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   Union of The Owl and The Fox


»»——  ⍟  ——««

A new dawn breaks. The smell of morning dew heavy in the air and the wind containing a chill. On this morning, several missives, invitations if you will, are sent out across the realm to their respective recipients. 




Marriage is a celebration of two individuals uniting as one under the grace of the maker. A celebration that these individuals like to spend with their friends and families. On this day, all would feast and be merry, for it is a day of love and happiness. 


It is us, Florian and Vanya, who write these invitations to you, our friends and family to have you join us on this special day. We sincerely hope that you will accept these invitations and come along for the celebration in Caledonia’s Wedding hall, one Elven week from now.


We wish you all to travel safely and we wish you all the best.


The Following guests are especially invited:


Karuna Amal, and her family ( @ValleyOfLavender )

SIlver Lubba, Gundanat'Vukh, and his clan ( @AlternisJ )

Edvard Kervallen, and his family ( @ECS1999 )

Tiwari, and her Family ( @TheGekko )

Auro'ra, and her family ( @Donutella )

Moss, and their family ( @Sparkpowder )

Yera, and the denizens of Mount Kaelin ( @Ewdrawings )

Alejandro Hernandez ( @Zakajaervi )

Anthony ( @xo31 )

The Citizens of Lurin

The Citizens of Dunwen


[OOC: The wedding will take place on Thursday 4th of July at 4:30 pm EST]

Edited by Otakuu
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Isana smiles faintly as he examines the invitation. "Gud ta see t'at ye foind lov, laddie. Mae ye'ave many weefolk." 

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Moss skims over the letter, tapping his fingers on his mask before gasping! "I'm invited! WOOOWWiiee!" He folds the wedding invitation and sticks it into bag of trinkets for later.

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