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SILASIA | The Birch Forest

The Duchy of Brabant

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Forests of birch hold up the sky,

Like marble pillars carved by God


The soil is strong and nectar sweet,

How can the yeoman not be awed.



No longer,

Shall I roam.



For you are

My true home.





The Silasian forest, the great sea of birch in the east of Aevos. Serene wind blows through the canopy, the rustling leaves let the sunlight reach the forest floor below in a shimmer.


The forest had been untouched for eons, remnained still and quiet within the centre of the Silent Valley, between the jungle plateau’s of the south, and the Karunele mountains. The land is fertile and plentiful, a cradle of civilization, and it held such one, with only stranded pillars of marble hidden in the fields and underbrush to mark its existence.



The forest, untouched for unknown eons, is now home to people from all corners of the realm who have come in search of peace and serenity, and have now united together under one banner.


The houses and walls of man are as much integrated into the Silasia forest as the burrows and nests. Not to bend the forest, nor conquer, nor exploit it, but to live in it.









OOC: Thank you to @Smolfor the screenshots.






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The heiress of Silasia made her regular walk through the forest enjoying the shade of the large trees.


Edited by Frank_Dog
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William would look at all the scars on his legs made by the berry bushes in the Silasian forest, forever leaving a mark. Suddenly, he remembered his deceased horse companion, who had fell victim to those same bushes. Nonetheless the serene and private atmosphere the forest offered compensated those.

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Lothair Falkner of Silasia stares from the balcony of his new abode out to the shore, letting the majesty of his ship's outline sink in... "Such beautiful architecture, what potential of virtuous affairs to be completed." -+- "...and 2nd in beauty, only to you" he said, squeezing the hand he held in his right. @ImpracticalMagic

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