combat medics are physicians who hold a unique dual role within the Hospital of St. Amyas. Licensed to practice medicine at the hospital, they are also enlisted members of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. This dual affiliation requires them to possess not only medical expertise but also the ability to operate in challenging and often dangerous environments. To become a combat medic, candidates must complete a rigorous training program that includes five intensive lessons covering both medical and tactical skills. Following this, they must pass a comprehensive exam that tests their knowledge and readiness for fieldwork.



Herbalists play a vital role in the healthcare system at the Hospital of St. Amyas by sourcing and preparing the natural ingredients needed for various treatments. They are experts in herbal remedies, possessing extensive knowledge about the medicinal properties of a wide range of plants. Herbalists not only gather herbs but also process them into usable forms for usage. Their deep understanding of botany and traditional healing methods allows them to treat various illnesses effectively and support the overall health of patients through natural means.



Alchemists at the Hospital of St. Amyas are the masters of potion-making, entrusted with the critical task of brewing potions for the sick and injured. Their expertise in alchemical remedies is unparalleled, enabling them to create powerful concoctions that can alleviate pain, cure ailments, and accelerate healing. Alchemists spend years studying the properties of various substances and perfecting their techniques to ensure that each potion is effective and safe. Their work is crucial in situations where conventional medicine might not suffice, providing an additional layer of treatment that can make a significant difference in patient outcomes.







Viscountess of Krusev, Baroness of Koravia, and Royal Physician of Hanseti-Ruska



Please join the Haense Government discord and request the clinic role if you’d like to be involved! Also feel free to PM me on discord at sarahbarah or in-game (same user).




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*Haense's local hypewoman runs around, advertising and showing off the document that Emma made.*

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