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Narvak oz da Khazadmar!

Papa Rock

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Khazadmar of Urguan,

Today marks a momentous day in our history. I stand before you, not just as Ulfar of the Elder family Starbreaker, but as your newly elected King. This is a responsibility I do not take lightly, and I am deeply honored by the trust and faith you have placed in me.

Our kingdom is built on the bedrock of loyalty, kinship, and faith. These bonds are the lifeblood of our people, and they will guide us as we forge ahead. I vow to lead with the straightforwardness and stern resolve that you have come to expect from me, tempered by the occasional joy that our kinship brings.

We face many challenges ahead, but together, we are stronger than any obstruction placed before us. Let us remember the strength of our forefathers, the wisdom of our ancestors, and the courage that flows through our veins.

As your King, I will work tirelessly to uphold the honor and glory of Urguan. Together, we will carve out a future that echoes the greatness of our past. With loyalty as our guide and kinship as our shield, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

Narvak oz Urguan - Narvak oz da Khazadmar





Following his landslide victory in the election of 187 S.A., Ulfar Starbreaker has been elected Grand King of Urguan. In his campaign pledge, the new Grand King has sworn to restore the unity of the Dwarves behind the common purpose of achieving reform to restore the ancient might of his people, to serve as a King who is solely dedicated towards his people and to let his actions dictate his legacy, not his words. These pledges shall be renewed at his coronation, to which all the Khazadmar are invited to witness the splendorous occasion and preparations underway in coordination with the Iron Barons to feed and entertain the gathering of Urguan’s Folk.


Invitations are also extended to Urguan’s various allies and friends to renew old bonds amongst the descendants of Aevos. The Coronation will be held in a month’s time, with the crowning of the new Grand King followed by a public feast. 


Narvak oz Urguan





OOC: Saturday the 29th at 3:00 PM EST


Edited by Papa Rock
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"Now the work begins." Narvi nodded, proud that his old boss Ulfar Starbreaker had been elected as King of the Dwarves. 

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"A grand day for the Grand Kingdom."
the former Grand King, Agnar Grandaxe, would state.

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A long-ago disappeared Dwarf would nod from his tombe in the northern ashlands, a smile on his lips as his old friend got the Crown "Toime 'nd toime 'gain, meh uncle trois, 'nd toime 'nd toime 'gain, 'e loses" Was the only thing he chuckled before packing some things together, and making his way to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan once more.

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A forest dwarf exchanged glances with her husband.

"Well- le's 'ope he keeps th' crazy locked away. Bett'r option than th' rest though."


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A Gristled, old Dwarf reads the declaration of a new Grand King on the wall of a quiet tavern, he wraps a dusty red golem hand around a tankard of ale. As his emerald green eyes read the linesAnotheh Stahbreaka? Maybeh it’s time ah r’turned ‘ome to see mah kindred”. The Ireheart pays for his beer, and leaves the tavern, wiping the breadcrumbs and dust off of his old worn badger pelt.

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Isana au Isard smiles, slowly clapping his hands. "Ah new lead fer ta Dwed be gud. Ah look forwarda seein' wot ye do, Starbreaker lad."

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1 hour ago, Lirinya said:

A forest dwarf exchanged glances with her husband.

"Well- le's 'ope he keeps th' crazy locked away. Bett'r option than th' rest though."


"Hmph... t'at es exactly what o'I'm afraid ov. o'I've known t'is lad since 'e started growin' his beard. o'I've seen him young, seen him matured, and now t'is. Teh say o'I'm concerned... well, fer now it's balanced wit' moi anticipation teh see how 'e does. Per'aps o'I'll see him at 'is coronation... Get mah bearings ov teh lad there. Too earleh teh judge now."


The old dwarf would then smile to his wife, as he went to retrieve their gear for traveling.

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Sat beside a public campfire in Hefrumm, a younger half-Dwed reads the missives bringing news of their new Grand King. Folkvar would lie down their flute for a moment to read over the Grand King's first words as monarch, and then fold the parchment in half. With no great emotions of any kind, they'd simply add the missive to the fire to help its dancing flames carry on. Alone, the young half-blood would simply pray to the Brathmordakin for the Grand King's success, for a peaceful rule, and for wise council. Finally, the flute would be picked up to resume a joyful melody in honor of the peaceful transition of power.

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